76.Chapter 76 Coming to the cliff again

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  Chapter 76: Return to the Cliffside
  As someone who has arrived at the junction of worlds several times.

  People who had set foot in this world as part of the expedition even before the town was established.

  An Rui grasped the time spent on the journey quite accurately.

  On the morning of the fourth day, he took Lindsay to the snowfield.

  Almost half a month has passed since Lindsay left here.

  White snow covers the ground, cold wind blows in the air from time to time, and a lifeless scene lingers on the land.

  "It's so cold..."

  It took less than half an hour to enter the snowfield.

  An Rui frowned and asked Lindsay next to him:

  "When you came here to explore before, was it the same temperature now?"

  The uneasiness in An Rui's heart was rapidly increasing.

  After listening to Lindsay's description before, he thought that the temperature changes here would bring a certain crisis, but now this situation has greatly exceeded expectations.

  it's too cold!
  Not to mention humans or animals, even monsters that are fused with the essence cannot survive here for a long time without resistance to cold weather.

  Worried, Anrui acted quickly and urgently.

  He just made the inquiry, and when Lindsay was about to answer, Anrui jumped to a pine tree covered with ice and snow, and then hit it with a quick and powerful punch.

  Click -

  the pine tree instantly made an overwhelmed sound.

  The collapsed giant object hit the snowy field, stirring up snow dust all over the sky and seriously obstructing the view.

  After waiting for a few seconds, the white floating in the air gradually fell.

  In front of Lindsay and An Rui, the dry and dead heart of the pine tree also appeared in their eyes.

  Previously buried under heavy snow, the actual state of the plant is unknown.

  The tree actually froze long ago and died.


  Seeing this, Lindsay realized that she had made a misjudgment before.

  He described this snowfield as a place of deathly silence with low temperatures.

  But this is still not accurate enough.

  The [Ice Badger Claw Pendant] on Lindsay helped him withstand the severe cold, so much so that he misjudged the real threat to this snowfield.

  At this moment, Lindsay put the [Ice Badger Claw Pendant] in her bag.

  When the protective effect of this piece of jewelry disappeared, the cold wave that swept over him immediately returned to its original state.

  Lindsay's estimate of the temperature here was about minus 30 degrees.

  But in addition to the low temperature, there is a refreshing chill in the air, making the already quite cold weather even more terrifying. It is not an exaggeration to call it a cold restricted area of ​​life.


  Lindsay lowered her head.

  [Ice Badger Claw Pendant] I will definitely wear it in the future.

  He has no reason to give up the advantages he has.

  But this experience also told Lindsay that in the new environment, one must pay attention to these details that are ignored due to the ability of gamers.

  Reflect on this in your mind.

  Lindsay had no excuse to blame the mistake on the equipment, but frankly admitted his mistake:
  "Uncle Anrui, I'm sorry, this was a misjudgment on my part."

  "I have a better ability to withstand cold weather. It must be..."

  "It's nothing." An Rui shook his head and told Lindsay not to take it to heart, "It's just that the temperature is relatively cold. The fact that you can find this snowfield is a timely reminder to the town. ."

  With that said, Anrui took Lindsay and continued heading deep into the snowfield.

  The two of them walked together.

  It was the same route that Lindsay had taken before entering the snowfield.

  Not long after, they came across the snow pit that Lindsay had dug while examining the body on the ground. After a few days, the snow surface was basically filled with new snow, leaving only a slight depression, marking the experience of digging here.

  Lindsay brings this up.

  An Rui immediately pointed to their nearest depression in the snow and confirmed,

  "Is the body found before here?"

  Lindsay nodded.

  An Rui immediately stepped forward and kicked him into the ground. The movement of the fifth-stage warrior was fast and powerful. The new snow, which was not strong enough, was quickly kicked into white mist that spread all over the sky. A piece of back fur of the fire fox corpse was exposed below.

  "Come up here!"

  An Rui reached down, grabbed Firefox's back, and pulled the entire body out from under the snow.

  The appearance of Firefox before death is lifelike.

  The jumping movements while running away and the panic in the beast's eyes all maintain the scene of its last moments of life.

  This thing is not lightweight.

  But An Rui's hand was as light as a toy.

  He held the body in his hand and stared at it carefully for a while, his brows getting tighter and tighter.

  "Alas -"

  An Rui sighed.

  He threw the fire fox's body aside and smashed it into the snow, stirring up white dust in the sky again. He judged with great certainty: "Sure enough, what caused
  this guy's death was not an ordinary cold current, but something contained in the cold current. Changes in its internal essence."

  This is no different from Lindsay's guess.

  But An Rui's attitude when he spoke at this moment made Lindsay certain that the other party had more specific detection methods.

  He asked with some curiosity:

  "Uncle Anrui, I found these corpses before, but there was no corresponding inspection method. How did you hold it in your hand and be able to see the problem immediately?" Anrui immediately explained


  "All awakened ones, as long as they can sublimate their skills five times and become upgraded ones, they will naturally have the same clear perception of the source of matter as I do." Five-

  stage upgraded ones...

  In this aspect, Lindsay is the panel of [Gamer] It's quite clear.

  As an awakened person, his level has advanced from the first stage [Newcomer] to the current second stage [Game Enthusiast].

  But when it comes to the fifth stage where Anrui is.

  I'm afraid it will take a long time of hard work.

  "Is there no other way to obtain this ability?"

  Lindsay asked casually. He thought Anrui would shake his head in denial, but the other party nodded:

  "There are other ways."

  "Businessmen, messengers, artists, or Occupations such as appraisers already have advantages in perception, and they can acquire corresponding abilities in advance." "...


  Well, it’s a skill that Lindsay can’t acquire yet.

  His essence has locked gamers.

  It can be considered that in the future, by combining perception ability with [commodity] identification skills, there may be new development prospects.

  The two ended their conversation and continued heading deeper into the snowfield.

  On the snowfield, it was inconvenient for Anrui to take Lindsay with him the way before.

  With his exaggerated strength and speed, leading a person to gallop through the snow would actually make them quite embarrassed by the snow.

  The final goal is not too far away now.

  The two of them turned to walking and began to move forward in the thick snowfield.

  During this period, Lindsay also took out wooden boards and made a wooden sled for An Rui.

  In this way, that night, the two people who insisted on moving forward came to the edge of the cliff and saw the climbing vine extending downward into the dark void.

  The frozen vines looked just as Lindsay had left them.

  During this period, the cold wind blowing from time to time from below was also recognized by Anrui again, and it did contain some kind of cold source of influence. Just because the source of interference comes from the source, and the wind only has a vague indirect effect, Lindsay was not aware of it before.


  The two of them stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down.

  After being silent for a few seconds, An Rui suddenly said:
  "Lindsay, just wait for me here as before."

  "I'll go down and come back as soon as possible."

  While speaking, An Rui was about to follow the vines. Move down and enter the world of Montenegro.

  But at this moment, Lindsay from behind called out to Anrui:

  "Uncle Anrui, I want to go down too!"

  (End of Chapter)

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