270.Chapter 269 The sky is falling apart

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  Chapter 269 The sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

  Amidst the roar of the dragon beast, the frozen city was in chaos.

  The city fell into endless darkness, and the power of fear enveloped the entire world. Even the light on the glacier dome was drowned in the collision of power.

  Above the sky, strong winds raged, accompanied by roaring sounds.

  Balls of burning fire are spreading on the fearful mist of the dark source.

  Boom -

  the flames flashed, and the shadow of the dragon beast flickered from the sky.

  This giant beast always bites to death the figure that keeps flashing in the darkness.

  The person in front is in darkness, and the dragon beast behind is covered in fire.

  Two seven stages exist in the aerial chase. The emotion of fear and physical violence almost turned into entities, lingering over the entire city.

  "You idiot, do you know what you are doing?"

  "Those humans who sneaked in can't believe that you are fighting against your most loyal friends!"

  Dark Abyss's bewitching voice sounded in the air.

  He spoke impatiently, trying to use his emotional power to interfere with the dragon beast, and took the opportunity to return underground to check the status of the Extinction Crown.

  But the dragon beast behind him chased him relentlessly and was completely unaffected.

  He can't leave the battlefield at all!

  In an instant, the dragon beast sprinted forward.

  Its bloody mouth opened in the air, and it quickly bit down. The dark abyss was already between the smelly sharp teeth!
  "Damn it!"

  The Chaos Leader escaped into the darkness and flashed forward to avoid the bite of the dragon beast.

  But his figure appeared again on the other side.

  The fierce flames chased after him like gangrene attached to the bones.

  The scorching source of fire even ignited the surrounding atmosphere, instantly bursting into a dazzling fire in the air!


  After a short silence.

  A bright black spot appeared in the flames.

  Darkness and light are completely opposite concepts.

  But centered on the dark abyss at this moment, the rules of this reality began to distort, and the special phase of darkness expanded rapidly.

  At a speed beyond the reach of mere mortals.

  The negative phase eroded reality, and even the seventh-stage dragon beast could not escape at such a speed that it was immediately captured and swallowed up.


  In the frightening black mist surrounding the battlefield, the figure of An Abyss jumped out.

  He looked at the multiple phases he created above his head:

  "Damn thing!"

  "If I didn't still need the power in your body, I would definitely..."


  Just when the Chaos Leader thought he had trapped the dragon beast, occasion.

  Inside the negative phase, under the shroud of darkness, a shocking roar suddenly erupted.

  The space temperature at adjacent locations begins to change dramatically.

  Often separated by an arm's length, one side is filled with terrifyingly high temperatures that can melt gold and iron, while the other side is filled with extremely cold air currents that turn water into ice.

  Countless opposite forces rapidly flow, mingle, and rub against each other.

  This caused incredible fluctuations in the source of matter!
  The multiple phases that had just been pulled into reality by the Dark Abyss were suddenly torn open by this impact, and the figure of the dragon beast reappeared from it.

  "An Abyss, today we must distinguish between life and death!"

  The yellow snake eyes instantly locked onto An Abyss below, and the dragon beast immediately fell from the sky.

  Its huge body fell to the earth like an apocalyptic beast!

  In an instant, Dark Abyss disappeared from its place.

  The earth immediately screamed, and the dragon beast that chased the ground smashed a terrible crack in the city, and the surrounding buildings also collapsed.

  the other side. The figure of the Chaos Leader flashed out of the darkness.

  He pulled it casually, and the fearful black mist surrounding the battlefield was torn away, turning into a long black sword in his hand, and projected it towards the dragon beast that had just landed.


  "Have you forgotten who taught you, supported you, and helped you all the way when you were still weak, until today?"

  The black sword exploded instantly.

  The dragon beast's body surface was entangled with strong air currents, which instantly shattered the fear weapon.

  But the aura of origin it exuded began to infect the surrounding air. Any creature with sanity will inevitably fall into fear under the interference of this power.


  The dragon beast flapped its wings, causing a violent airflow.

  It instantly blows away the breath of fear, and at the same time, the ignited air shoots out like a bright light towards the enemy on the opposite side.

  "Support? Help? How ridiculous!"

  "If it weren't for your bewitchment, how could I have offended the will of the forest and then been driven back to the Black Mountain world in despair?"

  An Abyss still didn't want to confront the dragon beast head-on.

  His figure flashed, reappearing from the fearful black mist further away, and angrily shouted:
  "That is the result of your own greed!"

  The dragon beast was furious:
  "No! It's you who want to tie me down. This world!"

  "Then I will dedicate everything I have to that rotting corpse that has long since died!"


  The violent airflow of alternating spirals explodes violently!

  This time on the ground, ice flames appeared on the ground at the same time, like two giant snakes crawling forward, entwining themselves, and immediately came to the dark abyss.

  The Chaos Leader flickered away again.

  But this attack was completely different from that in the air.

  These two rapids tore through all obstacles and crashed directly into the glacier behind. Then the glacier itself was ignited by the dragon beast's ability!
  In an instant, the glacier dome turned into a wall of extremely cold flames.

  The entire battlefield also became hot and cold under this huge change, as if countless semiconductors were crowded together. The extreme cold and high temperature made everything unreasonable.

  The buildings that had existed for countless years in the frozen city also collapsed under this devastation, as if the erosion of the years had all come in this moment.

  In the roar that destroyed everything.

  An Abyss had no choice but to fly into the air, but what followed was the pursuit of the dragon beast.

  The two strong men of the seventh stage continued to fight in the air.

  On the ground, in the tunnels of the glacier, monsters began to emerge, fighting with the resuscitators in the city.

  They are driven by dragon beasts.

  Although he couldn't defeat the resuscitators, he still fought fiercely with the resuscitators with his endless numbers!
  Click -

  at the same time.

  In an inconspicuous corner of the battlefield, the soil on the ground was quietly uncovered.

  Lindsay and Hong's heads popped up from the ground, and they saw the surprising scene in front of them, as well as the sky gradually tearing apart above their heads.


  "The glacier...is gone?"

  The flames emitted by the dragon beast burned through the hundred-meter-thick glacier above its head.

  The melted ice water did not turn into a torrent, but instead turned into streams of hot light, crisscrossing and circling in the sky, drawing magnificent orange tracks.

  Until then.

  An Abyss, who has always been concerned about the underground, noticed a small sound on the ground, and then was shocked to see Hong's appearance.

  This scene can only mean one thing.

  The process of awakening the Extinction Crown has been terminated!
  Preserve the power of the dragon beast for the master, and awaken the soul of the Extinction Crown.

  In front of the dark abyss.

  Two things became a single option without delay.

  The leader of Chaos immediately looked at the dragon beast in the sky, and his tone changed from anger and anxiety to cold murderous intent:
  "Fazan, since you are in a hurry to die, then I will help you!"

  (End of this chapter) )

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