277.Chapter 275 Boating

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  Chapter 275 Boating
  "Hey, you're finally awake."

  Lindsay regained consciousness.

  He felt swaying underneath him, as if he were sitting on a carriage.

  But when he woke up completely, he found that he was not in a forest full of snow.

  Lindsay was now lying on a small boat.

  An old man wearing gray cloth sat next to him, holding a yew stick in his arms.

  And just noticed his awakening and said hello.

  It was a knight sitting on the bow of the ship.

  The power of this small boat also comes from the shaking oar in the opponent's hand.

  --not simple.

  A thought flashed through Lindsay's mind.

  In theory, the person controlling the oar would sit in the middle of the boat, or near the stern.

  This enables effective control of the vessel while ensuring stability.

  Sitting on the bow of a boat can be a challenging job.

  Lindsay blinked. He was stunned for two seconds, and then nodded and thanked the knight in front:

  "I'm awake."

  "Also, thank you for your previous rescue."

  The people on the boat came from the courtyard in the forest.

  Platinum Palace, who escaped from Montenegro, kept his promise.

  He informed his companions in the other world of the news here, and the rescue team set off immediately.

  their original goal.

  Perhaps it was to rescue the perceptor whose body was taken over by the dragon beast.

  But the final result was that Lindsay was saved.

  Before the two sides met, Lindsay still wanted to explore the surrounding area unwillingly, trying to find traces of Hong.

  The result was that he was discovered by several resuscitators.

  Seriously injured, his condition was extremely poor, so he decisively gave up the fight and tried to escape with the help of two snow wolves.

  In a critical situation.

  These Awakeners who landed in the ruins of Black Mountain discovered the escaping Lindsay and rescued him from the Resuscitators.

  Exhausted physically and mentally, Lindsay fell into a coma.

  Until now, I slowly woke up from the boat, not even knowing the time at this moment:

  "Can you tell me how long I slept?"

  The knight on the bow showed a reassuring smile:

  "It's only half a day."

  Do After the answer was given, the knight noticed Lindsay looking at the surrounding water.

  Without waiting for the other party to ask questions, he took the initiative to explain:
  "The number of living corpses exceeded our original estimate, and most of them fled to the Black Mountain world. I'm afraid it will be difficult for just a few of us to handle it." "

  So no matter the city's ruins are cleared, For the subsequent elimination of living corpses, we have to go back and gather manpower."

  This is the time to go to the forest courtyard.

  Lindsay understood the current situation, but also had some doubts:
  "Platinum Palace also knows the situation here. Didn't he tell you the accurate news when he went back?"

  "The news is not wrong." The knight smiled bitterly and shook his head, "But We feel that his description is a bit too bizarre, so we plan to confirm it first."

  "As far as facts are concerned, Platinum Palace is right..."

  During the conversation, Lindsay sat up from the boat.

  The knight originally wanted to express more emotion about the huge changes on the Black Mountain.

  But his perception was quite keen, and he noticed Lindsay's weakness when she sat up:

  "By the way, your name is Lindsay?"

  Lindsay nodded and admitted,

  "That's right."

  The knight was very concerned about Lindsay's condition:
  "Lindsay , if you are really tired, you can continue to rest."

  Lindsay shook her head:
  "I have no questions now, just ask if you have anything to ask." "Then I'm welcome." After confirming that Lindsay can answer, The knight then continued to ask, "First of all, what I want to know is naturally the reason why Montenegro became like this."

  The knight looked behind him.

  Even though I have been here for half a day, the collapse of a mountain peak is still unbelievable.

  "The dragon beast fought with a seven-stage enemy."

  Sitting in the middle of the boat, Lindsay began to describe the experience in detail:
  "They fought desperately, and the final result was as you can see, the entire mountain was turned into ruins. , the dragon beast also died here."

  The knight asked:
  "Can you tell us specifically about the situation of the people who fought with the dragon beast?"

  "Platinum Palace should have told you what happened to us." Lindsay reminded, "That's it. The man who sniped at us underground."

  "He can escape into the shadows, move his position instantly, and can emit a frightening mist, and has the ability to pull people into the dark world."

  Listen. Lindsay's description.

  The knight frowned, obviously aware of the difficulty of An Abyss, and even more confused about the other party's profession.

  Among the enemies he had seen, there seemed to be no such existence.

  After listening to Lindsay's explanation and before the knight could continue to ask questions, the old man next to him who had never spoken suddenly spoke:

  "He is the awakened person of the darkest series."

  "The living corpses in the Black Mountain world were probably transformed by him. ."

  As soon as the old man opened his mouth, the knight's attitude was respectful:
  "Lord Coseveret, I seem to have never heard of the awakened path called the Darkest?"

  The old man explained in a calm tone:
  "The Darkest is from the Chaos Abyss. One of the three major sects."

  "They once threatened the entire universe, so they were completely annihilated and eventually gradually forgotten in history." "


  The knight's expression was a little confused.

  "Everyone, there is a big waterfall ahead!"

  At this moment, a young man on another small boat shouted to them:
  "Lord Coseveret, please prepare some spells!"


  in the young man Amid the call, the sound of rushing water came from a distance.

  Lindsay turned her head and looked.

  The roaring river suddenly stopped in front, rushing downwards.

  ——This is a big waterfall.

  Lindsay recalled a passage in the expedition's records.

  'Following the waterfall upstream, we broke through the forest courtyard and came to a new world. Oncoming is a snow-capped mountain, a waterfall connecting the two worlds, a river formed by its melted snow water. '

  The Great Falls is what connects two worlds!
  To come to the Black Mountain World from the opposite side, you have to go upstream, and to go back from here, naturally...

  "Are we going to the bottom of the waterfall?"


  the sound of the water flow became louder and louder, and the rushing waves pushed the boat. Move forward quickly.

  In the blink of an eye.

  The waterfall falling down is very close.

  But when the boat crossed the border, it did not fall straight down according to gravity.

  Instead, it drove smoothly downward along the vertical water surface!

  This feeling is like ignoring inertia and gravity and moving directly on a vertical plane!
  Lindsay turned her head sharply.

  Although he was seriously injured, his ability to sense the essence had not disappeared.

  At this moment, Lindsay noticed subtle fluctuations of essence emerging around the old man beside him.

  What ability is this?
  Manipulate gravity?

  "By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet."

  The knight on the bow noticed Lindsay's actions.

  He laughed and introduced Lindsay enthusiastically and proactively:
  "Lord Coserwillet is a great wizard of the seventh stage and the guardian of the border."

  Then, the knight pointed at himself:
  "My words , is a knight of the law."

  "Just call me Han Sike."

  (End of this chapter)

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