Chapter 11 Two Sources of Origin

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  Chapter 11 Two Sefirot
  watched the two guards leave from the chapel door.

  Lindsay was a little confused about the situation for a while.

  When he arrived in the town and was bedridden for two days, the only person he came into contact with was the nun in front of him.

  The two guards can clearly find him.

  Apparently it was the nun who informed the lord here of his message.

  So why did the nun go against her previous choice and stop Lindsay after the guards came to the door?

  The elderly nun understood Lindsay's confusion at a glance.

  She walked to the main altar, put away the documents she had used for her previous prayers, and then explained in a slow and slow tone:

  "An Rui is the manager of this town. No matter what, your existence needs to be known to him. But A young awakened person should have the right to choose his own path, instead of being ignorantly led to the path of war. "

  The path of war!
  Lindsay thought thoughtfully, and then asked cautiously:
  "Is this Mr. Lord an awakened person who is keen on war?"

  The nun shook her head:

  "He is a proud and good man."

  "But with all wars Like the people of the school, he is more accustomed to using his own force to solve problems. "

  War School...

  Just hearing this name, Lindsay can guess what the other party is good at.

  The Law Knights he had seen were undoubtedly the most representative examples.

  Awakened people start from the art of war and develop extraordinary abilities through training and sublimation. I am afraid it is easy to become what the nun said.

  While Lindsay was thinking, the nun suddenly introduced herself to Lindsay:

  "Child, my name is Hongyue."

  Then, the elderly nun rarely hesitated for a few seconds.

  Her eyes still did not waver, but she waited for a while before asking Lindsay:
  "Are you willing to be my godson?"

  The next second after hearing this question, Lindsay answered without thinking. Said:

  "My name is Lindsay, and I am willing to be your godson!"

  "Okay, you will still call me Mammy from now on."

  Lindsay's godmother smiled and nodded, with a look of relief in her cloudy eyes.

  But her ability to control her emotions is very good.

  The scene quickly disappeared, and the nun got up and took Lindsay to the backyard of the church.

  "Lindsay, come with me."

  Lindsay followed the nun to the backyard.

  They opened a locked door, which led to the church's basement.

  The nun didn't take Lindsay in right away.

  She got a candlestick from next door, lit it, and waited for a while before walking down to the basement with Lindsay.

  After walking through a not-so-long earthen staircase, you will find two rooms hidden under the church.

  A solid iron door on the left was locked with an iron chain;
  on the right, it was directly open, and you could see that like all cellars, supplies and food for the winter were stored inside.

  Lindsay asked curiously:
  "Mommy, what are we doing here? Do you need me to carry anything up?"

  Lindsay's godmother remained silent.

  She walked to the right, took out a golden key, and opened a wooden box placed in the corner of the cellar.

  Lindsay looked over and saw that the box was not full, or rather empty.

  There were only three pitted blood-colored stones inside. Without explanation, he might have thought they were grinding stones for operational errors.

  "Bloodstone." The godmother took out the lighter-colored one and placed it on Lindsay's hand. "Close your eyes and feel it carefully."

  Lindsay followed the instruction.

  Then he noticed that a special source of essence flowed into his body from the blood stone.

  Lindsay didn't feel any changes at first.

  Wait for the godmother to take away the blood stone.

  He checked his status bar and was shocked to find that the red word [Disease - Cold] had disappeared!
  Looking at the blood stone on the godmother's hand, the red color is also a bit darker than before.

  "Cough, cough."

  Lindsay coughed twice out of habit, her throat neither hurt nor itchy.

  He is really well!
  "People revere death and believe that death has the ability to cure diseases. The blood stone is the embodiment of this healing ability."

  The nun explained promptly.

  She took the blood stone she had just taken out, locked the box again, then took Lindsay's hand and returned to the ground.

  "But the power from death cannot be abused."

  "Except for special occasions and when it is absolutely necessary, the bloodstone should be sealed." Lindsay was sure that his cold was definitely not a necessary moment.

