60. Chapter 60 Early morning conversation

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  Chapter 60 Early Morning Conversation


  A refugee who was forced to flee his homeland due to fear and torture?
  The corpse of the dryad has no value, and there is not much information in the product introduction.

  But there is only this description.

  But it was enough to make Lindsay frown.

  Under the light of the bonfire in the cave, the night gradually deepened.

  The injured huntress was also a little exhausted and fell into a deep sleep like Alan.

  Lindsay looked at the bonfire in front of her alone.

  The shining fire was imprinted on his pupils, and more thoughts were swaying and ignited.

  The Hidden Frontier is a very small world.

  According to the footsteps of ordinary people, it would take about a month to go from the small town next to the edge of the world to the world fault where the Black Mountain world is located.

  If three years ago.

  In such a small area, a very dangerous existence was born, which could even force a 'strong man' like the tree spirit to flee.

  So no matter what, the border towns will inevitably be affected by it, or notice the clues.

  But actually.

  The border town has been peaceful for the past three years.

  The town even organized long-distance hunting, but except for the gradually lowering temperature, there was no change in the hidden frontier.

  On the other hand, look at the situation of this rattan tree spirit.

  This guy set up an ambush in advance, so that three of the four members of Lindsay's group were injured. The entire crusade was extremely dangerous.

  But even if no one was hurt by the trap, it was a head-on collision with this guy. With the strength of this vine tree spirit, a fierce battle is definitely inevitable.

  Then here comes the problem.

  What kind of strength should he have that can force this guy to choose someone to escape from? Where could it come from?
  "It can only be Montenegro..."

  Under the light of the bonfire, Lindsay murmured the only answer in a low voice.

  As the source of life repaired his injuries, he gradually fell asleep and fell into a deep sleep at the other end of the bonfire.

  But he fell into a dream.

  But it is not the security of victory in the crusade, but another worry and decision that arises.


  early the next morning.

  Lindsay opened her eyes on time in the smelly cave.

  He first tried to move his arms, but the joints were still a little stiff and there was pain when making large movements.

  But after a full night's rest.

  Writing or doing some daily exercise is no longer a problem.

  Even when dealing with some ordinary beasts, he is now fully confident.

  Lindsay exhaled and turned to look at the cave entrance.

  Ju Zheng sat there and kept vigil for everyone. Because the other three were seriously injured and no one was taking turns, he was the only one who stayed awake all night last night.

  Lindsay hurriedly walked up and said,
  "Ju, go and have a rest."

  Ju glanced at Lindsay's arms with concern, and subconsciously wanted to refuse:
  "Brother Lin, I..."

  Lindsay directly interrupted Ju's words. He cut off and gave a reason he couldn't refuse:
  "Don't worry, my source of energy can enhance physical fitness and heal injuries, so it's basically fine now. You should also have a good rest, we will have to rush back later."

  Ju thought for a while and realized that this was also the case, and then nodded in agreement:

  "Yes, I understand."

  Ju went back to rest in the cave, while Lindsay walked through the gap at the entrance of the cave.

  He came outside and stretched in the early morning woods, the sun shining on his face through the shade of the trees.

  Under the weak warmth and the breeze blowing through the forest, people relax physically and mentally.

  Lindsay did a few simple exercises to warm up, and then walked into the lush forest nearby.

  This season, there is no shortage of broken dead branches on the ground.

  He arranged some relatively dry branches nearby and practiced the animal language he had learned yesterday on the ground.

  It feels like time is almost up.

  Lindsay then turned back to the cave, took out the flint and started a fire, and prepared today's breakfast for everyone who was sleeping.

  Before going to bed yesterday, he had already decomposed all the ice badger meat. Now he only needed to apply some syrup for barbecue, and the taste was already good. Crack -

  broken dead branches creaking in the flames.

  It didn’t take long before the fat on the ice badger’s legs began to make an attractive sizzling sound.

  The sleeping huntress woke up at the smell.

  Seeing Lindsay who was cooking for a living, she immediately joined in cheerfully:
  "It's great to have barbecued meat so early in the morning!"

  Lindsay simply replied:
  "The meat isn't roasted yet, it will take a while. "

  In the beginning, Dan was relatively honest.

  But a dozen seconds later, the huntress lazily moved her body and sat beside the campfire, staring intently at the barbecue in Lindsay's hand.

  This meaning is too obvious...

  Seeing this, Lindsay tore a piece of meat from the outside of the barbecue and gave it to the huntress to taste.

  At this time, he said smoothly:

  "Dan, I have something to tell you."

  The huntress put the barbecue into her mouth first, muttered that it tasted good, and then replied:

  "If you have anything to do, just tell me. "

  Lindsay stared at the bonfire in front of her and said in a long tone:

  "Aren't we all preparing to leave for the town today? But I have some ideas and may need to stay in the forest for a few more days." "


  The huntress chewed the barbecue on her cheek. He paused.

  Then she swallowed the unchewed barbecue in her mouth, and her eyes instantly became serious:

  "Lindsay, do you want to go to Montenegro?"

  The huntress responded too quickly, but Lindsay shook her head:
  "No, not yet. At that time. The appearance of this tree spirit makes me a little worried, so I want to see the situation there in advance, so as to be prepared for future challenges." "And

  my purpose is not just that."

  "In Teacher Finn's In his suicide note, he asked me to continue cultivating those crops. The area around the town has actually been explored almost completely. If you want to find new species, you must go further away from the town. There is no more suitable time than this." Lindsay continued

  . Give two reasons.

  And the firmness in his tone also showed that he had already made a plan.

  As a former explorer, Dan knows very well that a person who has made a decision in his heart is absolutely unstoppable.

  The huntress looked at her injured self and Alan, who was lying aside and hadn't gotten up yet.

  In the end, she just reminded her with sincerity:
  "Lindsay, it is very dangerous to be alone in the wild."

  Lindsay subconsciously glanced at the supplies prepared in her backpack, and replied with confidence:
  "I also did it in advance. Make some preparations."

  Then he pointed to the corpse of the dryad lying on the ground, completely motionless:

  "Besides, you see, the most dangerous thing in this forest is not already dead."

  Dan closed his eyes. Thought for a while.

  If she had just doubted it before, then after yesterday's battle, she was already certain that Lindsay had chosen skills and had sublimated a very special ability.

  The child three years ago has begun to show his unique talents and has even embarked on a path that is unique to him.

  Dan had no intention of exploring Lindsay's privacy.

  She thought for a moment and confirmed whether Lindsay was strong enough to deal with the dangers in the forest.

  ——The answer is yes.

  "I know, it's impossible to stop you now." Dan nodded slightly, and then made another request, "But Lindsay, you must agree on a time with me." Lindsay was a little hesitant


  He only had a vague understanding of the distance between the Black Mountain world and the hidden frontier:

  "I'm not sure how much time it will take to get from here to the edge of the world?"

  "It seems to take an ordinary person a month..."

  The female hunter did not hesitate. Said:
  "I've been there!"

  "With your ability, it definitely won't take that long. One month is enough. Promise me, you must return to the town within one month, is that okay?"

  Lindsay also saw the decision in Dan's eyes, so she promised loudly:

  "No problem, I promise you!"

  (End of Chapter)

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