51. Chapter 51 The Gathering of the Awakened

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  Chapter 51 The Gathering of the Awakened
  "I'll go with you."

  Lindsay followed Dan directly.

  However, before he could take a few steps, the huntress turned around and held Lindsay's shoulders, looking directly into Lindsay's pupils seriously and forcefully: "
  Lindsay, listen to me, you go and tell An Rui the news first."

  "Looking at the way you are now, it's really not suitable for you to go out to investigate anymore. And I promise you, I will be back soon, no more than an hour at most!" "


  Lindsay was about to retort subconsciously.

  But just then, Dan lifted Lindsay's hand that was holding the ice badger.

  The veins in his hands protruded, and the knuckles turned white from the force. Not long after he took out the ice badger, the position where it was caught was already twisted and deformed, and its outer skin was almost crushed to pieces.


  Lindsay realized that Dan was right.

  Finn's death and subsequent resurrection of the corpse had a great impact on him.

  When the ice badger was chasing him in the forest, he hadn't noticed it yet.

  But now he really needs to calm down his emotions, whether he is angry in his heart or thinking about the mastermind behind the scenes.


  "I understand, let's go to Uncle Anri now."

  Lindsay nodded towards the huntress, and the two parted from the church door.

  Dan followed the information given by Lindsay, and his figure quickly disappeared under the dark night; while Lindsay ran all the way to the north of the town. He did not think about anything for the time being, but kept breathing rhythmically.



  while focusing on adjusting his breathing.

  Lindsay's heart finally began to calm down, and at this time he happened to arrive at An Rui's lord's manor.

  "Lindsay, it's so late, why did you come here?"

  "I have something urgent to see Uncle Anrui, please give me a break."

  The guard at the door was yawning at night.

  They were already familiar with Lindsay, and just saying hello, Lindsay walked into Anrui's manor smoothly.

  With hurried footsteps, he arrived at the door of Anrui's bedroom on the second floor.

  Bang bang bang -

  "Uncle Anrui, wake up, I'm Lindsay."

  "Something happened in the town!"

  "Lindsay?" Almost the next second, the door was slammed open from the inside. An Rui didn't even light the light. He was only wearing a pair of thin pajamas. His body appeared at the door of the dim bedroom. "What happened in the town? Are you coming so late?" Lindsay directly handed the

  ice badger in his hand to An Rui:

  "This thing lurked next to Teacher Finn's cabin tonight and reanimated the corpse."

  An Rui, who had just woken up, still had some confusion on his face:
  "This... activation?"

  "Warcraft in the forest generally don't approach on their own initiative. This town."

  Lindsay urged:

  "Uncle Anrui, you change your clothes first, and we'll walk while we talk."

  "This ice badger didn't come to the town to cause trouble by instinct, but there was someone behind it. He exerted influence on it."



  An Rui woke up after hearing the second half.

  He understood the meaning of Lindsay's words, immediately turned around and entered the house, got dressed in a few seconds, and came to the door in a few steps:

  "Where is Finn's body now?"

  "It's in the church. Dan knew about this in advance. As for the matter, we have already gone to the forest to follow clues."

  An Rui nodded slightly and immediately walked out of the manor with Lindsay.

  Passing by the guards of the manor on the road, Anrui kept walking and gave a special instruction:
  "Go and inform the awakeners in the town to gather at Lady Red Moon's church." "

  By the way, tell Anna to give her a moment as well. Come here too."


  Half an hour later.

  The awakened ones in the Hidden Frontier gathered at the church on the east side of the town.

  Ordinary townspeople have left and gone home.

  Hongyue was still taking care of Finn's body in the chapel, while Anrui was standing slightly in front of him. There were more than 20 other awakened people standing or sitting in the chapel. As a young man in town.

  This is the first time Lindsay has seen all the awakened people gathered in the Hidden Frontier.

  Among them are Joel's master craftsman Yirel, doctor Song An who lives in the west of the town, and even Somkin, the now elderly grocery store owner who is rarely seen.

  At this moment, most of the awakened people had serious faces.

  Obviously everyone understood that An Rui must have an extremely serious reason for summoning everyone so late at night.

  Seeing that the awakened people in the church were almost all present, An Rui stepped forward, crossed his arms, and said with a serious expression:

  "Everyone, I'm sorry to have called everyone here so late." "

  But this matter is really urgent. "

  I'll make a long story short - just a few hours ago, Finn's body was animated by several monsters. This was not an accident of monsters accidentally breaking into the town, but a conspiracy directed by someone behind the scenes!" "

  ... "

  "Who would do such a thing to disturb the dead?"

  "You said that the World of Warcraft is commanded and controlled by others!" "

  It seems that no awakened person in the hidden border has such ability." "

  An Rui, what is the detailed investigation process? Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

  An Rui's explanation caused the scene to explode.

  In the first few minutes, the Awakeneds discussed the resurrection of Finn's corpse and the purpose of the person behind it.

  But at a certain point, the nature of the discussion changed.

  This comes from the speculation of the grocery store owner Somkin:
  "There is no reason for the awakened people in our town to do such a thing. I think the only people who would do such a thing are outsiders." "

  ... "

  A brief silence enveloped the chapel. When he spoke next, the place was already filled with various excited emotions: "Could it be

  that the dragon beast in Black Mountain was killed by an ascendant?" "Has

  the access between the hidden border and the outside world been restored? "

  Maybe there is an altar that can be used for space teleportation in a place we don't know about!"

  One thing is undeniable.

  No one in the Hidden Frontier, whether awakened or ordinary people, would like themselves and their families to be trapped here for the rest of their lives.

  The man behind the reanimation of Finn's corpse seemed to be an undetermined hope, putting an unknown depth charge into the hearts of the people of this dead town.

  The people in the chapel were excited, and the awakened people looked at each other, and even doubted...


  Suddenly, An Rui shouted.

  The lord's powerful voice echoed in the chapel, interrupting everyone's floating thoughts:
  "I know you don't want to be trapped here!"

  "But no matter where the mastermind behind the scenes came from, and how they got here, We all must first figure out his identity and purpose!"

  "There will be no good in messing up here except attracting ridicule from people in the dark."

  An Rui is undoubtedly the strongest awakened person in the hidden border.

  He is also the only upgrader.

  After he shouted these words as a lord. Regardless of whether they wanted to or not, the awakened people around him kept their mouths shut and showed respect to this fifth-stage awakened person of the War School.

  At this moment, Lindsay, who had keen senses, moved his ears, and he heard rapid footsteps coming from outside the church.

  "I heard someone running over outside!"

  After Lindsay reminded, everyone's eyes came to the door of the chapel.

  The figure of the huntress rushed in from the door of the chapel almost at the same time.

  Return within an hour -

  Dan kept her promise to Lindsay.

  She was panting now, holding on to the church door with her hands, and apparently she was running back all the way.

  After noticing the strange and tense atmosphere in the chapel.

  The huntress reached out and lifted the ice badger that Lindsay handed her, showing a contemptuous smile:

  "Haha, is everyone here?"

  "In short - I found the traces of the culprit who affected the Warcraft."

  "But it hid. I'm afraid the distance is farther than you think, maybe we should start a small expedition?"

   [Please collect and vote!

  (End of this chapter)

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