77.Chapter 77 Lake

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  Chapter 77 Lake
  "Lindsay, it's dangerous down there..."

  An Rui naturally wanted to dissuade Lindsay.

  But at this time, Lindsay, who had been very obedient along the way, suddenly interrupted Anrui's persuasion:
  "Uncle Anrui, I have been here before, and I tried to find a way to get there." "

  It's just because of the appearance of those monsters, And because I was worried about the town, I turned back and told everyone the information as soon as possible." "

  Now that I have a chance to go down and take a look, I can't do nothing!"

  At this time, the thick fog of the night shrouded the two sides. On people.

  An Rui looked at Lindsay. His student's face was a little blurry, but a pair of firm eyes were looking at him very clearly.


  "Okay, follow me."

  The soldier didn't say a word to argue or persuade.

  He immediately took action, taking the lead to jump down, clinging to the frozen vines with his bare hands. As soon as his hands were loosened and grasped, he slid down a section. His flexible figure as he descended was like an ape living in the forest.

  Upon seeing this, Lindsay also took out a long dagger.

  Like last time, he used the weapon as an ice ax and followed An Rui to the climbing vine.

  The two of them went up and down, and their landing speed was steady and rapid.

  On the juncture of the world.

  The boundless green curtain wraps the entire land, and gusts of cold wind hit, blowing ripples on the frozen crystal shell, extending towards the other side of the world, as if this stunning scenery is the only thing left in the world.

  But two tiny black spots, like a weaver's thread running through the brocade.

  Although it is inconspicuous, it always keeps the pace of progress, moving towards the other side of the world.

  This time, the two were lucky.

  They did not encounter a group of monsters after more than ten minutes as Lindsay walked alone before. The road was safe and sound, with only the cold wind blowing from time to time to witness their adventure.

  Time passed quietly.

  Five hours later, the scenery below suddenly changed.

  When the two set off, after leaving the top of the cliff for tens of meters, they climbed the Babel Vine and gradually penetrated deep into the dark void.

  But then, Lindsay saw a different color below.

  It was a flickering light.

  The distance was so far that Lindsay couldn't see clearly yet, but the picture was like sinking to the bottom of the water, and then seeing the sunlight reflecting upward on the sparkling water.

  "Uncle Anrui, there is light below!"

  Lindsay reminded quickly.

  The lord looked down and saw the same sight as Lindsay.

  However, unlike Lindsay who was crossing the world border for the first time, Anrui was already familiar with the situation here, so he just explained calmly:

  "Good news!"

  "This means we are almost there!"

  Lindsay said slightly Nodding, his hands couldn't help but speed up.

  This is a journey across the world!
  Not to mention the unknown world and adventure below.

  The process of crossing the world alone must mean one thing - the upgrade of [RPG] capabilities!

  Lindsay doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with her understanding of skill modules.

  So when he descends to the world of Black Mountain, he will definitely unlock new abilities!

  A sense of anticipation filled my heart.

  The two continued downward, the surrounding darkness began to fade away, and the scene below became clear.

  Lindsay saw it right, the light reflected below was indeed a piece of water.

  The place where the Climbing Babel Vine takes root is a large mirror lake, covering an area of ​​more than 301 hectares, but its depth is generally only about 30 centimeters.

  The sparkle of light on the lake.

  Not the reflected daylight, but the night sky full of stars.

  There is a time difference between the Black Mountain world and the Hidden Frontier, but it is estimated to be only about an hour. It was still night when the two set out, so the sky in the Black Mountain world had not yet broken.

  "Lindsay, be careful!"

  At this time, An Rui reminded.

  Because on this thin and wide piece of water, there are an extremely large number of magical beasts of different shapes.

  There were firefoxes that Lindsay had seen before, and there were also types that she had never seen before. But the most eye-catching thing is the tree spirits lying on the roots of the climbing vine.

  They cling to the vines.

  It seems that a life form that is also a plant is receiving some kind of message.

  "So that's it..."

  Lindsay understood instantly.

  He understood why the first monster that entered the hidden border three years ago was a tree spirit. He also understood why among the monsters he had encountered before, a tree spirit had escaped from the large army and encountered him in advance.

  The reason lies here!
  The dryads cling to the roots of the climbing vine, feeling the situation above in a special way, and then take the lead in trying to climb in the gaps of the cold wind.

  Only these tree spirits moved.

  The other monsters who are waiting will follow and set off!

  "So... hmm? Why is it getting hot?"

  Lindsay was thinking about the problem, but suddenly found that the temperature around her was wrong.

  Under the protection of [Ice Badger Claw Pendant], he has extremely high resistance to cold weather, and his perception is not sensitive, but in the relatively hot temperature, he feels normal!

  But the current situation is that the surrounding area is getting hotter!
  Continuing downward, the temperature increases gradually, and even...


  The long dagger used as an ice pick in Lindsay's hand also had a different feel.

  What he pierced was no longer the thick ice, but the thick vines that were green and exposed to the air again!

  The ice on the climbing vine has melted!

  As the temperature increased,

  the frost on the climbing Babel vine that he and An Rui were climbing gradually thinned and melted, finally showing its original appearance.


  Lindsay frowned tightly.

  At the current speed, it might be as cold as the snowfield above, and the temperature of the water below is astonishingly high.

  All the way to the bottom.

  If this development trend does not change, the air temperature near the water surface can even increase to more than 45 degrees!
  "The temperature is getting higher, this shouldn't be..."

  This temperature change is too sudden and too drastic!

  Further down, Anrui also noticed the change in temperature, and he also frowned in thought.

  At this time, Lindsay descended to An Rui.

  He looked down and knew that there were problems they urgently needed to solve, so he immediately suggested to An Rui:
  "If we want to continue investigating the situation, we should find a way to clear out the monsters below!"

  After being reminded by Lindsay, An Rui Also reacted.

  We'll talk about the temperature later, but it's more important to get rid of the monsters in front of you first.

  He nodded lightly and let go when he was still more than ten meters above the water. He stepped on the vines, and his flexible steps even made people suspect that he was running on flat ground.

  In the blink of an eye, Anrui had rushed to the surface of the water.

  The tree spirit who was originally leaning on the climbing vine reacted immediately and prepared to stand up and attack An Rui.

  But the speed of the fifth-stage upgraders far exceeds the reaction limit of these monsters.

  He didn't even draw his knife.

  When these tree spirits were only halfway up, they pressed forward from the front with an irresistible force and held the heads of the two tree spirits one by one with each hand.

  Click -

  the two heads were violently twisted off.

  An Ruihun didn't care, and threw away the two wooden heads in his hands, splashing water on the calm lake.


  The surrounding monsters became ferocious when they saw this, and immediately surrounded An Rui.

  Faced with the siege, An Rui remained unmoved.

  He pulled out two long daggers from his waist in an instant, and stood in a dominant strike stance. He faced dozens of monsters around him, and even had time to tell Lindsay above him: "Lindsay, you don't want
  to Come down!"

  "Just stay up there and cover my shooting!"

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  (End of this chapter)

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