  Then the only answer can only be the former.

  "Was it a special occasion just now?"

  Lindsay's godmother answered in a gentle tone:

  "You became my godson and joined my school. This is a special occasion."

  This incident seemed to make Ms. Hongyue very happy. , she continued to explain their teachings to Lindsay:

  "We revere death and take this as the name of the school."

  "You need to remember this in the future and not ignore or desecrate life."

  Lindsay nodded seriously, and then She also raised her own doubts:
  "Don't I need to do any rituals to join a school? And why is it a school and not a sect?"

  Her godmother replied:
  "Awe lies in the heart, not in rituals. Death is even more so." "

  Because we We do not believe in it, but revere it, feel it, and understand it, so it is a school, not a sect. Ordinary people have religious paranoia about death, and when facing the public, the school adopts the church system for inheritance." A brief exchange

  . Afterwards, the two returned to the room where Lindsay was resting.

  The godmother once again asked Lindsay to sit on the bed, and held Lindsay's young and energetic right hand with her two old and dry palms.

  The next second, the godmother's essence began to flow within Lindsay's body.

  She is also an awakener.

  Lindsay was not very surprised by this. The attitude of the villagers, the attitude of the guards, and the knowledge of the godmother were not what ordinary people could have.


  But his godmother was silent.

  Ms. Hongyue will never explore other people's bodies without their permission.

  So when she checked Lindsay's essence for the first time, she realized how special the child in front of her was.

  There are actually two sources of essence in Lindsay's body!

  "Life and will..."

  Godmother recalled Lindsay's self-reported experience, and quickly judged the truth:

  "On the eve of Harvest Day, you independently awakened the source of life; on Harvest Day, the righteous person came to your rescue and touched you. By following the rules of external force awakening, you have the characteristics of the will essence."

  Are the two essences a unique advantage?

  Lindsay knew that this was the foundation and top priority of being an awakened person, so she quickly asked:
  "Mommy, is there anything special about the two sources?"

  The godmother's answer was as plain as before:
  "It's normal. Under such circumstances, the awakened person will only choose one type of sefirot to exercise. Being distracted by other sources will slow down the progress, or even cause the two sefirot to interfere with each other. I will tell you their training methods, but which one you choose needs to be chosen by yourself."

  Mentioning this matter, the godmother suddenly asked a question:
  "Lindsay, are you literate?"

  This kind of question is asked to ordinary people in this world.

  The other party would just shake their head as a matter of course.

  But Lindsay had received an education from another world, and she blushed in embarrassment:
  "I, I am a child from the countryside and have no education."

  The godmother didn't say much.

  She stood up and took Lindsay to her room.

  It's the same size as Lindsay's house, but has a more lively feel.

  There are pens and paper next to the candlestick on the table, and a wet towel hangs on the shelf next to the basin. The cabinets on the wall are also filled with books and files. There is no dust on them, and they have been taken care of with great care.

  The godmother took out a bundle of files from the cabinet, untied the rope, and opened it in front of Lindsay:

  "From now on, every morning, study writing."

  Lindsay leaned over and took a look.

  Sure enough, it was full of words from another world that he couldn't understand.

  The godmother pointed to the first character and said:
  "This is 'I'. You have to remember how to write it. You can practice it on the ground in the yard. Your name is 'Lindsay' and it should be written like this..."

  Chapter One session of teaching is not onerous.

  After teaching a few words in this way, I made sure that Lindsay remembered it and could practice and consolidate it by herself.

  The godmother left temporarily, saying she had to go to the cemetery to do some errands.

  Lindsay picked up a branch and used it on the ground to practice calligraphy.

  He took it for granted that learning a strange alien language would trouble him for a long time.

  But when Lindsay saw her own properties panel.

  Behind the [Universal Text] that just appeared, there is a yellow experience bar that increases the progress.

  He knew that his cheat was coming!

   【Please collect it! Please vote!

  (End of this chapter)

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