53. Chapter 53 Leaving town

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  Chapter 53 Leaving town
  "Dan, didn't you say you found some clues before? How long do you think this mission will take?" "Optimistically

  , it should take about a week." "

  Then I'll give you half a month. Time, the focus of this operation is to find out the truth, not to kill the enemy. So no matter whether it is successful or not, we must return to the town safely, okay?" "Look what you said - it seems like

  I am controlled by the organizer, Would you rather die if you don't complete the mission?"

  "You understand what I mean."

  "I understand, my lord, I will try my best to ensure safety."

  The personnel and general plan of the pursuit team were finalized in this way.

  As the leader of this team, Dan also shoulders the important task of tracing the traces.

  Alan of the War School is the main combat force.

  Lindsay and Ju are responsible for assisting and supplementing the battle.

  This matter should not be delayed for too long.

  So they finalized the general plan and said goodbye to An Rui. The group prepared dry food and water and headed directly to the south of the town.

  But before they could leave the town, a familiar shout came from behind.

  "Lindsay, wait!"

  Lindsay turned around and looked.

  It was the young craftsman Joel, running towards them out of breath.

  He held a gray cloth bag tightly with both arms and looked directly at Lindsay who was about to leave town.

  Lindsay nodded to her companions in understanding, and then hurriedly greeted them:

  "Joel, what's wrong?"

  "I, I heard you were leaving." Joel ran over in a hurry. After being stopped by Lindsay, he immediately handed the bag in his hand to Lindsay, then took a breath and explained, "So, I think I can bring these things to you first." Lindsay untied the bag

  . Open the rope that binds the mouth and take a look.

  Inside was a wooden bow, three arrows with pitch-black arrows, and a long dagger with a cold light shining on its edge.

  Seeing Lindsay opening the bag, a proud smile immediately appeared on Joel's face:
  "This is the best weapon I can make with my current skills."

  "First of all, I based this long knife on Master Anrui's The center of gravity and shape of the weapon are made. If you follow him to learn combat skills, you must be most accustomed to using this weapon. And for the arrowheads of these three arrows, I asked for some antimony steel from the old man, which is a type of steel affected by the elementium. If the awakened person or monster is shot by such an arrow, the power in the body will be immediately affected."

  As Joel explained, Lindsay also started [Simulation Management] for inspection.

  [Weapon: Long Dagger]

  [A high-quality cold weapon carefully adjusted by craftsmen. The center of gravity and shape are carefully polished, and it has excellent effects when it suits specific tactics. ]

  [Weapons of good quality are easy to sell everywhere. ]

  [Arrows: Antimony Arrows]

  [Arrows made of antimony steel modulated by craftsmen will disturb the source of the target when hitting the target; the arrow shaft is made of oak wood, with high density and strength, ensuring that the arrow Excellent penetration and stability.

  【Extremely excellent special arrows, someone is willing to buy them at a high price.

  After inspecting these two pieces of Joel's meticulous work, Lindsay's eyes naturally fell on the last wooden bow.

  Joel appropriately introduced:

  "This bow is made of oak, and the bowstring is made of high-quality beef tendon. The entire bow has reached the best condition in terms of elasticity and hardness. It is my proud work!" [Weapon:

  Oak Bow]

  [The top-grade wooden bow carefully crafted by craftsmen has a comfortable hand feel, moderate weight, and strong and durable material that can accompany the user for a long time.

  【High quality weapons, easy to sell to hunters or soldiers.

  These three things are indeed carefully crafted by Joel.

  Lindsay put these things away gratefully and solemnly, and at the same time thanked Joel:
  "Joel, thank you." "I don't have anything with me right now..."

  After hearing Lindsay's beginning, Joel realized When he asked about the remuneration, Joel waved his hand and interrupted Lindsay's next words:

  "Okay, this is not what our relationship needs to talk about?"

  "If you dare to say the following content, don't come here in the future. I helped."

  Lindsay shook her head with a wry smile, while Joel leaned forward and whispered in a voice that only the other party could hear:
  "And don't you want to go to Montenegro?"

  "You want to do such a big thing in the future, now. Why don't you try to use something good? Just take it with ease!"

  At this point, Lindsay suddenly remembered that she had something to deal with.

  He may have to leave town for a few days this time, but there are still things that need to be taken care of in the plant cabin that Finn entrusted to him!
  Lindsay quickly said to Joel:
  "By the way, is there anything else I can ask you to help me with?"

  "Help." Hearing this, Joel showed a happy smile on his face, "You can just say it, as long as I can do it , I promise to help you!"

  Lindsay then explained:
  "I may have to leave for a long time this time."

  "During this period, I would like to ask you to help me take care of the plants in the wooden house, the watering time and care methods. It's all written in the notes."

  Joel patted his chest confidently:

  "Isn't it just taking care of plants? This must be no problem!"

  "Lindsay, we should go!"

  At this moment, Dan in front of us Signaling Lindsay not to delay any further.

  Lindsay had no choice but to nod her thanks to Joel again and turned around to catch up with the team.

  Behind him, Joel watched his friend leave.

  When he was about to go to Finn's cabin to find the notes and check the plants, Joel suddenly discovered something:

  "Wait! Why didn't Lindsay bring the backpack I made for him?"

  "Does it mean mine ? Is there anything wrong with the design?"


  On the other side, a group of people followed Dan into the forest.

  They first came to the location where Lindsay had killed three ice badgers. Dan's tracking actually ended here last night.

  But before returning, the huntress carved a mark on the tree.

  Check it out in daylight now.

  The direction the mark points to is the southeast direction of the forest.

  After arriving here, Dan confirmed it again. After ensuring that her judgment was correct, she led Lindsay and the three of them to continue walking through the forest.

  Walking along the path in the forest, the huntress looked firm and confident.

  Lindsay saw this scene clearly.

  When he thought about his inability to track down the mastermind, he was naturally curious:
  "Dan, how did you find out the connection between the mastermind and the ice badger?"

  The huntress explained very generously:
  "It's very simple, this is my skill. The ability after four sublimations. In front of ordinary people, animals are just animals, but in my opinion, they have an indelible stench on them." When

  Ju heard this, he couldn't suppress his surprise immediately:

  " Mom! You...don't you only have three stages of ability? When did you advance to the fourth stage?" "Excellent

  adventurers always leave some trump cards for themselves." Dan looked at his son with disdain and said He replied in a matter-of-fact tone, "Besides, we're just from this town, so there's no point in me showing off."

  Under Ju Yi's confused expression, Dan continued to explain her tracking method to Lindsay. Details:
  "If your senses are blessed with hunter skills, you will find that they often emit a scent that lasts for a long time and is difficult for ordinary people to detect. Accompanied by states of courtship, fear, joy, excitement, and anger, these scents The information is also different."

  "And my method is to follow the smell they left and find the location when they came. As long as the mastermind behind the scenes has come into contact with these ice badgers, they will definitely not be able to escape!"

  ( End of this chapter)

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