71.Chapter 71 Seed

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  Chapter 71 Seed
  Lindsay rushed to the cabin and pushed the door open.

  The air in the autumn afternoon rarely brought a touch of warmth, and the peaceful atmosphere in the hut also calmed the mind.

  Lindsay took a deep breath to calm down.

  "Hemerocallis, come and eat."

  He found some millet in the house and fed it to the daylilies in the chicken coop, then closed the door and walked into the glass greenhouse at the back.

  The two potato plants he had processed yesterday were right in front of him.

  Lindsay checked carefully and found that the stems and leaves of the two wild parent plants were in good condition, and there were no accidents such as withering due to transplantation.

  "Yes, now it's time to experiment."

  Lindsay's eyes swept across the greenhouse.

  Experiments on the ability to grow crops must not be conducted with these precious species, which are the smallest in number. So he walked aside and found a clay pot from the greenhouse cabinet, which contained a small half-jar of wheat seeds.

  This is an ideal experimental subject.

  Looking at the wheat in his hand, Lindsay's mind wandered a little. He recalled Finn's narration when he taught him: "The

  planting conditions in the hidden border are not good. But as long as a grain of wheat is successfully planted and sprouts, Probably three to four ears of wheat can grow, and on one ear of wheat, at least forty or fifty grains of wheat can be harvested.

  Lindsay, do you know what this means? If

  a seed is successfully sown, it can harvest hundreds of times. seeds.

  If these seeds continue to be planted, the overall value-added rate of crops will be far beyond imagination.

  One hundred to ten thousand, ten thousand to one million, one million to one hundred million!

  Most people are not engaged in agricultural production, they only know The approximate yield of crops, but I don’t have a clear understanding of the specific figures.

  There is unexpected vitality in it!”


  Lindsay fell into recollection for a while, and then retracted her thoughts.

  Facing reality, he knew his own weight very well:

  "But for me, this kind of thing is just a thought. Let alone ten thousand or one million, even if I have one hundred wheat plants, I probably won't have enough time. ."

  After thinking this way, Lindsay took out three wheat seeds and immediately activated the resource utilization skill.


  The next second, Lindsay was shocked.

  Just by transforming these three seeds into resources, he instantly felt that more than half of his source material had been lost!

  Lindsay's eyes stopped on the wheat seeds in her hand.

  These three grains of wheat were still lying there quietly and motionless, and there seemed to be no obvious change. But the essence consumed in Lindsay's body was actually gone!
  Being able to remove so much essence in an instant, there must be something extraordinary about this kind of thing!
  Just do it -

  Lindsay picked a good location in the greenhouse, carefully buried the seeds, and then poured some water on them.

  Then he moved a chair and sat in front of Mai.

  Just like that, I kept still and carefully observed the growth of the seeds

  An hour passed.

  The water that Lindsay poured on it before has been completely integrated into the soil.

  But the buried seeds were completely silent, as if his previous thoughts were just an empty dream.

  "That's right, I was still too impatient."

  "This is grain, not bamboo. It's impossible for half a meter to swish up in a day."

  Lindsay soon felt relieved.

  He smiled, shook his head, and stood up from his chair.

  Cultivating plants has always been a job that requires patience. He was intoxicated by the magical ability of the [Survival Construction] module, and indeed he was still a little whimsical.

  With this in mind, Lindsay picked up the plant notes from the table nearby.

  Joel took careful care of the plants during his absence for more than half a month, and also recorded the corresponding conditions.

  Now that he is back, he needs to study it carefully.

  It can't be that Joel took good care of it, but it ended up being ruined if it fell into his hands.

  Almost half an hour passed. Lindsay sorted out the changes that had taken place in the greenhouse over the past half month.

  He did not rush to attack the plants, but stood up, stretched and took out a new notebook from the side. Then he opened the back door of the glass greenhouse and took a shortcut into the farmland in the south of the town.

  Lindsay has been busy all afternoon.

  The sun slowly sets in the west, and the sky is filled with a faint orange color. Golden wheat ears swayed gently in the breeze, and a few gray sparrows jumped on the edge of the field.

  Oncoming was a dry but fresh autumn wind.

  It sweeps across the scent of wheat fields, and you can smell the satisfying harvest inside.

  The thick farmland seems to be endless, and at a glance, all you can see is a rolling golden color. Each cluster of wheat ears is swaying from side to side, as if to show people the weight of their harvest.

  Lindsay walked on the path between the fields.

  It was already late at this time, and many farming townspeople had already gone home. After searching for a while, Lin saw a man wearing coarse clothes and sitting on a small wooden stool under a dead tree in the farmland ahead. middle-aged man.

  He quickly went up and said hello:

  "Uncle Kurt, do you have time? I want to ask you something?"

  Hearing Lindsay's greeting, the farmer who was sitting in the field and resting immediately stood up:
  "Lindsay , just ask if you have anything, I'm free at the moment."

  The farmer named Kurt smiled and greeted Lindsay with a very warm attitude.

  In the eyes of the farming townsfolk in the border town, botanist Fen En is definitely one of the most respectable awakeners in the town; and as his student, Lindsay has also inherited this honor of being treated with respect.

  Lindsay quickly smiled back, and then asked politely:

  "As you know, the weather has been getting colder and colder in recent years." "

  I plan to inherit the teacher's work and make some intensive improvements to crops, so I want to Asking for your opinion."

  Lindsay's purpose is simple.

  Just ask the farmers in the town what improvements they need to make to their crops.

  His ideas were only on paper.

  And these people who are actually cultivating the farmland are the ones who best understand how crops in the hidden frontier need to be improved.

  Kurt frowned when he was asked this question.

  In the decades that Fenn was alive, he had already modified crops several times. This was a topic that had not been mentioned in some days.

  He stood up and thought hard for a long time, and finally said:

  "As for the crops, I think it's okay. As long as the weather doesn't get colder next year, there shouldn't be any problems with planting. As for improvements..." "If you ask me, I still need to be able to

  produce more and bigger grains. , Of course, it would also be nice if the taste could be better."

  Lindsay carefully wrote down these needs in the notes in his hand.

  Kurt watched Lindsay's movements. After he finished taking notes, the town citizen asked cautiously:
  "Lindsey, I heard that you went to the junction of our world and Montenegro?" "

  Over there What is the situation? Is there any hope for our town to establish contact with the outside world?"

  Kurt's tone was filled with both anxiety and expectation.

  Lindsay couldn't bear to deceive the other party, but she still said it in a less despairing way:
  "There is a heavy snowfall over there, and it is very difficult to cross now."

  Kurt nodded in despair:
  "That's right."

  Then Lindsay Nod goodbye to the other party and continue walking in other directions of the farmland, collecting as many opinions as possible in the farmland.

  In the end, the needs of farmers can be summed up to the following points.

  Yield, disease and insect resistance, taste and quality, and whether there are ways to shorten the growth cycle.

  With this collected information, Lindsay returned to the glass greenhouse.

  He is preparing to organize his notes and continue to refine his next cultivation plan.

  But at this moment, Lindsay's movements completely froze.

  He stood motionless, staring blankly at the greenhouse where he had just said goodbye not long ago.

  Because there was the land right in front of him.

  The three-grain wheat that was just planted this afternoon has sprouted and grown into tender but vibrant green seedlings!
   【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

  (End of this chapter)

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