62. Chapter 62 Entering the snowfield

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  Chapter 62: Entering the snowfield
  took five full days of running around.

  When Lindsay got up on the sixth day, he was not in the same hurry as before.

  Ahead is an endless wasteland connected to a vast snowfield with no end. In this environment, the number of trees decreases, and once you enter it, many things are no longer convenient to do.

  before setting foot in this area.

  This was Lindsay's last chance to prepare.

  When he got up early in the morning, he caught a grayling in the nearby river. After roasting this fish in a campfire, the whole spine can be easily pulled out by pulling the tail. It is delicious and very convenient to eat.

  After enjoying this short breakfast, Lindsay stepped into the woods next to her.

  He was looking for suitable trees.

  Of the three antimony arrows that Joel gave him when he set off, only the last one shot by Dan was still intact. One of the other two was smashed by the dryad in the air, and the other was shot into his body and the arrow shaft was broken during the battle. .

  Lindsay didn't have the luxury of wasting such a quality weapon.

  The arrow shaft was broken, but the arrow was fine. He recovered two antimony arrowheads and put them in his carry-on bag.

  Kaka -

  not long after, a gray-tailed squirrel on the tree attracted Lindsay's attention. He had already eaten breakfast and naturally had no intention of over-hunting. But the oak tree the squirrel was nesting in was a perfect target for Lindsay.

  "It's you."

  Lindsay immediately stepped forward.

  This oak tree is tall, strong and powerful.

  Even the thick branches are enough for Lindsay to use, and there is no need to cut down the whole tree.

  Lindsay immediately climbed up and cut with a few knives, and two branches that were thick and long fell to the ground.

  Leaning next to the oak tree, Lindsay whittled them into long straight poles, cut a notch on one end, inserted the prepared antimony arrowheads, and tied them with rope.

  As a result, two spears appeared in Lindsay's hands.

  The antimony arrows prepared by Joel use armor-piercing tapered arrows, so there is no need to worry about the puncture performance.

  Lindsay chose to make spears instead of arrows.

  The reason is that it is quite troublesome to make a qualified arrow shaft. If it is prepared in a hurry, even if it can be used for shooting, it will greatly lose the stability of the arrow during flight.

  So between an arrow that was very likely to miss the target and a simple and easy-to-use stabbing spear, Lindsay wisely chose the latter.

  Weapons at the ready.

  Lindsay replenished the water at the river.

  Then he resolutely took the step into the wilderness.

  On the desolate plain, Lindsay walked very fast, but along the way, there were only a few scattered trees growing wildly. Most of them were low and windproof, with moss growing around them.

  The whole morning passed.

  Lindsay saw nothing of note in this wilderness, with the distant principles of snow approaching.

  But just when he took a break at noon, he took out an ice badger leg and prepared it for barbecue.

  Lindsay had just started the fire when he saw coyotes surrounding him. There were three coyotes in total. One was looking at Lindsay threateningly from a distance, while the other two were surrounding her from two directions.


  "You are forcing me to add extra food..."

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows slightly.

  These gray coyotes are not monsters. He has no difficulty in dealing with them. He can even capture them with ease.

  But there is something worth noting.

  The three coyotes appeared from the west, and then the two that surrounded him came toward him from the north and south. They avoided the east side throughout the entire process, and even though their prey might escape from that side, they had no intention of continuing to outflank them.

  This was an unusual move for a hungry beast.

  The explanation that Lindsay could think of was that there was something threatening them in the snowfields to the east. These coyotes had seen or even had their own kind or prey directly affected, which was why they reacted with such awe.

  With this in mind, Lindsay took out a bow and arrow from her bag.

  The next second, two arrows flashed, and the coyotes approaching him from the north and south immediately fell to the ground.

  Lindsay continued to raise her bow and aim.

  The coyote to the west is too far away, at least 70 meters or more.

  His archery skills may not guarantee a hit... "Ouch!"

  Under Lindsay's aim, the surviving coyote turned around and ran away without hesitation.


  "Okay, just think of it as saving me an arrow."

  Lindsay shrugged and dragged back the prey he had sent to the door.

  He now has quite a lot of food on hand, and the ice badger meat alone is enough for him to last for more than 10 days.

  I didn't bother to deal with the coyote at the moment, so I just threw it in the backpack and that was it.

  After lunch, Lindsay boiled a pot of hot water to warm herself up.

  His footwork is several times faster than that of ordinary people, and there is no need to worry about physical loss given his extraordinary physique of 15 points. The snow line, which could only be seen in the distance last night, was now close at hand.

  Lindsay estimated that she would be able to set foot in this world of ice and snow in half an hour.

  And the coyote he killed seemed to signal the land. Telling all the creatures on the moor that Lindsay, the uninvited guest, was on his way, he met with almost no interruptions all afternoon.

  Half an hour flew by in a blink of an eye.

  The sun had not yet set, and the cold wind blowing from the snowfield swept over and blew on Lindsay's face.


  Although there is [Ice Badger Claw Pendant] that provides cold resistance.

  But after setting foot in this vast white world, Lindsay couldn't help but shudder.

  The wasteland before.

  It feels just desolate enough, and Lindsay has even experienced a coyote attack.

  But walking into this snowfield, the only breath of life disappeared completely, and even the trees covered under the heavy snow became lifeless.

  Along with the low temperature and desolation, this snowfield gives people only one feeling.

  ——The forbidden land of life.

  Lindsay walked on this lifeless land.

  It was okay at first. It was nothing more than walking on a quiet land, and other aspects did not affect him.

  But soon, the snow on the ground became thicker and thicker.

  Lindsay tried to take out the spear and thrust it vertically under the snow.

  Phew -

  the spear instantly sank nearly half of the way into the snow.

  The depth of snow here is close to or even more than one meter! Continuing to look ahead, I am afraid that there will be no end to this snowfield in a short time. Who knows how bad the environment will be in the future.

  Lindsay walks here, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

  He was able to recover his physical strength, but every time he stepped down, the height difference was more than the knee, which was still awkward and uncomfortable.


  "It can't go on like this."

  Lindsay stopped simply.

  In order to make a fire at any time, Lindsay often prepares wood in her bag before taking a break these days.

  Now the wood can be used again.

  He took out the thicker but less dense wood, whittled it into flat and wide boards with a long dagger, and tied them to the soles of his feet with ropes.

  Lindsay tried out her new shoes on the snow.

  Such a simple transformation made it seem like he was stepping on two sleds.

  The increased contact area allowed the snow to bear the weight of Lindsay's body. He was finally able to walk here like a normal person, without his body being shallow and deep in the heavy snow, like a gopher constantly probing his head.

  "That's pretty much it."

  Lindsay nodded with satisfaction, and continued deeper into the endless white wilderness.

  (End of chapter)

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