70.Chapter 70 The torch stuck to the tree

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  Chapter 70 The torch stuck to the tree

  early the next morning.

  Reminding her of the regular schedule of the source of life, Lindsay woke up on time.

  But today was different from the past. His body was particularly tired.

  After traveling in the wild for more than half a month, although I didn't feel very clear at the time, I returned to my familiar cabin and slept in a relaxing state.

  The moment of waking up.

  The fatigue accumulated over the past half month seemed to seduce in Lindsay's ear with a seductive girl's whisper: "Today

  , you can rest a little longer."


  "Ah -"

  Lin Sai A meaningless moan came from Sai's mouth.

  He thought for a moment and put his hands over his eyes, pretending it was still dark.

  The reason for continuing to sleep was quickly found in the darkness:
  "What should I do in the current cultivation stage of the source of life? By the way, it is to satisfy my physiological desires." "

  Great, then I will sleep a little longer Let’s do it.”

  For the legitimate reason of cultivating sefirah.

  Lindsay rarely stayed in bed.

  When he opened his eyes again, the sunlight coming through the window had reached his chest from his head.

  Lindsay sat up a little confused and blinked:
  "Uh... it's grandma."

  Of course Hongyue herself would not be in front of Lindsay.

  But at some point, a piece of bread and a cup of goat's milk were placed on the table of Lindsay's cabin by Red Moon. The elderly nun also knew that Lindsay needed to rest and did not disturb him today.


  Lindsay stretched and got up from the bed.

  After a night's rest, his life essence has now naturally recovered.

  He did not forget some of his thoughts before going to bed, and immediately took out all the supplies in his backpack and placed them neatly in front of him.

  Antimony arrows, antimony spears, long daggers, oak bows, and some ordinary arrows.

  These are the weapons he has at hand.

  If Lindsay was the most excited last night, he would definitely take a look at these things without hesitation.

  But now that she has woken up, Lindsay has calmed down a lot and is a little hesitant.

  In survival games, ordinary items just sit there.

  However, the manufactured equipment is likely to have durability settings, and the falling speed is generally not slow.

  "In the final analysis, the essence of survival lies in materials, not weapons."

  "If you try rashly in this regard, you will lose more than you gain if you are not careful."

  Lindsay rectified her thoughts.

  He did not rush to touch the weapons on the bed, but opened the cabinet at hand, dug out the skinning knife he had used before, and tried to use it as a resource.

  Skill used successfully.

  Lindsay could feel that she had paid the corresponding source of essence.

  He looked down at the skinning knife in his hand. The fragile patch lay quietly in his hand without any change.

  Immediately, Lindsay took the bread on the side and tried to cut it with a knife.

  The sharpness of the blade and the sturdiness of the blade remain unchanged.


  Lindsay thought thoughtfully.

  He left the main entrance of the church and came to the edge of the woods where he tried his skills last night.

  However, this time he did not use the tree in front of him as a resource, but simply chopped it down with a resource-based knife.

  puff! puff!
  The knife struck the tree, making a strange sound.

  The blade that should have been able to pierce the trees was not functioning properly at this moment, as if Lindsay was beating the bark of the tree with a limp noodle.

  "Ordinary weapons are used for fighting. For work such as cutting down trees and digging soil, you should use corresponding tools..."

  Lindsay understood. The skill of [Survival Construction] should not be used casually.

  Corresponding abilities need to be used in corresponding places.

  Thinking about how to apply your new skills.

  Lindsay prepares to return to church.

  But at this moment, his eyes fell on another item in the bag - a torch.

  "Isn't this thing what I thought?"

  Lindsay immediately took out a torch, lit it, and then used skills to turn it into resources.


  The difference was already apparent from the beginning.

  Unlike before when trees or knives were resourced, Lindsay could clearly feel that the loss of source material had increased.

  This subtle change is noticeable.

  So he casually slapped the torch against the tree - bang!

  Perfect fit!

  Even though there are no grooves or gaps, the torch is firmly inserted into the surface of the tree trunk as if it were coated with glue, and it has always maintained a stable and vigorous burning state!
  "It's really good!"

  Lindsay was a little excited. He quickly stepped forward and observed carefully.

  The torch was indeed burning and adhered perfectly to a vertical surface, burning with the flame without losing any of the grease or wood in the burning process.

  What is really consuming on the torch.

  It is the source of essence that Lindsay has just resourced, and it is being consumed extremely slowly!

  "In this case..."

  "If you leave the torch like this, it can last for at least a month."

  Lindsay summarized the characteristics of his skills and put the torch back into his backpack.

  He returned to the church and murmured:
  "Different objects consume different sources of resources, and the actual use methods are also different." "

  Things like trees will stabilize their form after being resourced, and the sources will be different." The quality will maintain its effect without loss, but items like torches will decay over time..."

  Lindsay summed up his experience and walked around the church.

  The situation was a little different from usual. He couldn't find Hong Yue.


  "Maybe Uncle An Rui called grandma over?"

  He informed An Rui of the situation at the edge of the world yesterday.

  This lord has the powerful action ability that a warrior should have. I am afraid that today he will summon the awakened people in the town to share this situation with everyone for discussion.

  "As for this matter, I can receive news when grandma comes back in the evening, or I can ask other people in the town."

  "There's no need to go there right away."

  Lindsay thought, then got into the house, found a broom, and started cleaning.

  Last night he came back to the house dirty and dirty. The house was either filled with dirt or withered branches and leaves, making it really messy.

  Lindsay has no intention of letting Hongyue come back to help him clean up.

  Half an hour later, Lindsay took care of the cleanliness in the hut and went out to clean the church.

  After the work was completely completed, he went out again.

  However, Lindsay did not go to An Rui's lord's manor, but instead walked to the south of the town.

  His target is the cabin that once belonged to Finn and now belongs to Lindsay.

  Because it’s when I’m cleaning and summarizing my skills.

  Lindsay had another bold idea
  . This idea made him laugh a little.

  Even on the way to the cabin, Lindsay couldn't help but speed up a lot.

  My heart is full of expectations for what will happen next!

  "In survival games, gathering food and growing crops are essential parts."

  "What will be the effect if I use this ability to cultivate plants?"

  (End of Chapter)

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