116. Chapter 116 The Calm Forest

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  Chapter 116 The Calm Forest

  In order to ensure that no mistakes are made during the investigation.

  Lindsay locked game modules on RPGs and hunting simulations.

  The former provides excellent basic attributes, and the latter provides insight into Warcraft.

  It was almost night, and there was even a dusk in the sky in the west.

  Lindsay found some bright green footprints in the woods to the south.

  Lindsay had seen this kind of mark once in the Black Mountain World. This was undoubtedly the trace left by the activities of the corrupted poisonous spider, and it was gradually increasing towards the south.

  Lindsay followed the trail a little further.

  When the corrupted poisonous spider's web appeared in front of him, he immediately stopped.

  No need to doubt.

  These monsters with certain intelligence must have set up an ambush for their prey ahead.

  "I can't be discovered by you..."

  Lindsay stared at the peaceful-looking woods ahead, decisively turned around and started to take a detour.

  He looked through the [Hunting Notes], which also explained the Corrupted Poison Spider's keen sense of touch.

  Taking into account the opponent's status as a monster, I'm afraid it won't help if Lindsay lowers his footsteps once the distance is close.

  But that doesn't mean there's nothing he can do.

  Lindsay walked around the forest, opening the map from time to time to confirm the safety of the surrounding area.

  When half an hour passed and the sky turned completely dark, he spotted a target in the surrounding area.

  "It's you!"

  It was a tall silver spruce. It was tall and strong, probably more than fifty meters tall by visual inspection, showing the majestic momentum of a tree.

  Even in the forest, there is a feeling of standing out from the crowd.

  Lindsay stepped forward.


  White spider silk shot out from behind him, then immediately shrank, pulling Lindsay up.

  In this way, it is eight meters back and forth.

  Eliminate the time spent searching for where the spider silk hooks stick.

  In just a few breaths, Lindsay climbed to the top of the silver spruce tree.

  He didn't even have to look for a place to stay.

  Just let the eight-clawed spider silk hook hang you on the tree, and then look at the distant woods.

  "I can't see clearly..."

  The forest was dark at night.

  Even with Lindsay's excellent perception ability after the enhancement of Will Essence, she was unable to see the details of the opposite side clearly. Not to mention that there were trees in the forest blocking him, so he could hardly observe anything except the white color that symbolized the spider's nest.

  However, Lindsay was not discouraged. Instead, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth:
  "I didn't expect it."

  "This thing was made not long ago, and it will come in handy immediately!"

  The next second, Lindsay took out the front bag from his backpack. A telescope made in a few days.

  He held this delicate little tool in front of his eyes.

  The dark forest scene that was not clearly visible at first was immediately brought closer by optical instruments.

  Lindsay takes it all in.

  Corruption poisonous spiders do live here, but they do not show too much aggression towards others.

  These dangerous species come from the world of Montenegro.

  Although their strength is extraordinary, the last time they attacked the farmland, they were repulsed by the awakened ones in the town, which greatly weakened their numbers.

  Even though they have no natural enemies in the forest, they can thrive and reproduce as best they can. But based on the spider's reproduction process, it will still take some time to expand the population.

  Now under Lindsay's observation.

  They are basically guarding their own territory, constantly hunting and devouring prey that passes by in or nearby, with an honest appearance of not wanting to expand externally.

  "It's still in the early stabilizing stage."

  "It's a pity that you don't have much time anymore..."

  Lindsay shook his head slightly. He felt a little strange that he had been hanging on the tree, so he changed his position and found a fir branch. Sit down and continue to observe the activities of the Corrupted Poisonous Spider.

  In the first half of the night, Lindsay prepared to stay where the spiders were, carefully observing their actions and summarizing the patterns.

  When the latter half of the night comes, he will go to the ordinary Warcraft area further away to conduct corresponding observations.

  The night's investigation is over, and Lindsay will bring the information back tomorrow morning.

  It also happened to be the time for An Rui to launch his plan. ...

  The night rises, and the bright moon rises high.

  Lindsay stayed on the tree and indeed saw scenes of ferocious scenes of spiders preying on them, but they also stuck to their territory and made no move to spread outward.

  After three hours passed, it was confirmed that there was nothing strange about these corrupted poisonous spiders.

  Lindsay hugged the tree trunk and slid all the way from the top of the tree to the ground.

  Turns out he got lucky.

  While descending, Lindsay saw a noise coming from the bushes nearby and a rabbit running through it.

  Lindsay caught up without saying a word.

  He grabbed the rabbit and held it in front of him by its ears.

  This little guy kept kicking his legs.

  It even tried to struggle and kick the human in front of it, and its body occasionally touched Lindsay's forearm, showing an attitude of refusing to cooperate.

  Lindsay only had a smile on her face.

  You must know that in all his [Hunting Notes] achievements.

  Only Rabbit and Grouse received the title of nemesis, allowing him to understand and imitate each other's language.

  At this time, he started:

  "How are you?"


  The rabbit was stunned. It couldn't understand the current situation.

  It doesn't even come with the emotion of panic.

  Because in the narrow mind of a rabbit, it is impossible to understand such a reality.

  ——This dangerous hunter in front of me, who is obviously not a rabbit, is actually talking to me?

  Lindsay continued to speak:
  "Spider, information?"

  "Tell me and let you go."

  This poor rabbit, with its brain processing capabilities, is actually unable to understand what is happening now.

  Almost passively, it shouted out along with Lindsay's question:

  "Spiders, dangerous, poisonous, eat rabbits!"

  Lindsay continued:
  "Did you move outside?"

  The rabbit also continued to answer:
  "No, here, it's safe. .”

  With the evidence of this rabbit, Lindsay was even more convinced of her judgment.

  So he kept his promise, put the confused rabbit on the ground and let it go:

  "Okay, you can go."


  After landing, the rabbit turned to look at Lindsay again.

  It hesitated for a while, and finally ran away hesitantly.

  Lindsay watched the other party disappear into the night, shook his head and smiled, and continued his work.

  The investigation at the Corrupted Poison Spider ended in the first half of the night.

  Next, of course, we have to head south to see what the large group of monsters An Rui said is going on.

  Nothing happened all the way.

  But just halfway through the journey, the number of footprints symbolizing the activities of wild beasts began to increase in the nearby forest.

  Lindsay hasn't seen the monster appear yet.

  The ears were one step ahead of the eyes, and they heard some sparse sounds, which even caused Lindsay's eyebrows to wrinkle:

  "Is there someone talking in this voice?"

  This voice was very different from the sounds of monsters in the forest. It sounded like the opposite. Like two people arguing.

  Lindsay opened the map confused.

  Sure enough, I saw two green signs symbolizing friendship not far from me.

  "Is he the person who came to investigate before?"

  Lindsay whispered.

  He leaned over without thinking, ready to see what was going on here.

  (End of chapter)

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