280.Chapter 278 New Goal

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  Chapter 278 New Target
  The moment she heard the old wizard’s instructions, Lindsay was ready.

  Although I don’t know the current situation of the forest garden.

  But since Kesse Willet and Hansike rescued him from the siege of the resuscitators in Montenegro, this assistance is worthy of Lindsay's response.

  It's just that the reality is slightly different from the idea.

  Faced with the changes in the forest, the fact is that Lindsay does not need to intervene at all.

  As soon as the old wizard's order was spoken, the other awakened people nodded and rode their horses in one direction.

  In the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the shadow of the swaying trees.

  "Lord Coserwillette, let me take Lindsay back to Cape Lookout City first."

  The Law Knight stayed behind and asked the old wizard for orders:

  "Since he is going to stay here for a while, he must also need a place to live and a place to live. As for other daily necessities, it is better to deal with these things as soon as possible."

  The old wizard nodded slightly:
  "Go, Han Sike."

  "I will bring the others back before nightfall."

  After saying this, the old wizard turned and left.

  He did not ride a horse, grabbed his yew staff, walked into the forest alone, and soon disappeared into the forest.

  Staring at this old figure.

  Lindsay glanced at the map subconsciously.

  In the process of leaving, the old wizard did not perform any magic skills, but left step by step.

  "Mr. Hansike?"

  Lindsay turned her curious gaze to the law knight beside her, who responded with a reassuring smile.

  Han Sike first stretched out his hand to help Lindsay onto the horse, and then he stepped on it:
  "Let's go back first, and I will tell you slowly on the way."

  In the forest.

  There are no real roads.

  Only the wild grass trampled by horses formed a faint trail. The sun shines through the dense canopy of trees, dappledly shining on the ground, like beams of light streaking behind the two people.

  With Lindsay's excellent perception, she even detected some animals.

  However, when they heard the sound of horses, most of them chose to hide instead of attacking like monsters.

  Compared with the many crises in the world of Montenegro, Lindsay really felt like she was in another world.

  at the same time.

  Han Sike, who was riding a horse in front, also began to introduce to Lindsay:

  "Forest Garden is a world completely covered by forests."

  "Most of the life, magical beasts, and materials produced here are closely related to plants. And in the source Under the influence of nature, the entire forest has a vague tendency to be connected, and sometimes it even needs to be treated as a whole."

  The description of the Law Knight reminded Lindsay of Gaia.

  It is a special life form in which each life is an independent individual but belongs to the same life as a whole.

  Lindsay was alert:

  "You mean, the entire forest is a common life form?"

  Han Sike quickly shook his head:

  "It's not a common life form." "

  But the plants in this forest seem to be unified subconsciously. Guidance of will. Master Kessewillet has tried to find the root, but unfortunately the final direction is always the world of the forest courtyard itself. No specific object that can represent the entire world has been found yet."

  Hearing that it is not the setting of Gaia's life circle , Lindsay relaxed a little.

  Sit on the horse and feel the bumps.

  He picked a leaf from a dark green tree nearby.

  [Miscellaneous: Purple Heartwood Leaves]

  [A dark green oval leaf with a smooth and shiny surface. ]

  [Ordinary leaves, worthless. ]

  "Huh -"

  With his skills verified, Lindsay felt relieved and pointed at the surrounding plants swaying as if breathing and continued to ask:

  "Then the forest looks like this now, is it related to this unity? "

  Han Sike nodded and replied:

  "Yes, this is a concrete manifestation of unified will."

  "Although it is not very active, it sometimes makes special little movements like humans talking in their sleep. This change is Corresponding results."

  Lindsay asked tentatively:
  "Is this change dangerous?"

  Han Sike nodded first, then shook his head:
  "Of course it is very dangerous for ordinary people. When they encounter this kind of situation, they will 100% get lost. In the forest, you will also encounter trouble when collecting berries and hunting."

  "Of course, if you are an awakened person like you and me, it's a different story."

  Lindsay roughly understood the situation.

  Then he began to care about the awakened people who had left before. According to Han Sike, they are now going to appease the forest. In fact, they are also trying to appease the subconscious mind of the entire world.

  This is no easy task.

  Lindsay said instinctively:

  "So... don't you need any help from us?"

  "Hahaha!" Han Sike, who was riding a horse in front, laughed heartily. He greatly appreciated Lindsay's idea of ​​providing help, "Don't worry. Well, Mr. Coserwillet will take care of it!"


  Lindsay curled her lips and stopped talking.

  He could completely understand the facts in Han Sike's mouth.

  There are seven levels of strong men sitting in charge.

  And people have built cities and lived here.

  It is natural to be able to cope with what happened in the forest garden.

  However, Lindsay set out from the hidden frontier alone, crossing the entire Black Mountain world to solve the dragon beast, the source of all crises.

  Hong was the only one keeping company with him on the road.

  This was a long journey lasting more than two years.

  During the adventure, Lindsay also developed the habit of dealing with various problems by herself.

  At present, the awakened ones in the forest courtyard set off individually to deal with the changes in the forest.

  When Lindsay was left alone, he felt strange and quite uncomfortable psychologically.

  "Return to the civilized world."

  "It's time to adjust your mentality. It can't be like it was in Montenegro."

  Sitting on the back of the horse.

  Lindsay gradually gathered her thoughts.

  His staged goal was to cross the Black Mountain and kill the dragon beast.

  It's now complete.

  Then you need to re-set goals for the next life.

  Lindsay's thinking gradually became clearer.

  The first thing is of course to find the missing Hong.

  It's just that the guy was randomly thrown into the teleportation array, and he didn't know where he was thrown. Now he is completely confused.

  The second is the situation at the hidden border.

  Lindsay herself should not waste any more time returning to the hidden frontier.

  After all, it will be another four or five years this time.

  What he needs to do is to confirm that they will send people to reopen the passage in the forest courtyard.

  As for the last purpose.

  This was Lindsay's thought when he first hit the road.

  Return to the world of the Capital of Law and return to Anweil ​​Village.

  He still doesn't know what the situation is there, and the "Anthroposophical Code" that resides in his body is absolutely crucial to that world.

  This purpose wants to be achieved.

  It may take a lot of time.

  But returning to her hometown, confirming the condition of her relatives, and providing help to those who have helped her are also things that Lindsay must do.

  "News from the Capital of Law..."

  Lindsay looked thoughtfully and looked forward.

  Han Sike, who was sitting in front of him, was driving the horse seriously and his movements were meticulous.

  Isn't there a law knight in front of him?

  "By the way, Lindsay."

  Just as Lindsay was thinking about how to find out the news, Han Sike in front took the initiative to speak:

  "Mr. Coserwillet said before that you were seriously injured. Although I didn't see any clues, but If you need help, I can introduce you to some smart doctors."


  "Thank you, that's troublesome."

  Lindsay's three goals have added a fourth.


  His left hand cannot always be used as a display for eating and drinking.

  This dead gray [Death Erosion] mark needs to be dealt with in a way!

  (End of chapter)

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