Chapter 114 The Last Day

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  Chapter 114 The Last Day

  "Moon Demon Scale Powder?"

  "Sorry, Lindsay, I know nothing about this thing." "

  But I seem to have some impression of the stacked crystal stone you mentioned. That thing should be very high-end. Ore, Yrel mentioned it more than ten years ago, and he is probably the only one in the town who knows the relevant news."


  "Okay, I'm sorry to bother you."

  Farewell to the town's collector Kasuke, Lindsay walked down the street with a depressed expression.

  During the three days of preparation for launching a counterattack against the World of Warcraft.

  Lindsay was completely immersed in the mine on the first day, digging for ore and smelting metal.

  He knew the dangers of dealing with monsters.

  So he not only made weapons and equipment for himself, but also produced a large number of armor-piercing arrows and other items for use by other awakened people in the town who participated in the battle.

  And a whole day's work also brought unexpected rewards to Lindsay.

  He dug out two special ores, one of which was molybdenite used to make titanium alloys, and the other was sixteen pieces of explosive stone.

  The deflagration stone was originally just the most common flint, which would produce sparks after rubbing against metal.

  But the piece that Lindsay found was flint fused with source matter.

  This change changes the properties of flint. When it is rubbed violently, it can violently release explosive flames that are far beyond ordinary flint, so it is named deflagration stone.

  When Lindsay dug this thing out with a pickaxe.

  The iron tool in his hand was even blasted with a crack. If Lindsay hadn't reacted quickly enough, his eyebrows might have been burned off by the burst of flames.

  Lindsay has two options for using the explosive stone.

  [1 deflagration stone + 1 bamboo + 1 charcoal + 1 combustible powder = deflagration explosive]

  [1 iron pipe + 1 flintlock + 1 deflagration stone + 1 log = flaming flintlock gun] In the case

  of the former, there will be no bamboo growing on the hidden border. Of course Lindsay couldn't synthesize it.

  But the latter synthesis formula told him that the explosive stone integrated into the source material could directly replace the flint to make a flintlock, and it would also have a new upgrade effect on the weapon!
  Lindsay naturally changed his goals for gun synthesis.

  It's a pity that it is impossible for low-stage awakened people to make such essential materials and can only find them in nature.

  "Otherwise, if all the synthetic materials are replaced with this kind of thing, there should be more powerful items that can be made."

  After completing the first day of mining operations.

  Lindsay maintained her original pace of life the next day, cultivating crops in the house, practicing skills, and checking information in books.

  And the third day is now.

  He wandered around the town, asking some more experienced awakeners to see if he could get stacked crystal stones or moon demon scale powder from them.

  If possible, Lindsay would definitely repair the teleportation array in the town.

  It's a pity that the whole morning has passed.

  He hit a brick wall all over town, and most people had never even heard the names of either material.

  Only just now.

  He just got a suggestion from the collector to consult Yrel.

  When Lindsay followed the advice and rushed to the Craftsman Cottage.

  The door here was wide open, and there was a constant sound of violent beating of metal.

  "Joel? Mr. Yrel?"

  Lindsay shouted, but no one responded.

  The sound in the room was so loud that it completely blocked his call.

  "No wonder the door was opened."

  Lindsay shrugged and had no choice but to walk in by herself.

  Then he saw Yrel in the studio, preparing the equipment for tomorrow's departure, while Joel was helping him next to him.

  The two people's work focuses on three types of equipment: armor, daggers, and spears. They are the simplest and easiest to use and can play an important role.

  Lindsay observed Yrel's movements.

  The old craftsman has a clear understanding of the manufacturing process of equipment, and his movements are smooth and full of confidence. The movements when making equipment obviously have a special rhythm, and the skills of the craftsman must be at work.

  The more intuitive special point is the tool in his hand.

  Unlike Joel, who needs to constantly find and change tools in the studio, when Yrel needs a hammer, a hammer will automatically appear in his hand; when he needs pliers, a pair of pliers will automatically appear in his hand. , it will automatically disappear when not in use.

