78.Chapter 78 Taskbar and Vulnerability Investigation

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  Chapter 78 Task Bar and Weakness Investigation
  Lindsay thought this would be a dangerous and extremely difficult battle.

  He even made plans to jump from a safe height in a critical moment to support An Rui in escaping.

  But the fact is that the battle quickly turned into a one-sided massacre.

  As an awakened person of the fifth stage, and the skill itself, he is the best at fighting in the war school.

  An Rui's ability leaves almost no problems in combat.

  Even if you fight against awakened beings at the same stage, you can easily achieve suppression effects.

  And the Warcraft they faced...

  according to the human awakening class classification, the strongest here was only the fourth stage. There was almost no Warcraft that could fight An Rui on an equal footing.

  Often at the moment of contact, a cold light flashes on the blade.

  The natural suppression brought about by superior strikes even leaves no room for Warcraft to resist.

  A bloody wound was added to the fatal part.

  Life also passes by.

  The only thing that the Warcraft can call an advantage is quantity.

  But as an Awakener warrior, An Rui is flexible and agile. He can move left and right among the beasts with extraordinary speed and will not be caught by any monster at all.

  Even if there are occasional spells from Warcraft that can seize the opportunity, Anrui cannot avoid it.

  But the Awakened One just faced it head-on and chopped it into pieces with one strike. No monster on the vast lake could find a chance to win.

  "This gap in strength is too huge..."

  While climbing the Babel Vine, Lindsay's expression changed from nervous at the beginning to helpless now.

  He drew his oaken bow, aimed at the opportunity, and fired an arrow.

  Relying on the advantage of the bow and arrow attack, Lindsay also killed a few monsters, but the efficiency was definitely far lower than An Rui, who was wielding a blade below.

  "This is a slaughterhouse!"

  Several minutes passed.

  On the lake like a meat grinder, the monsters that once dared to charge forward were finally killed to pieces.

  They left a pool of corpses and scattered them around like birds and beasts.

  An Rui did not continue to pursue, but immediately put away the two long daggers, and then waved to Lindsay who was staying above:
  "Come down, it's safe now."


  Lindsay looked indifferent.

  He put away his oaken bow and carefully slid from the vines to the warm lake.

  The moment his feet touched the turbid lake water, just as he had expected, a prompt for skill upgrade appeared.

  Moreover, two ability upgrades appeared at the same time!

  [RPG Level: 4] → [RPG Level: 5]

  [RPG Ability: Task Bar]

  [Hunting Simulation Level: 4] → [Hunting Simulation Level: 5]

  [Hunting Simulation Ability: Weakness Investigation]


  Lindsay muttered Pouting without saying a word, he walked to the turbid water and retrieved the arrow he had shot before.

  He set out with forty ordinary arrows.

  Five of them were broken in the battle just now, but the others do not affect their use.

  While recovering the arrows stuck in the monsters, Lindsay was using her skills to collect materials while also studying her newly acquired skills.

  [Task Bar:

  Integrate the current events into tasks and display them on the properties panel to facilitate players to display them more intuitively and provide rewards upon completion.

  Note: How could a classic adventure game be without a mission system! ]

  [Weakness investigation:
  As the habit investigation deepens, the weaknesses of the prey will be revealed one by one, revealing the correct hunting method for the hunter.

  Note: If you have too much hair, you will be weak to fire, if you have too much iron, you will be weak to thunder, if you are fat, you will be weak to chrysanthemums, if you are big, you will be weak to gate. ]


  Both skills are definitely a surprise!

  Lindsay first opened the task system, and two tasks immediately appeared in front of him.

  [Cultivate new cold-resistant crops]

  [Inherit the work of botanists and cultivate new cold-resistant crops. ]

  [Task reward: survival construction module upgrade, attribute/skill experience points. ]


  [Investigating the truth about the changes in the world]

  [The edge of the world has become a cold restricted area of ​​life, but the world below is extremely hot. Abnormal temperature changes involve huge crises, and investigate the hidden truth. ]

  [Mission reward: Hidden map at the junction of worlds. 】...


  This is a task!
  As a gamer, Lindsay's current mood is self-evident.
  However, this mission system also inherits the ability characteristics of [gamers]. It does not throw a mission out of the void, but transforms one's current experience. The results obtained.

  Lindsay is quite satisfied with this.

  The former clearly tells him the direction of skill module upgrade.

  The latter, without any reward, found a so-called hidden map from nowhere.

  As for the other skill unlocked today.

  This thing... probably won't be put to use right away.

  Around the Mirror Lake at the border of the world, all the Warcraft have disappeared after the previous battle. Even if Lindsay wanted to try [Weakness Investigation], there is no place to use it now.

  Then, Lindsay saw Anri.


  "What am I thinking about?"

  Lindsay shook her head quickly.

  Get unwanted thoughts out of your head.

  After this 'hunting' of a large number of Warcraft, a lot of new content has been added to the [Hunting Notes].

  Three new achievement rewards are waiting for him to claim.

  Lindsay had only one idea - being led by a boss to upgrade was indeed relaxing and enjoyable.

  Although his experience value was not increased because his participation in the battle was too low.

  But the current harvest is gratifying enough.

  What really worries Lindsay is the subsequent development of these two game modules.

  Being led by An Rui to forcibly raise his skill level, he didn't know how difficult the task would be before he had the opportunity to continue upgrading these two modules.

  At this time, An Rui, who was walking in front, asked,
  "Lindsay, what are you doing?"

  Lindsay naturally replied:

  "I'm collecting materials. There are some things in these Warcraft that are quite useful."

  An Rui nodded. He didn't pay much attention to the materials of these Warcraft. Learners of the essence of combat focus on themselves. skills.

  "Okay, then move faster."

  "It's not safe here. There may be other monsters coming around in a while."

  Lindsay heard An Rui's reminder and knew it was right.

  But it always feels a little subtle.

  He looked around and saw corpses of monsters strewn across the mirror lake.

  The calmness of the lake was broken by the corpses of countless beasts. They were like puppets abandoned by life, floating wordlessly on this turbid lake of death. The corpse was mixed with the turbid lake water, and there were bright red blood stains in it, which seemed to form a pattern symbolizing death.

  The wind blew gently across the lake, causing the body to float slightly, as if life was still weakly trying to struggle.

  There was a faint cry from the lake.

  But only the darkness of night was left to cover it, and the intricate smell of death filled the air.

  There was a scene of massacre nearby!
  And the person who caused all this is reminding them of the dangers of Warcraft.

  As someone who is being reminded.

  Lindsay pulled out a broken arrow from the corpse and looked at the arrow in front of him, feeling subtle and absurd.

  Lindsay's expression aroused An Rui's misunderstanding, and he even explained earnestly:

  "Lindsay, you must go all out in every battle. You can't be careless just because your opponent is weak."

  "We are all living flesh and blood. ."

  "Although this body is powerful, it cannot afford accidents, especially in real battles."


  "You are right."

  Lindsay agreed with a wry smile, and immediately accelerated his movements to collect material.

  The two of them didn't waste a moment.

  In just over a minute, he left the junction of the two worlds.

  Walking out of Jinghu Lake, ahead is a hilly area with undulating terrain.

  The low-lying areas here are covered by dense forests, and only a few high points are exposed under the shade of trees. The entire terrain is like an undulating sea of ​​trees and clouds, with hilly peaks serving as empty islands.

  It was just dawn at this time.

  In order to pursue the truth of the mutation, the two people set foot inside.

  Covered by trees, the figure quickly disappeared behind the dawn light and the shadow of the trees.

  (End of chapter)

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