52. Chapter 52 [Double Snake Coin]

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  Chapter 52 [Double Snake Coins]

  From Finn’s corpse being reanimated to Lindsay subduing him.

  From the time Lindsay started hunting in the forest, to successfully hunting down the ice badger and confirming the situation, to returning to town and telling everyone the news.

  This night was neither long nor short.

  When things finally settled, the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone on the church.

  Finn's burial ceremony also officially started at this moment.

  This old man who has been walking on the road of knowledge all his life should not be tortured like this after his death. So Lindsay hurried early in the morning to move Finn's coffin from the cabin to the church, dress up the teacher's body, and lay it out again.

  Witnessed by the awakened people in the town.

  Lindsay wielded the shovel and dug a grave for the teacher with her own hands.

  After the entire burial process was completed, other awakened people in the town also left one after another, leaving only Anna and Ju, who were close friends with Lindsay, remaining in the cemetery.

  "Brother Lin, my condolences."

  Ju comforted Lindsay.

  Anna knelt down in front of Finn's grave and whispered her grief.

  About a quarter of an hour later, the three returned to the chapel ahead.

  Lindsay had already made up her mind, so she found Hongyue who was copying the dossier.

  Hongyue seemed to have expected this scene.

  She put down her pen and just stared at Lindsay quietly, waiting for her godson to speak.

  "Mommy, Uncle An Rui plans to organize a team to find out the real culprit behind all this."

  Hongyue said calmly:
  "You want to go too."

  Lindsay nodded:

  "Fen I can’t let myself stay out of things about Teacher En and the attacks I suffered.”


  “Then pay attention to safety.”

  Hongyue still cherishes her words as much as she did in the past.

  But after confirming Lindsay's decision, she still gave Lindsay instructions in her own way.

  Lindsay nodded goodbye to Hongyue.

  After walking out of the church, Anna and Ju were waiting for him at the door. Anna first asked:

  "Lindsay, how are you?"

  Lindsay walked straight towards the town and explained:

  "We will go to your house first. Didn't Uncle Anrui say Are you going to organize a long-distance team?"

  "Are you going too?" Anna opened her eyes wide, "But this team should be selected from the powerful awakeners in the town..."

  Lindsay interrupted Anna:

  "This is not a question of strength, but I have to go."

  "Desecrating the teacher's body has threatened my life one after another. No one can remain indifferent to this kind of thing."

  After hearing Lindsay's answer, Anna The purple eyes lowered.

  If you put yourself in Lindsay's shoes, you won't come up with any other answer.

  On the contrary, it was Ju beside him. Although he did not speak, he was thoughtful and quickened his pace to follow Lindsay's back.

  The three of them were walking on the road leading to the lord's manor.

  It was early in the morning, and a withered and thin figure stood in front of a house on the roadside. When he saw the three Lindsays, he stepped forward to stop them without hesitation.

  "Lindsay, I have something I want to talk to you about alone."

  It was Somkin, the owner of the grocery store.

  Lindsay looked at the old man. He only knew that the other man had awakened the skills of a businessman, and he had no other understanding of him.

  He didn't want to waste time at this time, so he bypassed the old man and said,
  "Mr. Somkin, I'm in a hurry to go to Master Anrui now. If you have anything to do, I can do it later..." "

  You want revenge, right?" Somkin stood directly in front of Lindsay. His tone when he interrupted Lindsay was full of confidence, "Come on, I won't take you too much time."

  Lindsay paused, and he looked at Somkin, The old man just smiled and said:
  "No more than three minutes."

  The two of them walked aside, and Somkin went straight to the point without mincing words:

  "I know you plan to join this crusade. In my humble opinion, this operation It will definitely be very rewarding, and in this team, you are the most worthy investment object."

  Somkin took out a walnut coin engraved with the pattern of twin snakes and handed it to Lindsay:

  "I hope you When you come back, you can tell me everything you saw truthfully."

  When Lindsay saw the coin, she immediately felt that it exuded a magical temptation, just like gold's attraction to greedy businessmen.

  "What is this?"

