75. Chapter 75 The so-called war

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  Chapter 75: The So-called War

  Early the next morning, Lindsay and An Rui got up one after another.

  Both of them are holders of the essence of life, but because of their different personal work and rest habits, they wake up at different times.

  So when An Rui got up.

  Lindsay had prepared breakfast for the two of them and placed the finished barbecue in front of him.

  An Rui took the barbecue and took a bite. A smile appeared in the corner of his eyes:

  "Lindsay, your skills are quite good!"

  After sighing with emotion, An Rui said nostalgically:
  "You can use such simple materials, Make food of this level."

  "The last time I had this kind of experience was when I was a warrior apprentice in Narcobondek."

  Lindsay smiled modestly and scratched her hair:
  "Me too It's just because of the hunting activity that I can do it more smoothly."

  At this point, Lindsay remembered the conversation between the two before falling asleep yesterday, and asked casually:
  "Uncle Anrui, when I was learning from you, I only focused on martial arts. I have never heard any other news about Narcobondek, can you tell me about it?"

  An Rui didn't want to think about rushing while eating.

  He then stood up the fallen folding stool and folded it back into a chair. While eating barbecue, he told Lindsay: "Didn't I say yesterday that the war

  school is divided into three branches?"

  "Among them, combat. Needless to say, the essence is the same as what you are learning from me. In short, it is to hone different combat skills. In addition to the essence of combat, there are two branches: defenders and ravagers." "The defenders, as the name suggests

  , They are warriors who are good at defense. When their skills are sublimated in the first stage, their bodies will become extremely hard. In the second stage, they will gain extraordinary endurance and can maintain long-term battles. When they advance to the third stage, this branch will awaken. Those who have gained strong resilience will be able to fight as usual even if they are close to death..." "

  As for those who are in the fifth stage of awakening like me."

  At this point, An Rui was also reminded of his time in Narkebond. He recalled the memories of Ke's school days. He didn't even notice the grease from the barbecue dripping on his legs. He shook his head with a nostalgic smile and said: "

  This kind of promoted person is like an impenetrable wall. People call him They fortify the city walls, and those who advance to the sixth stage will be honored as the guardians of the city-state."

  Lindsay followed the conversation and continued to ask:

  "So there are still ravagers?"

  When the word ravagers were mentioned, An Rui's His brows were furrowed tightly, and his tone was no longer as nostalgic as before:
  "The ravagers, those guys are the most troublesome awakened ones in Narcobondek." "In

  the first stage, they will sublimate powerful attack capabilities. The skills in subsequent stages will continue to extend on this road, developing offensive capabilities such as spying on weaknesses and powerful attacks. Until they become promoted and promoted to commanders, they can also give powerful effects to their own armies. With blessing, the war lords in the sixth stage are even more naked war maniacs!" "It's

  okay if you just like fighting." "

  The most troublesome thing is the source of the skills of the ravager. The sublimation of their abilities requires more than just Fight, and at the same time, we must continue to fight and fight, and in the future, we must lead the army to win one war after another!" Listening to

  An Rui's description, Lindsay immediately realized the dangers of this branch, and at the same time, the corresponding branch was born. Confuse.

  He frowned and asked:

  "In that case, wouldn't the ravagers be waging war all day long?" "Wouldn't

  the world be in chaos?"

  An Rui smiled and shook his head:

  "Of course they think so.

  "But the leader of Narcobondek is the undefeated king Daniel, the ninth-stage awakened person with a clear identity in the world today, the holder of the pinnacle of combat skills, and the leader of our essential fighting school. "

  "This miracle in this world, who has been honing his martial arts all the way to the top, will not allow the ravagers to unleash their force at will." The ninth

  stage of awakened people...

  Lindsay didn't even have a superficial theoretical understanding of the awakened people at this stage. , he murmured almost subconsciously:

  "How strong are the ninth-stage awakened ones?" An Rui bit off a piece of barbecue and said in a tone of admiration mixed with hope: "Just like
  his title—— Undefeated."

  "The specifics are not something that I, a fifth-stage upgrader, can say and pry into."

  Lindsay also understood this and changed the topic:

  "Although there is an undefeated king above. Suppression, but for the ravagers, war is obviously the only way to advance." "

  In this case, will they accept the reality honestly? Wouldn't they resist, or develop outside the jurisdiction of the War School? "

  Hahaha -"

  An Rui laughed loudly, then shook his head and explained:

  "Of course they will not be honest."

  "Even under Daniel's suppression, many ravagers tried to challenge him in order to liberate him. Their war instinct."

  "But unfortunately, no one has succeeded so far."

  "As for running to the outside world..."

  At this point, An Rui had already finished eating the barbecue in his hands, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his greasy mouth. Arc:

  "The ravager is the path to conquer the world with raging violence!" "

  How can the advanced skills of escaping under the oppression of the strong and surviving outside reach the final peak!" "

  Looking at the entire war. In the history of the school, the ravagers who escaped from Narcobondek have only reached the seventh stage of fearful declaration. This is a path that does not allow retreat." An Rui told the ravager's path


  Lindsay listened quietly, but had no time to think about the capabilities of this tributary.

  Instead, he thought of the Knights of the Law and the Righteous Men who had led him to the Hidden Frontier.

  The ravager must carry out his raging behavior before he can hope to reach the top.

  Then the two schools of law knights and righteous people may have many restrictions that Lindsay can't see.

  Go back deeper.

  This may be the root cause of everything that happened on the night of [Harvest Day].

  In contrast, life scholars and death schools.

  The skill training of these two schools comes more from the study of knowledge. There are no serious restrictions like war, hunters, or law knights.

  Perhaps these two different branches can be divided vaguely among the awakened?

  Lindsay thought about these questions, and finally the target was on herself.

  "Restrictions for gamers..."

  "I play the pegi-7 coloring game. Are there any restrictions?"

  Lindsay shrugged.

  He also finished the barbecue in his hand, and then he and An Rui started on their way today.

   【Happy National Day everyone!

    【By the way, please collect and vote!

  (End of this chapter)

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