279. Chapter 277 The Businessman and the Old Wizard

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  Chapter 277 The Businessman and the Old Wizard

  "Quite, the dragon beast is dead."

  The old wizard said the biggest news.

  The middle-aged man who rushed here was restrained on the spot after hearing this, and then the old wizard continued to speak:
  "Although the dragon beast is dead, there are many living corpses spreading in the Black Mountain world. We need to organize manpower to clear them out, and at the same time open up the and... Contact with the outpost town."

  "They have been isolated from the world for too long, and this matter cannot be delayed."

  Every word of the old man contained information, including orders for follow-up actions.   The middle-aged man licked his

  lips after hearing this, then suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to ask:

  "What about Omar?"

  "He is a perceiver hired by our Chamber of Commerce. You didn't find him above?"

The wizard shook his head regretfully:

  "Life is impermanent, he has stepped into the fog."

  "Dead?" The adult man lowered his eyes and mocked himself in an expected tone of disdain, "That's a really bad deal. It seems like I I need to adjust this year's budget when I go back."

  On the other side, the young man who just defended Han Sike walked up.

  He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said firmly:

  "Brother Omar has already made preparations before setting off, and we will continue to act in accordance with the contract!"

  The middle-aged man shrugged:

  "Of course, I also like it the most Act according to the contract."


  Several people started a conversation about the death of the perceiver.

  On the other side, Han Sike noticed Lindsay's state, so he stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, explaining in a low voice:
  "This guy's name is Kuite, and he is a six-stage businessman."

  "Currently in the forest courtyard Three cities were successfully established, and the Yuanyue City among them was managed by their Chamber of Commerce."

  Lindsay remembered the three cities in this world, Black Mountain Underground, and Platinum Palace introduced him to them.

  Lookout Point City, Jiuwan City, and Yaoyue City.

  Among them, Yueyue City should be the farthest one:

  "Did this businessman cross the entire world to come here?"

  Han Sike shook his head and said:
  "No, Kuite is stationed in Cape Lookout City. "

  After all, it is a seven-stage dragon beast that is ready to advance."

  "If it succeeds, the patterns of several nearby worlds will change accordingly. There is no way the businessman will allow himself to become an uninformed party."

  Lindsay nodded slightly.

  The changes in the world of Montenegro affect many invisible details. After the battle started, there was even a commotion in the forest courtyard next door.

  Just as Lindsay was thinking about this, the people in front stopped talking and their eyes suddenly turned to Lindsay.

  The businessman Kuite showed him a friendly smile and extended his hand to invite:
  "Mr. Lindsay, right?"

  Lindsay nodded:

  "That's right."

  The businessman introduced himself:
  "I am Kuite, from the Platinum City and the Riverbank Chamber of Commerce. businessman."

  "Mr. Omar you met in the Black Mountain world is a perceiver hired by us to come here. If you are a witness to his death, I hope you can return to Yuanyue City with me. Please elaborate on the matter in more detail."


  Lindsay thought about how to respond.

  But before he could speak, the taciturn old wizard actually answered the businessman's invitation in advance:
  "Quite, Lindsay will stay in Cape Lookout City for a while."

  "He is seriously injured and needs treatment."

  The businessman's smile did not change. :

  "Then wait until he completes the treatment before setting off with me." The

  old wizard's answer was not conclusive, but his tone was quite firm:
  "This kind of thing depends on his own will."


  Quite Narrow your eyes.

  He stared at the seventh-stage wizard in front of him, thought about it again and again, and finally chose to give in:

  "Of course I respect this young man's intention."

  "But the reply to the head office will be more convincing if it has the first witness.

  " Landing, the businessman did not wait for other people's reactions. He jumped on his own carriage and looked back to say goodbye to the old wizard:
  "In that case, I'll take my leave first and inform the city of what's happening in Montenegro."

  With that, Kuite was about to drive away.

  However, when the horse neighed, he took a special look at Lindsay:
  "Mr. Lindsay, I look forward to meeting you next time."

  "Let's see you someday!"

  The next second, Quite drove the carriage , disappearing as quickly as he came.

  After the carriage passed by, the twisted woods returned to their original state, as if nothing had happened here, and there were not even traces of horseshoes or ruts on the ground.

  Watch the businessman leave.

  Lindsay looked at the old wizard next to him.

  In the exchange between the two people, the old wizard was obviously protecting himself and did not want him to fall into the hands of the businessman.

  "You guys go ahead. I'll talk to Lindsay about something."

  The wizard also saw Lindsay's curiosity. He waved for others to go ahead, leaving him and Lindsay at the end of the line.

  The old wizard whispered:
  "My child, you have the breath of a dragon slayer."

  "The dragon beast did not die with the enemy, but was killed by you?"


  All the questions that Lindsay had prepared were interrupted. chaos.

  He never thought that the other party could see such a thing!

  The old wizard did not threaten Lindsay or make other demands. He just whispered:

  "A power that is too powerful is often held by the weak, which often attracts covetousness. You'd better hide this fact. The awakened ones in the fifth stage will If the seventh-stage dragon beast is killed and the news spreads, it will only bring you endless danger."

  Of course, Lindsay could understand the friendliness in this reminder, and he immediately nodded and thanked:
  "Thank you for the reminder."

  "But I was able to kill the dragon beast only by chance. It is simply impossible for me to re-enact it!" The

  old wizard nodded lightly and looked at Lindsay's left hand:
  "I can feel that there is a negative feeling in you. Energy, is this left over from the battle with the dragon beast?"

  Lindsay looked at his left arm.

  It is not a problem to hold a bowl with this arm to eat, but it is impossible to raise a weapon to fight.

  The state of [Death Erosion] is there.

  The power from the Extinction Crown lingered in it, hindering Lindsay's normal control of her left hand.

  He smiled bitterly and replied:

  "After all, it is impossible to kill that kind of enemy without paying some price."

  The old wizard did not say anything more, but asked another question:
  "Child, why do you want to challenge the dragon beast? "

  Lindsay said his purpose when he first embarked on the journey:
  "If we don't find a way to kill it, the people in the hidden border will be threatened at all times. And my hometown is not here, so I have a reason to go back.

  " The wizard nodded in approval and said,

  "I feel courage in your heart."

  "This is a precious quality, but don't forget to be cautious and thoughtful."

  The two were walking in the discussion.

  They walked around a forest, and in front of them was a small post station with horses tied up.

  Han Sike, who was walking at the front, said hello to the people at the inn.

  Then he went to untie the horses and said,
  "Everyone, get on your horses and get ready to go back to the city!"

  "Lindsay, if you don't mind, you can ride with me. We don't have good conditions now."

  Hula la -

  just At this time, there was a sound in the forest.

  Every tree and grass around seems to be responding to some kind of call.

  Lindsay sensed something was wrong.

  He turned around and looked around. The vines and shrubs in the forest even came alive!
  The plants rustled and shuddered in the sound. The entire forest originally contained vitality, but now it showed activity beyond the normal!
  It seems that the whole world is a life and it is telling something.

  Along with this change.

  Everyone's voices fell silent, and they all looked at the old wizard next to Lindsay.

  The old wizard looked calm:
  "The forest also sensed everything in the Black Mountain world and responded to it."

  "Come on, let's calm this wave first."

  (End of this chapter)

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