272.Chapter 271 The Dragon Slaying Curtain

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  Chapter 271: Dragon Slaying Curtain
  At this critical moment, is there anyone else who comes to seek revenge on the dragon beast?
  The moment he realizes who the raven is.

  Lindsay's first reaction was that the timing of the other party's appearance was too coincidental.

  He was just about to launch a charge when the 'friendly forces' took action immediately. How could such a coincidence happen in the world.

  But in the next second, everything Lindsay had encountered in the two years in the Black Mountain world came to his mind.

  The glacier elementals, the root elders and the rock elementals who were driven away from their hometowns, the dryads of the Starry Forest, the eyeless people and the dragon lizard tribe who lost their hometown tribe...

  and even the corrupted poisonous spiders at the junction of the worlds!
  Lindsay travels all the way across the world of Montenegro.

  The things he encounters on the road are probably just a drop in the ocean in front of the whole world.

  But even so.

  These living beings have always been oppressed by dragon beasts.

  Would they resist if given the chance?

  The answer to this question doesn’t even require thinking!
  The current situation is that Dragon Beast and An Abyss, who is also in the seventh stage, are fighting each other.

  Both sides were even seriously injured.

  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and the only opportunity in the entire world!

  If there are still living beings in this world who are ready to resist dragon beasts.

  It may no longer be possible to find a better moment than now.


  "After all, I am also one of them."

  Lindsay smiled self-deprecatingly.

  He opened the map and took a look. Sure enough, besides himself, there were other green marks appearing on the Black Mountain, and they even turned from red to green!
  The Black Mountain World of Warcraft summoned by the dragon beast is also making its own choice!


  At the same time, a strong gust of wind came quickly from the sky and wrapped around the raven.

  Raven, a sixth-stage messenger, also has the ability to control airflow.

  However, its innate ability is different from the hot and cold air currents of the dragon beast.

  The raven's skill pulled out wisps of extremely sharp rapids from the surrounding atmosphere, like the sharpest blade in the world. These air currents then condensed into a tornado, which rushed towards the location where the dragon beast lived.

  The air screamed, and the colors in the sky became blurred under the influence of the sharp tornado.

  At this moment, it was even more impossible for Lindsay to hesitate.

  He took out a slender firearm in his hand and rushed towards the dragon beast's position.

  This is not a flaming flintlock gun, but an ordinary flintlock gun.

  But in terms of shape, it is almost the same as the flaming flintlock loaded with [Brilliant Bullets]!
  In this attack, he wanted to hit it with one hit and never miss!

  This common flintlock is a fraud.

  After the first shot made the dragon beast realize the weakness of the firearm, Lindsay's second shot was the real killer move that took advantage of it!

  When he saw a man and a crow, he actually attacked him.

  The dragon beast roared in anger.

  With its position as the center, the violent airflow set off alternating hot and cold ripples that quickly spread to the surroundings.

  The earth and rocks on the broken mountain collapsed.

  Part of it burned directly into liquid state in the air, while the other part exuded extremely cold temperatures and reflected the surrounding sparkling firelight.

  The six-stage raven attack is also not slow.

  The sharp-edged tornado collided head-on with the dragon beast, and the violent airflow immediately set off turbulent waves in the surroundings, and the broken mountain peaks almost fell into a scene like a thousand swords.

  What's disappointing is that.

  The dragon beast blocked the raven's attack, and his eyes even flashed a hint of leisure.

  It is not enough to deal with the situation at hand without full force.

  In the heart of the dragon beast, what it really needs to be wary of is the dark abyss falling into the deep valley below.

  Ordinary six-stage creatures, it doesn't take it seriously at all!

  Waves formed by alternating hot and cold air currents continue to flow out. After the sharp-edged tornado breaks through several layers, its power gradually dissipates.

  Amidst the gradually dissipating storm, a black light sped forward.

  It's a raven!
  It abandoned the controlled airflow and rushed straight towards the position of the dragon beast!

  The powerful source of energy itself was wrapped around its body, and its dark body seemed to turn into a sharp arrow, continuing to attack the weak dragon beast.

  A strong explosion sounded in the ruins of the mountain.

  Between the exploding earth and rocks, the huge body of the dragon beast was finally revealed.

  This evil beast lay across a glacier, which was originally a huge glacier attached to the Black Mountain.

