278. Chapter 276 Up and Down

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  Chapter 276: Top and bottom


  clatter -

  a roar filled with murderous intent sounded out.

  A tall man with a strong build and a single sword in his hand launched a charge after shouting.

  There were no gravel or logs blocking the way.

  But without warning, he fell directly to the ground, and his body turned gray in the blink of an eye.

  All life force disappears from his body.

  The robber a moment ago has now turned into a cold corpse.

  The businessman who was still in crisis just now was sitting on the ground tremblingly, looking to the side with flickering eyes.

  This is the foothills of Mount Consonius.

  And the person who killed the awakened robber with just one look.

  It's a girl.

  The other party has an astonishing beauty. Although her black and white hair is eye-catching, what is more likely to leave an impression is her flame-like red eyes, from which the gray source matter is dissipating at this moment.

  The businessman did not dare to admire this beauty at all.

  Although he is just a businessman.

  But with the eyesight of walking around, I also understand how exaggerated power it is to kill an awakened person with just a look!

  Hong strode up to the businessman and pulled him up:
  "Hey, tell me, where is this place?"

  The businessman replied tremblingly:

  "This is the world where Narcobondek is, the whole universe. The hometown of the soldiers."

  "Narkbondek?" Red eyebrows raised. She had heard this name from Lindsay, but she didn't expect that she would be randomly teleported to such a place. "Then do you know where the world of Montenegro is? ?"

  "Ah? Black Mountain World?" The businessman's expression was blank.

  "Tsk -"

  Hong smacked his lips and continued to ask:

  "Then tell me where Narcobondeck is and how to get there."

  The businessman pointed to the Consonis Mountain in front of him.

  "Over this mountain, you can see the city in more than ten miles."

  Hong shook his hair dissatisfied.

  She didn't let go of the businessman, she grabbed him with one hand and walked forward.

  The merchant was caught in the girl's hand. He was stunned for a long time before he began to cry:
  "Miss, I am just a small businessman! I have a batch of goods that need to be delivered to the border before April. You should let me go...ah!"

  The merchant ! The words of begging for mercy were not finished yet.

  Hong then jumped high into the air, jumped straight to the cliff surface near the two of them, and quickly climbed up with inhuman agility.

  Hong's course of action has always been direct and efficient.

  So instead of walking on the winding mountain roads in the mountains, she went straight ahead and crossed the mountains in the most direct way!
  At the same time, she asked the businessman in her hand:
  "Oh, should I let go now?"

  The businessman looked at the abyss below and swallowed:

  "Uh... please wait a moment."


  Hong While traveling to the warrior's hometown, Lindsay's condition took a turn for the worse.

  Of course, this is 'down' in the physical sense.

  He sat in a small boat and dived down the waterfall. The fierce water flow passed by him, and in the blink of an eye he entered the dark void at the junction of the worlds.

  This kind of sliding downhill is definitely several times faster than the hard climb on the Babel Vine.

  It doesn't take more than a few hours.

  A moment later, they crossed the dark void and saw a whole new world below.

  ——The courtyard in the forest.

  Sitting on the boat speeding down the waterfall, Lindsay looked into the distance.

  At the bottom of the waterfall is a lake of accumulated water.

  Two rivers extend out, flowing in the distance from the east and south respectively, and finally disappear into the dense shade forest.

  Some of the trees in the forest have lush branches and tangled trunks, like ancient guardians.

  The plants beside the rivers and lakes are delicate and beautiful, with bright colors, attracting butterflies and bees to fly here. Occasionally, a fallen leaf falls lightly, welcoming every visitor with a soft dance.

  "This is the courtyard in the forest..."

  Lindsay whispered.

  Although the water vapor from the waterfall covers the smell of the forest.

  But he could also imagine the aroma of earth and various flowers and plants in this world.

  Recalling the experience of crossing the world, Lindsay couldn't help but sigh:

  "The hidden border is affected by the Black Mountains, and the location of the border is completely covered by heavy snow." When the

  legal knight in front of the boat heard this emotion, he felt proud He explained:
  "This place was originally affected by the advancement of dragon beasts." "But Lord Coseveret is in charge, so it can maintain its original appearance."

