269. Chapter 268 Don’t expect me to help!

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  Chapter 268 Don’t expect me to help!

  "Cough! Cough cough -"

  Lindsay forcefully pulled Hong out of the sea of ​​death.

  When this body broke away from the black and red waves, the entire underground space seemed to be aware of the changes at this moment.

  The chaotic red and black waves on the water began to transform into an extremely huge counterclockwise whirlpool.

  The water flowed swiftly, the momentum was terrifying, and it became more and more fierce!
  The smell of death in the air also increased!
  "The changes are really one after another."

  Lindsay murmured.

  Although Hong was successfully rescued, Lindsay's condition was extremely poor.

  During the rescue process, the red-black liquid inevitably came into contact with Lindsay's body and immediately eroded her body.

  Even if the source of life has the ability to heal itself.

  However, the strength gap between the two sides was too large, and it was impossible for Lindsay to eliminate the entanglement of this death force for a while.

  "Anyway, we can't stay here any longer."

  Looking at the faster and faster whirlpool below, Lindsay made a quick decision.

  The tree state has strong recovery ability.

  He was injured at the moment and did not dare to cancel the change, so he tied Hong behind his back and rushed towards the cave again.


  just a few seconds passed, and the roar of collapse was heard from underneath the tunnel.

  "Normally speaking, this would be another dangerous escape journey?"

  Lindsay sighed while looking up.

  The reality is much better than usual.

  Because he reacted quickly enough and made a decisive decision to escape with Hong, which gave them a chance to escape.

  After going up hundreds of meters.

  Although the movement below was still intense, it could not affect them.

  It wasn't until they returned to the tunnel parallel to the ground that Lindsay had time to rest and take stock of Hong's condition.

  The girl's figure didn't change much.

  But half of the silky black hair, which was originally as black as sandalwood, has turned pale. This is obviously the influence of the Sea of ​​Death.

  Lindsay tried to use the product skills to identify.

  [Humans: Lost in Essence/Awakened]

  [Awakened ones who regained possession of Essence from a lost state are still in the process of recovery.

  【Slave with special status. The slave contains an ancient soul. This soul is awakening, and the decisions about its future body are uncertain. ]

  "Sure enough..."

  Lindsay murmured in a low voice.

  Hong fell into the hands of An Abyss. Of course, this subordinate of the Extinction Crown could not let his master's soul continue to be suppressed.

  Fortunately, Lindsay interrupted in time and this change was not completed.

  Boom -

  At this time, there was another violent fluctuation of source material above the head.

  The battle between Dark Abyss and Dragon Beast continues.

  The Chaos Leader obviously also noticed the changes in the Sea of ​​Death below, and realized that something was wrong with his master.

  Of course he wanted to come back immediately to check on the situation.

  But it's a pity that Dragon Beast also knew that he must not let Hong fall into the hands of this guy, so he used almost all his skills to deal with him.

  The two seventh-level experts completely let go of the fight.

  The mountains shifted and the earth's veins melted.

  There was a roar from the city that had been frozen for countless years, and the friction of the glaciers was infinitely amplified. There were cracking sounds and torrents of melted water everywhere.

  The underworld is filled with screams and roars.

  Being there, it feels like the whole world is facing a doomsday situation!
  Even though Lindsay was hiding underground, she was shocked by the violent sound coming from above.

  "Wait a minute..."

  "If this tunnel collapses unexpectedly, they will be buried alive."

  Lindsay was prepared for a rainy day.

  He directly released the treant state and replaced the magic pattern with the [mountain emblem].

  After turning back into a human body, Lindsay's entire left hand was extremely pale, and the power of death and death eroded it. This is the arm that just turned into a branch to rescue Hong.

  After coming into contact with the dead sea full of terrifying essence, this arm was inevitably damaged.

  Lindsay could hardly make any decent movements:


  "It doesn't hurt at all."

  Lindsay chuckled and shook her head in amusement.

  Not to mention whether rescuing your companions is worth it.

  If the Crown of Extinction is really revived and an eight-stage enemy comes in front of him, even if Lindsay has an extra set of [Brilliant Bullets] in his bag, there may be nothing he can do.


  At this moment, the girl beside her moaned.

  Lindsay turned around and saw that Hong had just woken up from her coma, and her red pupils were still shining like fire as before.

  When Hong woke up and saw Lindsay for the first time, her eyes instantly calmed down.

  Then she covered her face, and her voice revealed a hint of pain:
  "Ah, Lindsay, why does my face feel so painful?"

  "You were lying in the sea of ​​death just now, and only your face was exposed. Up there, if I don't grab your face, how can I rescue you?"

  Lindsay rambled unceremoniously.

  The girl lying on the ground immediately kicked him to show her dissatisfaction, but the words in her mouth were completely opposite to her actions:
  "Lindsay, thank you for coming to save me."

  Lindsay rolled her eyes angrily:

  "Say It seems like this is the first time this kind of thing has happened."

  "Hey hey hey." Hong Song climbed up from the ground with a face, and then pointed at the head of the head where there was a lot of movement, "Anyway, what is the situation now? I listened to the movement above. It's not small."

  Lindsay immediately explained:

  "The perceiver in our team before, his body was controlled by the dragon beast. In order to have a chance to rescue you, I played a trick and guided the dragon beast and the dark abyss to happen. Fight."

  Although Lindsay said it easily, Hong still realized the danger of the whole plan, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes:
  "This is quite risky."

  Lindsay also pointed to the top of his head:

  "Fortunately, the plan went well. ."

  Because of this action, Hong suddenly noticed the paleness of Lindsay's hand:
  "Lindsay! Your hand...?"

  Lindsay waved her hand carelessly:
  "It's nothing, it's a small problem, it won't die."

  Hong would not be fooled by such words.

  She was already quite skilled in using the power of slaughter and death, and she immediately realized the source of these injuries.

  The girl grabbed Lindsay's arm.

  The power of apoptosis was resolved by Hong and would not continue to spread, but the damage to the arm was still affected and could not be recovered for a while.

  Hong bit her lip hard and her expression became extremely serious:

  "This was done to save me!"

  Seeing that Hong completely ignored the two seven-stage strong men, he only wanted to get confirmation from his own mouth.

  Lindsay sighed.

  The nervous emotions in his heart calmed down because of the girl's concern.

  He smiled and asked Hong in front of him:

  "Then if I were in this situation, wouldn't you reach out?"

  Hearing this rhetorical question, Hong also smiled:

  "When the time comes, you can figure it out yourself. Don't expect me to help!"

  Hong came over and bumped Lindsay's shoulder with her shoulder.

  The girl then stretched out her hand:

  "I don't know where the wood poison javelin was thrown. Lindsay, prepare another weapon for me." It

  is absolutely impossible to save resources at this time.

  Lindsay immediately synthesized various spears on the workbench and carried them all behind Hong's back.

  Afterwards, the two of them stood still in the tunnel at the same time.

  Along with the continuous shaking, the soil fell from the heads of the two people, but their tone was as steady as a mountain:

  "Next, it's time to deal with the two guys above!"

  (End of this chapter)

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