72. Chapter 72 Germinating Seedlings

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  Chapter 72: Germinated Seedlings


  Lindsay's voice was trembling.

  He didn't know which of his left and right feet was in front, so he ran over quickly.

  On basically dry soil, all three wheat plants germinated successfully and grew seedlings of about three centimeters.

  It wasn't long before Lindsay went out to collect farmers' opinions.

  Turning around and looking outside the greenhouse, it’s not even dark yet!

  "This is definitely not natural growth!"

  Lindsay felt as if he had found a treasure. He circled the three seedlings that had just sprouted, carefully stretched out his hand, but did not touch the wheat seedlings, and then retracted.

  He wasn't even sure whether to reach out and touch it.

  Just spreading her hands forward, Lindsay circled from left to right, and then circled from right to left.

  While thinking anxiously, he suddenly remembered that he was still a [game player]! Until now, I have been having so much fun playing [Survival Construction] from last night that I didn’t even think about it!

  Snap -

  Lindsay slapped her head:

  "Yeah, how could I forget this!"

  [Survival Construction] → [Simulation Management]

  Switched the game module, Lindsay directly responded to the product information Wheat seedlings inspected.

  [Plant: Wheat]

  [Wheat has undergone wonderful changes due to the influence of the source material, and has an extremely fast growth rate.

  【Seeds with magical effects. Unfortunately, the quantity is too small, the characteristics cannot be inherited by the descendants, and the value is average. ]

  "Characteristics cannot be inherited..."

  That's it.

  It immediately poured cold water on Lindsay's heated heart.

  He exhaled, lay back, and fell onto the wooden chair in the greenhouse, his whole body as limp as a slug.

  Lindsay smacked her lips, thought for a few seconds, and finally shook her head with a smile:

  "That's the truth: a sacrifice, a reward."

  "With my little source of quality, I can create a level of game rules. A super seed, that would be a joke to the world."

  Lindsay quickly adjusted her mentality.

  After trying to understand the key, he realized a piece of good news.

  If his game skills turn seeds into resources, they will also make the seeds lose their nurturing properties. According to the common saying of life scholars in Volcano City - the possibility of maintaining life is never a bad thing.

  But now that the seeds are being used as resources, the growth rate has only been accelerated.

  On the contrary, in terms of cultivation, the infinite possibilities of life are not lost.

  "In short, these three wheat plants will be recorded as samples first to clarify the details of the impact after resource utilization."

  Lindsay had a plan in mind, simply moved his chair, changed to a comfortable position, and began to stay in the glass greenhouse. side.

  After being busy all afternoon, he was a little hungry.

  He took out a piece of meat biscuit and poured some water. Before eating, Lindsay also used skills to resource two kinds of food.

  The food will make a "chacha" sound when eating, and a biscuit will be completely eaten in a matter of seconds. The eating speed is as fast and convenient as in the game.

  It's a pity that other than that, there are no other changes.

  "According to current experience, the ability of items after being resourced is positively related to the amount of source material paid. Items such as seeds and torches that consume a lot of money have more advantages in the ability obtained..." Bang - Suddenly, in front of the wooden


  , There was a knock on the door.

  Lindsay, who was observing the wheat seedlings, quickly got up and went to the front hall to open the door.

  "Hello...Mr. Somkin?"

  The person who knocked on the door was the only businessman in the town, Awakened Somkin.

  When the old man saw Lindsay, a polite smile appeared on his face, and he immediately informed him of his purpose:
  "Lindsay, you should have time to talk to me now, right?" Lindsay quickly welcomed Somkin in:

  "Of course, before we leave, we It's an agreement."

  The two sat down in the front hall, Lindsay poured Somkin a glass of water, and then began to tell the story of his trip.

  During the narration, Somkin nodded frequently without any frown or embarrassed expression.

  Apparently quite pleased with the various details of Lindsay's memory.

  When the story was over, the businessman said quite simply:

  "No problem, our transaction was successfully completed."

  "But Lindsay, didn't you just say that you collected the ice badger carcasses? I want to tell you Buy some..."

  "Of course it's no problem, but I don't have a complete body on hand."

  This is just a small problem.

  As soon as Somkin opened his mouth, Lindsay took out an ice badger's leg meat from his backpack and handed it to him:

  "This kind of thing is nothing important. I'll just give it to you directly."

  "That won't work." Somkin A deep smile appeared on Jin's face. He took the ice badger leg handed over by Lindsay, then took out two silver coins from his pocket and placed them on the table. "Lindsay, when dealing with businessmen, no matter whether the other party is an awakened person or not, , it is best to carry out it with clear labels."

  "Free things often mean there are more costs."

  Free things are often the most expensive.

  Lindsay also understands this.

  He nodded solemnly to the businessman in front of him, and then put away the silver coins on the table.

  At this time, he then thought of his suspicions when he went out in the afternoon, and asked casually:
  "By the way, Mr. Somkin."

  "I also informed Uncle Anri of this news yesterday. Will he summon the town today?" Are you guys going to discuss the plan together?"

  Somkin confirmed Lindsay's guess:
  "Yes, Anrui convened everyone for a meeting at noon today. I also came to your side to complete the transaction after the things over there were over. "

  Lindsay continued to ask:

  "What about the decision?"

  Somkin replied without hesitation:

  "This change has truly threatened the hidden border. According to An Rui, he plans to go there to check the situation in person."

  So far, The businessman's deal with Lindsay is complete.

  Somkin got up from the chair and walked out of the house, and Lindsay gave him a ride.

  When the two of them walked to the fence gate outside the wooden house.

  Somkin looked at Lindsay who had made a special trip to see him out, stopped again, and asked a thoughtful question:

  "Lindsay, what do you think of the current state of the town?"

  Lindsay frowned:

  "My opinion? What are you referring to?"

  Somkin said leisurely:

  "Continue to stay here and wait for the expeditioners who don't know when they will return; or should we all unite together and find a way to break through Montenegro? Obstacles?"

  Breaking through Black Mountain...

  sticking to the border town is certainly not a good choice.

  But the dragon beast wandering around the world of Black Mountain has turned the latter into a life-threatening adventure.

  Lindsay heard the temptation in the other party's tone and spoke his thoughts frankly:

  "The awakened people in the town gather together and act together. Maybe there is a chance to rush out." "

  But there is a problem with this-ordinary people in the town What should I do?"

  "I think in that kind of dangerous environment, ordinary people just go and die."

  "Civilians?" Somkin raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't expect Lindsay to answer like this, "You kind of Thoughts are quite rare for young people. Most young awakened people seldom take others into consideration when acting."

  Lindsay replied calmly:
  "It's nothing, this is all taught well by teachers."

  ( End of this chapter)

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