54.Chapter 54 Five-day tracking

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  Chapter 54: During the five-day tracking
  process, no thrilling and dangerous events involving powerful enemies occurred.

  Instead, it was a predictably boring journey.

  In order to control the ice badger while ensuring his own safety, the mastermind behind this incident was hiding far away from the border town and could not be found in a short period of time.

  Through the message left by the Ice Badger.

  Dan realized this in advance and reminded the other teammates in the team, so the atmosphere of the team did not become low because of the boring tracking for several consecutive days.

  The sun rises and the moon rises, the sun disappears and the moon sets.

  Time passed quietly in the forest, and Lindsay and his party gradually moved away from the border town in the boring pursuit.

  Within the first 48 hours.

  They can also spend the night in simple hunting lodges in the surrounding forest.

  But starting from the third day, they completely entered the wilderness and could only rest and sleep under the cover of the sky.

  On the fourth day, they were completely out of the influence of the town.

  On the fifth day, there were no signs of human activity in the forest. There were no felled tree stumps or traps set by hunters. On the animal trails in the forest, traces of animal activity have increased significantly, and even the frequency of encounters with monsters has increased.

  In order to save materials as much as possible.

  The experienced hunters in the team began to show their skills.

  No matter Lindsay or Dan and Ju.

  They carry bows and arrows, and there is no shortage of prey in the forest.

  During the four-day expedition, they obtained supplies in this way. The dry food they prepared when they set out was almost not lost and was directly used as emergency supplies.

  During this period, Lindsay had master-level cooking skills.

  The task of preparing meals was completely left in his hands.

  As for the effect... the maple syrup that Lindsay prepared a few days ago came in handy when barbecuing, and everyone commented quite favorably.

  On the fifth day, the early morning sunlight cast dappled shadows from the forest.

  Lindsay opened her eyes at exactly the right moment.

  At this time, Ju was keeping vigil. He steeled himself and sat by a birch tree with his bow and arrow in his arms. When he saw Lindsay getting up, he nodded slightly, leaned back, and his breathing slowed down rhythmically.


  After Lindsay got up, she sat there for a while.

  Then he stood up and walked towards the extinguished fire in front of him, preparing to find the kindling to light it again and prepare breakfast for everyone.

  Lindsay dug into the extinguished fire. The forest was cold and damp on the autumn morning.

  The fire could not be saved in this environment, so he had to pick some dry firewood, took out the flint from the pocket at his waist, and prepared to rekindle the fire.

  At the moment Lindsay lowered her hands and was about to hit Mars.

  His right hand was suddenly held tightly.


  Lindsay turned around and looked.

  Dan, who was still sleeping just now, touched his side at some point and was looking at him seriously, shaking his head slightly.

  "Don't light a fire, there is movement around!"

  The huntress was obviously awakened by Lindsay's movements when she stood up.

  But as a fourth-stage hunter, her perception ability in the forest has far exceeded ordinary people's understanding, and even Lindsay, whose perception ability has been enhanced, cannot compare.

  At this moment.

  Dan heard a slight movement in the surrounding woods, so he immediately stopped Lindsay's plan to light a fire.

  Seeing the female hunter's cautious attitude.

  Lindsay also realized that something was wrong. He pressed his lips tightly and remained silent. He just turned his head and stretched out his fingers, pointing in the direction of Alan and Ju.

  His meaning was very clear - should he wake these two people up?

  Dan shook his head seriously and rejected the matter.

  Then, she first pointed to herself, then to the distance, and finally pressed her hands towards Lindsay to signal him not to make any noise.

  Lindsay nodded in understanding.

  Then he stood by the campfire, motionless, and seemed to fully accept the command of the huntress.

  Meanwhile, under Lindsay's watchful eye.

  Dan moved toward the woods in the northeast direction.

  In just a few breaths, the figure of the huntress completely blended into the forest.

  She was right under Lindsay's nose, her figure flashed from the woods, and then she disappeared without a trace. Even Lindsay, who was always paying attention to the opponent, completely lost Dan's figure after just four or five seconds.

  During the entire process of sneaking closer, the huntress didn't make a sound. The figure also completely disappeared.

  She was like a non-existent ghost, dispersed in the early morning forest.


  Lindsay stared fixedly at the direction where Dan disappeared.

  The hunter's skills are so at home in the forest that they are almost invisible to prying eyes.

  But Lindsay also has her own methods.

  He couldn't confirm the huntress's current movements, but relying on the speed at which she left, he could vaguely estimate Dan's current position.

  The forest is thick with trees and confusing shrubs.


  Lindsay took a deep breath and became more focused.

  He felt the humidity of the woods in the early morning, the birds flying in the distance, and the rustling of animals through the bushes.

  And there was the subtle movement of something approaching in the direction where the huntress disappeared!

  Lindsay's eyes were fixed.

  He couldn't estimate the specific distance between the other party and himself. He only relied on his hearing to make a vague judgment. It was at least a few tens of meters away.

  In a straight line, there happened to be a fir tree blocking the view.

  Aiming at prey in the forest sometimes requires not only the hunter's archery skills, but also your luck, without any obstruction in between.

  Lindsay barely made any sound, twisting her body slightly on the spot and assuming an awkward posture.

  But just like that, he bypassed the fir trees that blocked his view.

  Then, the oak bow on his body was put into the [carry-on bag] by Lindsay, and then he took it directly from the bag and put it in his hand.

  The whole process only took a moment and there was no movement.

  But the weapons and arrows were already in his hands.

  Rapid fire at the ready, Lindsay began to count in her mind how fast Dan was approaching.

  Three seconds, two seconds...

  boom -


  A moment of time.

  There was the sound of a bowstring in the direction Lindsay was aiming, and the howl of a wild beast also appeared at the same time.

  The female hunter who had disappeared suddenly rushed out of the shadows in the forest, threw away the bow and arrows on her body, raised the hunting knife in her hand and rushed toward the trees in front of her.

  ——The figure of a companion.

  ——The enemy's cry.

  These two messages were received by Lindsay at the same time, and the bow and arrow that had been prepared were taken off the string at this moment, and three arrows were shot out in succession!
  Whoosh - Whoosh - Whoosh -


  "What's wrong?!"

  At this time, Alan and Ju, who were still sleeping, were awakened by the sound.

  They quickly got up from their sleep.

  As a result, Lindsay was seen standing on the ground at some point, holding an oak bow in his hand, with the arrow pointed at the woods in the northeast.

  The two realized that the situation was not good, and quickly took out their weapons, preparing to respond to the battle.

  But at this moment, they saw Lindsay slowly put down her bow and arrow and shook her head at them.

  Alan and Ju looked into the distance in confusion.

  At this time, the nimble figure of the female hunter returned from there, carrying two dark beast shadows in her hands - the bodies of ice badgers!


  "Is this the kind of monster that infested Lord Finn's body?"

  Ju and Alan had very different reactions at the same time.

  The female hunter first shook her head and then nodded and said:
  "Now there is good news and bad news."

  "The good news is that our tracking has no problem, or it is very successful."

  "The bad news is that we have probably been attacked by the enemy. Discovered, now it’s time to speed up!”

  (End of this chapter)

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