  After the battle between two strong men of the seventh stage and the collapse of the mountain.

  This is almost the last giant ice mass around Montenegro.

  And the dragon beast after a great battle is now crawling here. Its golden-red body is covered with the glow of the source material, with fiery red and cold blue shining everywhere, and even the air makes a tearing sound.

  "This is the true body."

  On the other side, Lindsay's eyes narrowed.

  He could see the appearance of the lizard dragon family from this guy's body surface.

  But as an advanced monster, a pair of huge bat-like wings sprouted from the back of the dragon beast, which were covered with thick and ferocious spines.

  The figure crawling among the rocks looks like a real giant dragon.

  This is like a scene that only exists in myths!

  At this time, Lindsay saw a flash of black light over there.

  The raven that delivered the final blow escaped from the explosion with a scream, and its figure went straight into the sky.

  The six-stage Raven still failed.

  Its all-out attack couldn't even break through the weak dragon beast's body surface layer of airflow defense!
  "A fish that slipped through the net."

  The dragon beast's yellow snake eyes stared at the raven flying into the sky. Under the nostrils that spouted steam, the ferocious Dragon Kiss growled:
  "Since you are looking for death..."

  At this moment, Dragon Beast felt something small hit the heart on his chest.

  It looked down and saw a projectile falling from its gas shield.

  Then it was turned into powder by the intertwined temperature of hot and cold.

  It looked in the direction of the source of the attack.

  ——It’s Lindsay.

  Take advantage of the opportunity to fight the raven.

  This human being was running quickly among the broken rocks, rushing towards him.

  In his hand, there was an unheard-of long-tubed weapon, with gunpowder smoke rising from the opening.

  This attack, which was not even an itching, was obviously the handiwork of Lindsay.

  "Without the unified chaos skills, we are weak."

  "If you try to challenge the authority of absolute strength with this, you are seeking death!"

  The dragon beast thought of Lindsay's props, and thought of risking his life to rescue them from the sea of ​​death. of ethan.

  It just feels ridiculous.

  But it was precisely because of this blow that the dragon beast suddenly realized everything that happened on the Black Mountain.

  It originally planned to sneak into the human team. Whether it destroyed Dark Abyss's plan or abducted Hong, there were all kinds of possibilities.

  But now...

  I have already broken up with An Yuan.

  The extermination power of the Sea of ​​Death below is also rapidly becoming violent.

  at the same time. The body birth consciousness of the Extinction Crown, as long as it runs to the forest courtyard next door, it will be completely out of its control!
  The collapse of Black Mountain also interrupted the eighth stage of its advancement.

  Unless you use the power of thunder to kill all enemies, then find Hong and control them.

  Otherwise everything today.

  For the dragon beast, it is a complete failure!

  "Today, everything here must die!"


  The dragon beast let out a terrible roar.

  Led by Lindsay who was provoking him, the scorching air rushed towards him.

  One blow.

  The dragon beast then planned to turn around and kill all the ravens in the air.

  But at this moment, it felt something subtle - the human aura had not disappeared!

  The dragon beast's body shook slightly, and its yellow snake eyes looked towards the ground.

  Lindsay suddenly disappeared in front of this airflow.

  In the dragon beast's perception, he immediately noticed where Lindsay was. This man continued to approach him underground at this moment!

  "Hiding underground? Cunning bug!"

  A cold current condensed in the dragon beast's mouth, and then it raised its front paws and slapped the ground fiercely.

  The whole earth trembled, and violent impacts were quickly transmitted from the soil to Lindsay's position.

  Just as the dragon beast had predicted, Lindsay had to leave the earth.

  Immediately afterwards, a breath of ice was brewed and blew towards the head of Lindsay who was charging bravely.

  [Mountains Coat of Arms] → [Ice Pattern]

  In an instant, Lindsay jumped out of the ground and switched to the magic pattern on the back of her hand.

  He immediately activated his cold resistance, and was immediately enveloped by a cold wave.


  The low temperature was unbearable for Lindsay.

  The seventh-stage dragon beast is too powerful, and a rudimentary ice magic pattern is completely unable to save this kind of attack.

  But the next second, Lindsay found that her body felt warm.

  The terrible cold snap suddenly disappeared!

  He looked up and saw that it was not the raven in the sky that was extending a helping hand to him, nor was it the dragon beast in front of him who was showing mercy to him.

