271. Chapter 270 Agreement

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  Chapter 270 Promise

  In an instant, the dragon beast let out a mournful cry.

  It felt a sudden burst of power deep in its soul.

  It was the dark will that came from the long past and was buried deep in the heart by the dark abyss before it advanced to the seventh stage.

  This power has even protected drakes in the past.

  It was a six-stage messenger from the human world who wanted to try to negotiate with the dragon beast. But when he used his mind-affecting skills, he was severely defeated by the backhand left by An Abyss.

  Eventually died tragically at the foot of the Black Mountain.

  But at this moment, this hidden power turned into the most critical sneak attack.

  The figure of the dragon beast flapping its wings in the air suddenly stopped and immediately lost its movement, falling from the sky like an exhausted bird.

  "It's over."

  At the same time, An Yuan, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, disappeared into the sky.

  Just like when he used his powers countless times.

  The figure of the leader of chaos walked out of the shadows on the ground, and then approached Lindsay and Hong:

  "Humans, the struggle of the weak is meaningless."

  "But since you are so loyal to my Lord's body, then I will also I will give you the corresponding honor."

  "Don't worry, after becoming a resuscitator..."

  Boom -

  An Abyss was already making his own declaration of victory.

  But at this moment, the airflow behind him twisted and boiled again!

  The dragon beast is not dead.

  The moment its body was about to fall to the ground, violent airflow instantly condensed from the surroundings, lifting the dragon beast's huge body in the air.


  the dragon beast's two eyelids closed one after another, and then opened.

  The yellow snake eyes turned sideways, and An Yuan's body was on the ground not far away. Because he was close to Lindsay and Hong, the leader of chaos walked out of the shadow range, and there was no way he could immediately disappear into the darkness at this moment!

  "Hong, get down!"

  In an instant, Lindsay reacted, grabbed Hong and jumped back into the tunnel.

  Almost at the same time, an overwhelming roar came from the ground.

  The newly dug tunnel was immediately filled up during the impact, and gravel and dust poured into the tunnel like a geyser.

  "Cough cough cough -"

  "Lindsey, are they really enthusiastic?"

  Hong's voice sounded from the ground in the darkness.

  Next to the girl, Lindsay had already taken out a meteorite pickaxe and started digging a new tunnel:

  "It's best to be so enthusiastic."

  "Otherwise we won't find a chance to kill them."

  Hong followed up and helped. Lindsay opened the way together:
  "You should have prepared the means to kill the dragon beast, right?"

  Lindsay's tone was unprecedentedly serious:
  "Yes, but we only have one chance. It's best to wait until one of them dies, and then..."

  Hearing Here, Hong suddenly interrupted Lindsay:
  "Lindsay, you can leave the dark abyss to me, you just need to seize the opportunity to kill the dragon beast."

  Lindsay's movements stopped instantly.

  He turned around and found that Hong's eyes were still as confident as before, and then he spoke again:
  "Do you have a way to deal with the Dark Abyss?"

  Hong nodded with certainty:

  "The fusion of souls allows me to possess more of the Crown of Extinction. Memory."

  "The gaze of destruction restrains the power of fear in the dark abyss, and can even kill that guy at the root and concept!" "


  If it were anyone else, Lindsay might have a few words of advice.

  But as two people who embarked on a journey together to challenge an impossible enemy, there was no need to say more at this moment.

  Lindsay nodded solemnly:
  "Then let's seize the opportunity, one person at a time!"

  The girl smiled back, her ruby-like eyes reflected the color of flames, and a heart-stopping strong will shone underground:
  "Then let's But it's an agreement!"

  "There is only death on this road, either they bring it to us, or we give it to them!" "

  ..." Not long after, Lindsay and Hong returned to the ground again.

  This time they chose a more concealed position to emerge, and the two strong men at stage seven on the battlefield were in much worse shape than before.

  An Abyss's backhand seriously injured the dragon beast's soul.

  The dragon beast's sneak attack also tore a scar on An Yuan's body that was difficult to heal.

  The two continued to circle around the dilapidated city. Corpses of resuscitators and monsters lay everywhere, almost filling the entire ruins.

  At the same time, the surrounding environment is no longer the underground space it once was.

  Except for the huge ice blocks attached to the Black Mountain itself, the glaciers surrounding this area were almost completely eliminated, and as far as the eye could see, the land turned into a burning ocean.

  Above the sky, night and day also lose their meaning.

  The hot and cold spiral airflow and the fearful black mist chased and fought each other. The two forces completely covered the entire sky, making it difficult for the sun, moon and stars to reveal themselves.


  "Beast, go to hell!"

  A violent impact suddenly broke out.

  At the foot of the Black Mountain, the two people who had no reason to hold back launched a full-force collision.

  The boundless sources of matter collided with each other, causing an earth-shattering roar, and the sky and the earth were all distorted.

  The next second, the black mountain peak collapsed.

  The body of the dragon beast smashed into the destroyed mountain, and was buried upward into the broken black peak.

  The Dark Abyss sinks deeper into the ground and is almost invisible.

  The auras of the two seventh-stage experts fell into a trough at the same time, and the depression in the surrounding space also swayed!

  Lindsay and Hong looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

  One of them rushed towards the ruins of the high mountain, the other towards the dark valley, without looking back.

  "Brilliant bomb..."

  Lindsay's figure ran over the roaring and collapsing Black Mountain.

  At this moment, his eyes were focused on the icon of his luggage.

  [Brilliant Bullet] is loaded into the chamber of [Flame Flintlock].

  He just needs a chance!
  You can hit this bullet on the dragon beast.

  The power of this strange object can seriously threaten the existence of the seventh stage, let alone the opponent being seriously injured.

  But at the same time, Lindsay only has this one chance.

  He had to be extremely sure that he could hit the dragon beast.

  In this near-death situation, he needs to achieve 100% success!


  Lindsay crossed another mountain ruins.

  He was about to continue to cross forward, but the roar of the dragon beast came from the scattered rocks in the distance.

  Yellow snake eyes appeared in the roaring mountain.

  There is still a long way to go between the two sides.

  The dragon beast didn't kill Lindsay immediately.

  For a seventh-stage creature, even if it is seriously injured, it will not care about a human whose strength is only at the fifth stage.

  Instead, the dragon beast wanted to make a deal with Lindsay, and a low voice sounded in the mountains:
  "Human... no, Mr. Lindsay. You definitely don't want your companions to die here, then..." "


  Lindsay was overjoyed and prepared to take the opportunity to close the distance and find an opportunity to shoot and kill the dragon beast.

  But at this moment.

  A wail sounded in the mist of fear in the sky.

  Lindsay looked up.

  A dark raven suddenly appeared in the darkness and rushed towards the dragon beast!

  Lindsay didn't recognize the other person at all.

  But he remembered a record he had seen in the hidden border.

  The messenger of the sixth stage died under the Black Mountain, but he entrusted his raven to carry the news back to the town.

  (End of chapter)

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