Chapter 115 Investigation Mission

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  Chapter 115 Investigation Mission
  If the craftsman's cabin is a bustling and busy scene.

  Then, the Lord's Manor, which was on the last day before the operation, revealed a sense of order that was running stably in its calmness.

  The awakened ones communicate and prepare supplies, investigate everyone's current situation and whether they can fight, and at the same time summarize all kinds of information to make judgments corresponding to the current situation at any time.

  This is the present function of the seigneurial estate.

  Lindsay walked among them, without even entering the main building of the manor. She only looked at the guards and awakened people walking back and forth in the yard, and immediately felt a sense of urgency in being in a strategic location.

  Even the manor servants who won't take part in the battle.

  The look on his face at this moment was a bit more serious than what he had seen before.

  Lindsay walked into the main building of the manor. An Rui was not in the study on the second floor today, but in the lobby on the first floor.

  At this moment, there was a table in the hall with a large map on it. Lindsay took a glance at it and knew that it was the topography of the border town. It even marked the distribution of hunter cabins. .

  Although the overall exploration of the Hidden Frontier is not meticulous.

  But within the scope of people's daily activities, detailed maps still exist.

  At this moment, An Rui was standing in front of the table with the map, carefully discussing the plan for this counterattack with Alan beside him.

  "Uncle Anrui, can I take up a little of your time?"

  Lindsay went over to say hello, and Anrui naturally did not refuse.

  "What's the matter?"

  An Rui took Lindsay to the small room on the side of the hall.

  After the two were alone, Lindsay immediately stated the purpose of his trip:

  "I want to ask you if you know about stacked crystal stone and moon demon scale powder?"

  An Rui's expression changed when he heard the names of the two materials. :
  "This is the material used by the space warlock to create a teleportation array!"

  "Lindsay, can your skills be as good as the space warlock's to create a teleportation array for the town?" At

  this moment, An Rui's body was tense and his expression was solemn.

  Lindsay didn't want to exaggerate her abilities, so she naturally answered honestly:
  "It's impossible to build it, but it's possible to just repair it."

  An Rui's tense body immediately relaxed.

  Space Warlock is a profession that is extremely difficult to get started with, so there are very few in number. Among them, the high-stage awakeners usually only sit in famous big cities, and the technology of building teleportation arrays can be said to be one of their most important abilities.

  And no one has ever been able to replace them in this kind of monopoly job!

  If Lindsay was just doing repairs, that would be fine.

  But if it is really like the teleportation magician, it can be constructed directly...

  I thought of this.

  An Rui inevitably warned Lindsay again, telling him to hide his abilities.

  After Lindsay nodded in assurance, he gave the same answer as Yirel:

  "Unfortunately, Hidden Frontier does not have the conditions to provide these two materials." "

  And as far as I know, no one in the town holds them. ."

  broke Lindsay's idea of ​​repairing the teleportation array.

  The two returned to the hall.

  However, he did not see off Lindsay like Yrel did. Instead, he waved and the two of them came to the dining table in the hall and pointed to the map in front of them.

  "But Lindsay, you came just in time. I have a task to give to you."

  Lindsay looked serious:
  "Is it related to the counterattack against World of Warcraft tomorrow?"

  "That's right." An Rui nodded to confirm, then pointed to the map. To the south of the town, "Before starting the war, you must do reconnaissance first. The people in the town who are suitable for this job entered the forest yesterday." "

  The news they have sent is enough for now." "But to be on the safe side, I hope you will also Can you go and confirm the situation."

  After hearing this, Lindsay understood what kind of commission he was about to take, so he continued to confirm:

  "What information do you have now?"

  An Rui introduced:
  "It is mainly divided into east and west. , south, and north."

  "The south is the first, where there are both violent monsters and corrupt poisonous spiders, and the priority of investigation is the highest; the second is the north, where the mine has been attacked, as you know, this Naturally, we cannot let go of this counterattack; as for the last east side, the terrain there is vast and the possibility of Warcraft rushing all the way to the town is the lowest, so we put it last."

  Lindsay nodded to express understanding.

  He is actually a participant in everything. Of course, he knows that An Rui has no problem with dividing the focus of the investigation:

  "Where do I need to go?"

  "There is less than a day left, and I can only go in one direction."

  An Rui Rui replied without hesitation:
  "The south is the most dangerous side, so the best people are needed to conduct reconnaissance."

  "No problem!"

  Lindsay was not afraid, and could even be said to be willing to accept such a challenge.

  But before setting off, he wanted to confirm some more details about the counterattack, so he asked one more question:
  "Uncle Anrui, the specific plan for the counterattack against the monsters has been made, right?"

  Anrui didn't say anything to Lin. What Sai concealed:
  "The investigation in the past two days has preliminarily determined the status of these monsters." "

  The group of monsters in the south is a day's journey from the town, but it only takes half a day to the north, and there are only scattered small groups of monsters in the east. It is the least difficult to deal with."

  "I plan to advance the entire plan in five days." "

  First of all, on the first day, we will clear out the monsters in the east, and at the same time ensure that the connection between the north and south of the forest is interrupted to prevent the monsters from continuing to gather; The second day will focus on cleaning up the magical beasts in the north; as for the last three days, everyone will concentrate their strength to annihilate the corrupted poisonous spiders and large beasts in one fell swoop!"

  An Rui smiled when he introduced his plan, and he had the confidence to do so. Strong confidence that everything is under control.

  Lindsay was also happy to see her teacher in such high spirits.

  He immediately confirmed the details of the upcoming mission:

  "The location where the monsters live, their corresponding numbers and types, and their signs of activity...Uncle Anrui, apart from these, is there any other information that I need to pay attention to?" Lindsay asked

  . There is basically no problem with the investigation content mentioned.

  However, after thinking about the fighting ability of his students, An Rui still gave one more instruction:
  "Try to be as stealthy as possible and don't alert these monsters." "

  Before launching an attack, I hope they will remain in a state of ignorance."

  Lindsay nodded vigorously . , make a guarantee:
  "No problem, I will be careful!"

  Accept the task and leave the lord's manor.

  Lindsay headed straight to the south side of town.

  Due to An Rui's publicity in the past two days, the residents of the town also knew that the Awakened were about to launch an attack to eliminate the monsters that threatened the town.

  So while walking on the road, people frequently greeted Lindsay and asked for news about this plan.

  through these conversations.

  Lindsay discovered that people's emotions were not fear or nervousness, but enthusiasm!
  After encountering the incident of monsters invading farmland.

  A counterattack born of hatred is definitely the best medicine to boost morale!
  After walking out of the town, Lindsay immediately focused her attention on her own panel.

  Sure enough, the corresponding task has also appeared in the task bar:

  [Pre-emptive strike]

  [The mutated Warcraft is waiting for you! Be the first to eliminate this crisis before they attack! ]

  [Task reward: Silent Edge, attribute/skill experience points. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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