  Somkin explained:

  "My merchant currency, kid. You can use it to restore your own essence, treat injuries, or seduce other greedy beings." [Hunting Simulation] → [Simulation Management 】

  【Strange Object: Double Snake Coin】

  【A one-time consumable item that the four-stage merchants use to condense personal wealth through wealth operations. Use the value in the Double Snake Coins to restore the essence, heal injuries, and seduce creatures.

  【Double Snake Coin is difficult to make. It is bought by many people and is worth a lot of money. ]

  Seeing this string of descriptions, especially the valuable adjectives in the product information, Lindsay immediately became cautious:

  "This investment is not light."

  Somkin just smiled and replied:

  "Intelligence and hope have always been valuable. Not cheap."

  Lindsay asked tentatively:

  "What if I fail to bring back the news you want, or deliberately conceal it?"

  Somkin had a calm attitude towards this, and said in a calm tone:
  "Investment always coexists with risks and returns. And if the trader defaults, the businessman has his own way."

  After saying that, Somkin turned and left, not delaying Lindsay for even a second.


  Lindsay watched the other party leave.

  He looked at the Double Snake Coin in his hand and finally put it away.

  Saying goodbye to the merchants blocking their way, the three young men quickly arrived at Anrui's lord's manor.

  The mission to find out who is behind this will certainly involve force.

  Therefore, the awakened people who were responsible for production and who did not have strong combat effectiveness had left early, and there were only seven people in front of An Rui.

  Among them, Lindsay knew Dan and Alan, and the other five were just acquaintances.

  At this moment, An Rui was giving instructions:

  "This expedition is of great importance. Considering that the enemy may be suspected of trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain, the defense work in the town cannot be given up. I definitely cannot leave the town..."

  The female hunter leaned against the wall, crossed her arms, and interjected:

  "If you want to find the mastermind behind the scenes, my tracking ability is indispensable. So An Rui, how many manpower can you give me?"

  An Rui nodded, Agreeing with Dan's statement:

  "There are only two."

  "But apart from me, you can choose any awakener in the town."

  Hearing this, Lindsay knew that she came at the right time, and immediately stepped forward to express her intention. :
  "Uncle Anrui, I hope to join this mission."

  Lindsay's speech naturally attracted the attention of the awakened people present.

  In the past three years, Lindsay has already proven his ability to Dan. Naturally, the huntress did not refuse this familiar helper:
  "No problem, then Lindsay is your one."

  "There is another one...just Alan. You Didn't this guy also sublimate his skills for the third time some time ago? If you encounter a difficult guy, you can be considered an insurance." Alan immediately stood

  up and promised with a serious expression:

  "No problem, I swear I will do my best. Whatever I do, I will become a sharp blade in your hands!"

  The two candidates were decided at once.

  But to everyone's expectation, just when people were about to disband, Ju suddenly spoke:

  "Uncle Anrui, can you let me join this operation?" "

  Although I have only sublimated one ability. But With my experience in the hunting team, I feel that I can also play some role..."

  "Nonsense!" Before Ju could finish his words, his mother was the first to get angry, "You are a kid, don't fool around here. What effect can your three-legged cat skills have?"

  However, Ju had no intention of retreating. Facing his mother's scolding gaze, he firmly asked word by word:
  "Am I not an awakened person?"

  "This year I will When I followed the hunting team, I never had any problems. I also did a good job in archery and basic tracking in the wild!" The

  female hunter walked to her child in two steps, staring at the torch with her eyes:
  "If you really feel that you Now that your wings have hardened, I will teach you a lesson."

  "Okay, Dan." Surprisingly, seeing Ju's obvious rebellious behavior, it was An Rui who spoke at this time, "Young warrior, always You have to temper yourself in a crisis, and Ju is already a good young man. You can't protect him forever." "

  Think about Cole."


  "He is not a soldier, he is my son!" Damben She wanted to yell back like this, but after hearing the name Cole, the originally furious huntress suddenly became silent.

  Cole is Ju's father and Dan's husband.

  The huntress thought of the adventures of her youth and Cole's back when he broke into the Black Mountain.

  Finally, he bit his lips and looked at him with determination.

  Ju's expression was exactly the same as when he left home.

  She turned her head and stopped expressing her opinion.

  (End of chapter)

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