  It was this wizard.

  Lindsay looked at the old man in gray robe beside her.

  The other party didn't take it seriously and just nodded slightly towards him, remaining silent and saying few words.

  In other words, from the time we met until now.

  This seventh-stage wizard has never shown any power except helping the boat slide down the waterfall.

  Even if Lindsay activates the detection ability, he can only feel the weak existence of source material from the opponent, which is completely different from the dragon beast or the dark abyss.

  If we meet inadvertently.

  Without knowing the details, Lindsay would probably think that this was an ordinary old man.

  But what Lindsay is most worried about now is Han Sike, the law knight beside him.

  Once in the village of Annville.

  Baggett, the Law Knight, placed [Law - Sinner's Mark] on Lindsay, and this status is still displayed on Lindsay's attribute bar.

  In order to keep Lindsay safe.

  Arvette even used the "Anthroposophical Code" to decisively send him away from that world.


  Han Sike next to him should have reacted immediately, and it wouldn't be a surprise to even get into a fight with Lindsay.

  But what is the reality?
  Hansike behaved quite friendly towards Lindsay and had no sense of the imprint of the law.

  In this situation.

  A hypothesis that had never been considered before emerged in Lindsay's mind.

  ——The color of the marker.

  on the properties panel. Conditions such as colds or injuries are usually marked in red. However, [Law - Mark of Sinners] is in a relatively dim state, as if the effect has been suppressed.

  The Anthroposophical Code also suppressed this mark from taking effect?
  While thinking, the boat also came to the bottom of the waterfall.

  After leaving the area affected by the water flow of the waterfall on the lake, the group did not drive into the river, but paddled towards the shore. Lindsay could see a small wooden dock with several wooden poles used to tie the boat on the edge. pile.

  The boat moored at the shore.

  Lindsay walked off the boat, and Han Sike suddenly asked Lindsay:
  "Mr. Lindsay, I see that you care about me. Do you have any questions that I need to answer?"

  Lindsay didn't want to cause trouble for herself. Trouble immediately came up with a reason:
  "I heard that the Knights of Law exist in the Capital of Law."

  "But I didn't expect that I could meet you in such a distant world."


  Hearing Lindsay's confusion , Hanske's eyes were a little dim.

  However, he still answered quite frankly:

  "I am indeed a timid guy to leave the Capital of Law at this moment." "

  But in the Capital of Law now, several forces lead their own armies to attack each other in order to establish their own Governing the world with absolute legal principles."

  "People like me who don't want to participate in this fight can only leave their homeland like a traitor."

  I heard Han Sike's self-deprecation.

  On the other side, the young man who was still reinforcing the rope of the boat was not happy. He immediately defended the Law Knight and said:

  "Mr. Hansike is not what he said!"

  "Several big cities on the border of the world are all newly built. All walks of life have a blank sheet of paper and are in urgent need of support from all aspects. They came here just to make up for the legal problems." "

  And I believe that Mr. Hansike will definitely go back." "

  How can there be eternal life in this world? An endless war..."

  The young man continued to speak.

  Lindsay suddenly heard a sound coming from a distance.

  He turned around and saw a carriage coming from the forest.

  The trees on both sides of the forest seemed to consciously make way for the carriage, and the space twisted and stretched like a concave mirror.

  And on the carriage.

  Sitting there was a middle-aged man wearing a purple coat and a gentleman's hat.

  He drove to the lake, jumped off the carriage, and immediately locked his eyes on Lindsay.

  He seemed to have discovered something of great value in Lindsay, and he couldn't even bear to look away.

  Just stared at Lindsay quietly for a few seconds.

  The middle-aged man chuckled lightly and turned his gaze to the old wizard aside. He crossed his fingers in a businessman's etiquette gesture and said,

  "Lord Kesselwillet."

  "The Chamber of Commerce heard that you suddenly left the city and headed for the border of the world, so they sent me Come and ask about the situation."

  "Looking at the way you guys look, you must have been to Montenegro, right?"

  (End of Chapter)

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