  "Tool box..."

  Lindsay heard Joel say that this is a skill that craftsmen can sublimate in the third stage, called tool box. They don't have to be like Lindsay and convert a backpack into a carry-on.

  Instead, it will have a portable space of its own, which can store various tools used by craftsmen. The only limitation is that the things that can be placed in it can only be tools of craftsmen.

  It can't be like Lindsay's luggage.

  In addition to living things, all kinds of messy things can be stuffed inside.

  At this time, Joel also saw Lindsay walking in.

  He was very busy, holding a piece of red-hot iron plate with the pliers in his left hand, and beating it with a hammer in his right hand, changing its shape with a muffled sound.

  Joel couldn't even move away from the tool table.

  I could only shout loudly to Lindsay:

  "Lindsay, what are you doing here?"

  "The teacher and I have been busy these two days. I'm afraid your custom-made items will be delayed for a few days!"

  In the sound of jingling bells , Lindsay had no choice but to reply loudly:
  "It's not about the flint weapon!"

  "I came here just to ask you if you know about the stacked flow crystal stone and the moon demon scale powder!"

  Joel's expression was a little confused. .

  He is currently only a first-stage craftsman, and he vaguely remembers that he has heard these two names, but they seem to be outside the scope of the materials he can use.

  Looking at Yrel on the side, he had already put down the short knife he was polishing.

  He turned around after completely ignoring Lindsay before.

  When he reached a distance that was convenient for conversation, the old craftsman asked in a subtle tone:
  "Lindsay, why do you ask these two things?"

  Giving people an uncertain hope is sometimes not a wise choice.

  Especially when the town is facing such a severe crisis.

  So Lindsay didn't say it directly, but explained tactfully:

  "If I can get these two materials, I might be able to solve the problem the town is facing." "


  Yirel looked at Lindsay with a strange look. But still give the answer:
  "Both of these items are very rare materials that cannot be found in the entire Hidden Frontier." "

  Don't think about it, just give up."

  Lindsay asked persistently:

  "Then do you know how to obtain them?"

  Yi Riel thought briefly for a few seconds, and then explained:

  "The stromatolite is a precious material that can only be found in the huge crystal mines near the glacier. The hidden border has no conditions for its birth; as for the Moon Demon Scale Powder , that thing is the powder obtained from the wings of the Moon Gray Moth. This species is a powerful monster at the lowest level of the fifth stage. Have you ever heard of signs of their appearance in the hidden frontier?" "..." Lindsay said


  . Speechless, two answers basically cut off the possibility of him collecting materials.

  But Lindsay was still a little unwilling:

  "Is there no possibility of obtaining it at all?"

  Yrel snorted coldly:
  "Unless you can repair the teleportation array!"

  "Then in any world with a giant city, there is You can buy it if you have the chance. Of course, the prerequisite is that you have money, even a few hundred Futniks gold coins, or purified gold coins from merchants!" After saying this,

  Yrel turned around and continued working, ignoring Lindsay.

  Tomorrow is the time when people will fight to the death with Warcraft. There is no way he will be negligent in this job.

  Lindsay could only say goodbye to the two of them and leave the craftsman's cabin.


  "My purpose must have been discovered."

  Lindsay murmured in a low voice while walking on the road in the town.

  According to the information he knows.

  Yrel once also tried to repair the teleportation array in the town, but unfortunately, due to his craftsmanship and the situation of the town, he was completely unable to do this.

  The conversation just now also reflects this.

  The current situation is that Lindsay has basically finished asking about the awakened people in town who may possess high-level materials.

  He sighed and walked right in front of the statue of the great explorer in the center of the town.

  After staying here for a few seconds, Lindsay could no longer find anyone to consult, and then rushed towards the lord's manor in the north:
  "The only option left now is to ask Uncle Anrui..."

  (End of Chapter)

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