  But part of the cold air around him really disappeared inexplicably!

  This change was only a thin layer around Lindsay, and even the dragon beast was not aware of it. Only he felt this subtlety!


  Lindsay looked suspicious, but this was not the time to investigate in detail.

  He seized the opportunity and continued to sprint forward, forcefully passing through the ice air current spit out by the dragon beast.


  the next second.

  Oncoming was the dragon beast's roar again. After two attacks, one cold and one hot, the dragon beast had to admit that Lindsay was not an insect it could easily deal with.

  Then it brewed the essence, and its chest lit up with red and blue lights.

  The intertwined spiral airflow rushed out instantly, carving out a deep ravine between the rock fragments and the glacier, and completely enveloped Lindsay's body.

  [Pattern of Ice] → [Emblem of Molten Fire]

  Lindsay switches to the magic pattern again.

  The second level [Molten Emblem] can already perfectly withstand temperatures below 2500°C.

  However, the power of the dragon beast far exceeds this limit!

  Lindsay immediately felt that the protection brought by the dual-qi cloak on the surface of her body began to burn, and at the same time, there was a severe sting on her skin.

  This feeling is familiar to Lindsay.

  In the village of Annville, he had sought hope amid the flames.

  "It's the same today!"

  "But I'm different!"

  Lindsay roared and started to charge against the violent airflow.

  In an instant.

  The ability of [Drama Performance] was activated by him.

  The source of essence in Lindsay's body was declining rapidly, but the power of destiny that exploded in the desperate situation allowed him to retain the last trace of vitality while his body was being burned.

  "Ha--a living corpse."

  The dragon beast made a disdainful sound.

  It looked at Lindsay, who was still charging towards it, and raised its huge front paws with disdain.

  "Then go-"

  With this movement, the raven in the air crashed down again.


  Lindsay just saved the raven's life.

  At this moment, the raven, who knew how to repay his kindness, did not hesitate. At this critical moment, he used his body to knock away the front paw of the dragon beast!

  Lindsay continued to move forward and was now very close to the dragon beast.

  If you shoot now...

  click -

  the changes aren't over yet!

  The Wannian Glacier below the dragon beast suddenly stretched out two huge ice hands, instantly pressing the dragon beast to the ground.

  This is the same green mark Lindsay saw on the map!
  Just like there will be fire spirits in the crater, there will also be Magog fire monsters.

  In the glaciers of Black Mountain, in addition to the glacial elements, the strongest among the ethnic groups was also born!
  When the dragon head drives other glacial elements away from here.

  This six-stage ancient Hanchuan element, relying on the innate characteristics of its own elemental creatures, lurked inside the glacier, and even perfectly deceived the dragon beast, quietly waiting for the opportunity to come.

  The ice aura that suddenly dropped when Lindsay charged just now was also secretly controlled by him!
  At this moment.

  [Story Performance] The power of destiny shrouded the entire mountain ruins, and also brought the most critical apocalypse to the only remaining glacier protected by the ancient Hanchuan element!
  The elemental life that had been waiting for a long time seemed to feel something.

  It revealed its body at this critical moment, and used all its strength to drag the dragon beast tightly to its body.


  "Is there one more hidden?"

  The dragon beast was restrained to the ground by this huge force, but it was not panic at all. There was only violence that wreaked havoc on everything in its yellow snake eyes.

  "That's fine, there's no way anyone is alive here today."


  The dragon beast's voice suddenly disappeared.

  Its huge and ferocious dragon head looked down.

  Less than ten meters away, Lindsay, who was completely covered in darkness, was standing on a black rock standing upright.

  And what the opponent raised was an ordinary long-tubed weapon.

  But it is emitting power beyond imagination, a power that belongs to the true peak of the seventh stage, and is even close to the eighth stage!
  The distance between the two sides is now less than 10 meters!

  not good!

  Be sure to stay out of the way!

  This is definitely not the weak attack just now!

  The dragon beast immediately struggled hard, and the ice hands that restrained it began to break.

  However, the cold breath tightly bound the dragon beast.

  Ordinary six-stage creatures must be torn apart by it in an instant.

  But the dragon beast that controls hot and cold airflow has always had a hidden weakness - cold.

  Seven stages of it cannot eliminate this hidden danger.

