61. Chapter 61 Walking Alone in the Wilderness

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  Chapter 61 Walking Alone in the Wilderness
  "The further east you go, the colder the weather becomes..."

  Lindsay sighed as he walked alone through a forest with only cedar trees on the fifth day after parting with the three companions.

  It's autumn now, so it's natural for the temperature to drop.

  But based on Lindsay's three years of living in the hidden frontier.

  In just five days, the temperature dropped faster than normal seasonal changes.

  Lindsay couldn't help but think of Finn's research and instructions.

  In recent years, the plateau temperature of the Hidden Frontier has been declining slightly, but steadily.

  "Is it because the ambient temperature itself has such a tendency to change, or is there something happening in the east that can affect the temperature?"

  Lindsay murmured in a low voice.

  The direction he was headed was right at the junction of the Black Mountain world and the hidden frontier.

  Refer to the information previously seen on the dryad corpse.

  Lindsay naturally thought that something might have happened in the Black Mountain world, and certain changes had spread to the hidden border next door, causing the temperature here to drop.

  And once this speculation comes true.

  So for the Hidden Frontier, an unavoidable crisis may be right around the corner.

  After all, if it is the worst situation.

  He could even imagine that the dragon beast on the Black Mountain planned to expand its territory and take the initiative to attack the hidden border!

  There have been frequent attempts over the years to break through to Montenegro.

  The dragon beast entrenched here is a real high-level monster. Through these channels, it will not have a problem learning human language, and it will not have no understanding of the hidden border!
  Thinking like this, Lindsay walked out of the dense forest of fir trees.

  In front of him is a hill that rises steeply, which just makes the trees sparse and makes the terrain a natural boundary.


  Lindsay opened the map and looked at it from a distance.

  Around the hill, there is a small river to the south due east, and it continues to be occupied by a small forest.

  Dusk has arrived at this moment, and the sky is gradually dyed with a layer of twilight.

  Today's temporary camp is right here...


  Lindsay was about to speed up.

  But when he turned his eyes, he saw a special green growing at the junction of the fir forest and the hills he had just walked out of.

  It was a cluster of feathery green leaves, covered with a sparse layer of white downy hairs.


  Lindsay couldn't believe it and ran over without saying anything.

  His main task these days is to travel, and it is difficult to take into account the collection of wild species. Who would have thought that at this time, I would be so lucky to find a wild plant!

  [Plant: Potato]

  [Common Solanaceae plants, surviving in high-altitude mountains, forest edges and other wilderness environments. The leaves and stems can be used as feed, but only the tubers are recommended for human consumption. ]

  [Tubers can be sold as food, but the wild parent is not popular.

  Open the skill, and the product attributes will appear immediately.

  Lindsay controlled her excitement and dug out the potatoes.

  This kind of crop that grows in the wild can usually be found nearby. Lindsay carefully checked on the side of the hill and found two other potato plants.

  Lindsay had planned to poach them all.

  But after digging out two plants, he saw no more potato plants around. Lindsay remembered Finn's teachings and gave up the plan of digging out all the plants, leaving the last one to grow naturally.

  If I remember correctly, potatoes can self-pollinate.

  "Take what you need and leave what you should save. That's enough."

  Lindsay stood up in front of the last green leaf, patted the soil off her hands, and put the two potatoes into the bag.

  This is also a strange thing unique to the game. According to the introduction of [Carry-on Bag], it is not supposed to store living things. Lindsay also tried it, and it was true that live chickens, ducks, fish and insects couldn't be stuffed in.

  But plants are not included.

  They can be put into the capsule and even seed normally after being taken out.

  Obviously, in terms of the definition of living things, plants can be considered life, but in terms of luggage, they are not included in this category.

  This is really not realistic, but it is quite consistent with the setting of the game.

  "But in this case..."

  "Can carnivorous plants and cordyceps be put into the bag?" "

  Also, aren't there living corpses in this world? Are they considered undead, and can they be stuffed directly? "

  Lindsay murmured about the characteristics of her skills and started imagining some wonderful places. But there are currently no objects that can be used for experiments on these things, so they only remain in the realm of imagination.

  Lindsay spent a lot of time searching and digging for these potato plants.

  At this time, the sun was setting in the west, and the sunset behind her dragged out a long afterglow in front of Lindsay, as if putting a gorgeous dress on the hills in front of her.

  "It's getting late."

  In order to save time, Lindsay ran directly from the hill.

  He was going to go straight through the hill and look for a place to sleep tonight on the opposite side of the river.

  Then, not long after, Lindsay stopped.

  As he crossed the high point of the hill and sprinted down the slope, a view to the east caught his attention.

  Because it was late, the east had been swallowed up by the dark night.

  But taking advantage of the last light of day, Lindsay saw a very distant scene.

  From the hills to the east, there is a wasteland with sparse trees and shrubs. Large and small gravels are spread on the dark brown ground. The moss and grass are yellow and green. There are also large and small land faults hidden in the middle.

  But this desolate scene is not the point.

  Because at the end of this flat wasteland, Lindsay saw a yellow snow line.

  The end of the earth is covered with snow. At this time, the white earth reflects the color of the sky, making it difficult to imagine that this is the color that heavy snow should have.


  Lindsay was speechless for a moment.

  The majestic natural landscape makes people feel excited and unable to control themselves.

  But the uneasiness that Lindsay had always felt was confirmed by the sight before her.

  According to the records of the expedition team 120 years ago, the overall seasons in the Hidden Frontier show uniformity. Depending on the distance, the largest difference in seasonal changes is only about a week.

  And we’ve only just reached the middle of autumn.

  This scene of snow covering the ground is definitely against the common sense of the season!


  Lindsay felt a chill coming inexplicably.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his hands at the distant scene, and then tried to expand the exploration range of the [Map].

  But the actual area of ​​this wasteland is much larger than what appears from the sight.

  Lindsay's [Map] skill couldn't even explore the boundaries of the wasteland.

  At this moment, I can only look at the scenery in the distance and feel the chill that must be there.

  On the slope of the hill, Lindsay paused for a long time.

  It wasn't until darkness completely enveloped the snowfield that he suddenly woke up and hurriedly ran towards the bottom of the hill.

  No matter what is waiting for you in the future.

  At least tonight, at least now.

  Lindsay also wanted to find a good piece of land on the edge of the woods and spend the night first.

  (End of chapter)

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