276. Chapter 274 A living person

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  Chapter 274 A living person

  [Material: Dragon Heart]

  [After eating, there is a chance to obtain dragon blood; it can also be used as a material to make other props. ]

  [The heart of the seventh-stage dragon beast also contains the power of extinction and is of high value.

  Lindsay holds the newly acquired material in her hands.

  When he came to the place where the dragon beast fell.

  One day ago, the powerful Dragon Beast was the ruler of the Black Mountain world. Now the entire upper body has disappeared, and only a small half of the body is left, lying alone in the crater of the broken glacier.

  The rain fell relentlessly.

  The body of the dragon beast was soaked and swollen, losing all its past majesty.


  "Death is really fair."

  Lindsay remembered the teachings of the Death School. He sighed slightly and left the dragon beast's 'grave', looking towards the glacier at his feet.

  The time of decisive battle.

  The elemental life that emerged from it brought vital help to Lindsay.

  But there is no doubt that it also withstood the aftermath of the [Brilliant Bomb] explosion and was blown into pieces.

  "Glacier, elemental creature."

  Lindsay thought thoughtfully and reached out to touch the glacier at her feet.

  With the feedback of product information, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Like the glacier element, the ancient Hanchuan element also has resurrection qualities.

  The glacier in front of you is the birthplace of the other party.

  It may take a long time.

  But as long as this glacier still stays on the land of Black Mountain World, then the other party will be able to recover sooner or later.

  On the contrary, the raven, the sixth-stage messenger, completely disappeared.

  I don’t know where I am now.

  With this thought in mind, Lindsay opened the [Hunting Notes].

  The half body of the dragon beast contributed a [Dragon Heart] to him. At the same time, you can also receive the corresponding titles and reward items on the [Hunting Notes].

  [Title: Dragon Slayer]

  [Improve the ability to kill dragon creatures. ]

  [Drink: Dragon's Mead]

  [A special mead, the golden liquid exudes an alluring aroma and tastes extremely sweet. This wine has a strong temptation and intoxicating effect on dragon creatures. ]

  [Whether they are wine tasters or dragon slayers, they are very happy to receive such gifts. ]

  "This time, you won't be called the Dragon Killer?"

  Lindsay murmured in a low voice.

  Because the level is too high, the dragon beast is obviously not on the same level as the prey of other classes.

  It is listed separately and classified among the legendary beast hunting achievements.

  [Legendary monster kill achievement: 1/3]

  "Next level, two more kills?!"

  "Haha... please spare me."

  Lindsay smiled bitterly and shook his head, then opened the map and continued. reconnaissance.

  Although the dragon beast is dead, its remaining power is still there.

  There are no markers around the ruins of the mountains, and the map is completely clean.

  "Isn't there anyone here?"

  "Then we can only go to the other side and have a look."

  Lindsay was about to leave, but he remembered something again and reached out to dig at the glacier at his feet.

  As expected, he got an [Extreme Cold Crystal] in his hand.

  Lindsay synthesized it without saying a word, then climbed onto the back of the snow wolf again, and then rushed towards the location where the fire broke out before.

  [Heraldry/Material: Extreme Cold Heraldry]

  [After equipped, it improves the user's cold resistance; consuming the source of essence can transform the wearer into an ice and snow beauty with the characteristics of an iceman; it can also be used as a material to make other Props. ]

  [Advanced ice emblem, special item, higher value.

  "Do these series of magic patterns have a transformation effect?"

  Lindsay lay on the back of the snow wolf.

  The two snow wolves ran across the land for half a day.

  During this period, the rain falling from the sky gradually turned into snowflakes, and the climate here was changing back to its original appearance. After Lindsay arrives at the target location.

  The scene in front of him made him freeze in place.

  This battlefield is actually the frozen city after thawing.

  Although the surrounding buildings have turned into complete ruins.

  But through clues, Lindsay could still recognize that this was a building like a conference hall.

  He had been here with his companions when he was sneaking in the glacier.

  That was the room where the [Unstable Entity·Projection Array] was built.


  "The flames that exploded at that time turned out to be my fire bomb?"

  Lindsay then realized.

  He then realized more possibilities, and his tone became urgent:

  "Open this place, and you two will help!"

  Lindsay's current state was not suitable for sorting out the ruins.

  However, he had the ability of the Hand of Construction, so he was able to deal with the situation. He commanded the two snow wolves and quickly cleared the ruins.

  Bomb-ravaged ground.

  The teleportation array that was originally quietly placed here has become activated, but at the same time it has also been blown to pieces.


  Lindsay remained silent, opened the map, and searched around.

  But on the ruins of the snow-fallen earth, except for the two snow wolves beside him, he was the only one alone.


  The same is the world of Montenegro.

  Three or five figures sat in two crowded boats, swaying the oars and driving forward from the other side of the ocean.

  A knight with a tall figure and a resolute face stood at the bow of the ship.

  His fists were clenched, and his dark blue eyes were full of fighting spirit, but when the other side of the sky gradually became clear.

  The voice that was originally full of courage could not help but become a little stuttering:

  "Black Mountain... is gone?"

  The knight once came to the edge of the world.

  Although he did not go to the Black Mountain to challenge the dragon beast, he still remembered the original appearance of this place.

  The extremely cold ice field turned into a marshland.

  The towering black mountains standing surrounded by glaciers also suddenly disappeared surrounded by the ocean.

  Behind the knight.

  An old man wearing a gray cloth robe slowly shook his head.

  He didn't talk too much, just briefly pointed out what happened on Montenegro:
  "It's not disappearing, it's being destroyed."

  "Mountain, the whole mountain is gone?" Hearing this explanation, the knight on the bow looked even more surprised. He turned to look at the white-haired old man, "Coseveret Sir, the news that Platinum Palace told us is that Omar sneaked into Montenegro with a young man, but now..."

  The knight's expression was obviously not optimistic.

  It was as if the original rescue work suddenly turned into collecting people's bodies.

  The old man said calmly:

  "We are heading there, and the facts will be presented to you and me."

  Not long after, a young man on another ship shouted to the two of them:

  "Mr. Coserwillet, Mr. Hansike!"

  "I heard the sound of land in front. Everyone can prepare to land."

  The knight asked the other party:
  "What is the specific situation?"

  The young man on the opposite boat closed his eyes, listened carefully, and waited for a few seconds before speaking again:
  " I heard the smell of monster activity, and... there were resurrected zombies!"

  Sensing the enemy.

  The young man's tone was already quite tense.

  But then, an even more unexpected fact was discovered by him.

  This young man even forgot to shake the oar in his hand!

  He suddenly opened his eyes wide and shouted in disbelief at everyone on the two ships:
  "I'm not sure if I made a mistake!"

  "But, but in the ruins ahead, there seems to be, uh, another... ...A living person?"

  (End of chapter)

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