  But now, the racial characteristics of the ancient Hanchuan element are taking advantage of this to delay it for one more second.

  One second!
  This kind of time is enough for bullets!
  "Mr. Dragon Beast, goodbye."

  Lindsay pulled the trigger with the index finger of her right hand, and the [Brilliant Bullet] that first appeared in the world of Black Mountain was also activated in the barrel of the gun.

  ... ...


  There was silence between heaven and earth.

  Only a bright crimson fire beam flashed through a ray of light.

  The airflow protection on the dragon beast's body, which was enough to withstand the pressure of landslides and cracks, instantly decomposed and dissipated; the dragon scales, which were so strong that they were difficult to damage with gold and iron, were also burned to ashes by the majestic power of embers.

  Immediately, brilliant light penetrated its body.


  The dragon beast opened its mouth slightly.

  But then, the flames that burned everything in the world suddenly erupted in his chest.

  The next moment.

  It’s the bright red that hits everything.

  The raven that swooped down again in the air was immediately blown away;
  the ancient Hanchuan element that firmly controlled the dragon beast had its body cracked and shattered;
  Lindsay, who was so close at hand, flew up high in the impact, like a piece of rags Floating in the air!

  The dragon beast's life and source matter exploded together.

  Its connection with everything in the Black Mountain world was also severed at this moment.

  Inexhaustible power burst out with violent brilliance, and the world suddenly lit up, as if someone was sighing in the daytime sky.

  On the ground, the resuscitators and monsters raised their heads.

  They also realized that some changes affecting the entire world were taking place in the ruins of Black Mountain, and the black mist of fear that filled the battlefield was cleared away!

  At the same time.

  Lindsay was flying in the air, and data flashed on the attribute panel.

  【Dragon-slaying warrior! ! ! ] [——Mission completed——] [RPG module upgrade——] [Module skills unlocked] [RPG module fully unlocked, RPG origin ability unlocked]


  just at this moment.

  Half of Lindsay was happy, and the other half was desperate.

  The high-temperature roasting and final explosion left him seriously injured, and the [plot performance] almost drained the source of his energy, making Lindsay unconscious.

  At this moment, Lindsay was blown very high into the air and fell downwards with almost no way to save herself!

  "The wind... is a bit cold..."

  The wind blew past her ears, and Lindsay murmured as she fell downwards.

  The thoughts in his mind were mixed.

  The joy of killing the dragon beast, the sadness at the end of the journey, the worry about the hidden border, the fear of death, and the worry about red.

  In this fall toward death, it all came to Lindsay.

  The source of will also changes accordingly.

  [Second Ladder (Cold Silence of Death/Passion of Life) → Third Ladder (Cornerstone)]

  "It's an upgrade at this time..."

  Lindsay smiled bitterly.

  He has almost lost all ability to move, and the improvement of his essence is not enough to change the situation.

  Feel the changes in the essence of the body.

  Lindsay allowed the chaotic airflow in the air to swing her back and forth, and her eyes inadvertently looked down.

  Boom -

  almost at the same time.

  A red fire burst out from the ruins of the frozen city in the distance.

  The resuscitators began to wail, as if annihilation was coming over their heads.

  What's this?
  Did he succeed in killing Hong from An Abyss?


  Lindsey had doubts in her heart.

  Neither Hong nor An Abyss's skills can create this scorching brilliance.

  But at the moment when the fire light ended, he really felt that the seven-stage source matter belonging to the dark abyss disappeared.

  "The ground is getting closer."

  An idea suddenly came to Lindsay's mind.

  Will Hong suddenly rush out to catch him at this moment?

  After the miracle of killing the dragon beast, there was no second miracle.

  But on the ground directly below Lindsay, the carriage called reality was still traveling on its trajectory.

  The shape of the earth gradually folded and lifted, like spider webs used as buffers, perfectly laid on the trajectory of Lindsay's fall.

  Meanwhile, on Lindsay.

  Before entering the Forest of Stars, the [Breath of Stone] given to Lindsay by the mountain stone element gave off a strong wave of earth aura.


  Lindsay continued to fall downwards, and was still thinking before she completely lost consciousness:
  "What is this?"

  "Earth element?"

  "Anyway, that's it..."

   [End of today's second volume, two chapters Released together!

  (End of this chapter)

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