268.Chapter 267 Game of Life and Death

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  Chapter 267 Game of Life and Death
  "Now is not the time, we have to wait."

  Lindsay rushed into the side street, wielded the meteorite pickaxe, and dug a new tunnel.

  His whole body disappeared underground.

  While digging quickly, Lindsay's eyes were extremely solemn, and he looked at the [Brilliant Bomb] in his bag from time to time.

  The dragon beast was in front of him just now, but it was not the time to take action.

  Standing in the frozen city is Omar's body, and only the consciousness within it belongs to the dragon beast. If you attack at this time, there is no guarantee that you will kill the opponent with one blow.

  "The moment you should appear in the world of Montenegro."

  "Only the moment when it is necessary!"

  Boom -

  suddenly, there was a vibration above Lindsay's head.

  Even with the cover of the earth, the terrifying source of energy fluctuations was immediately transmitted, and the earth and rocks in the tunnel even fell like a drizzle.

  For those who are strong beyond common sense, there is no other possibility except the seventh stage.

  The two warring parties were exactly as Lindsay expected.

  "Sure enough, the dragon beast and An Abyss are fighting."

  He had just blown the wind whistle. With the sound that resounded throughout the city, An Abyss would definitely come over to check on the situation.

  This leader of chaos will not allow his plans and master to be threatened.

  The dragon head that occupies the body of the perceiver can only fight.

  Lindsay's logic is simple.

  If the dragon beast has already acquired a red body, then there is absolutely no need for it to compromise with itself here.

  In the fight between An Abyss and the dragon beast just now, the former won.

  Hong's body is now in An Abyss' hands!
  Lindsay dared to break up with Dragon Beast because the other party had exactly the same purpose as him - to rescue Hong from the hands of the dark abyss.

  This is a naked conspiracy.

  As the source of the dragon beast's power, the Extinction Crown would never let this threat fall into the hands of An Abyss, who was plotting against him.

  And everything that happened in the Black Mountain world made the dragon beast aware of Lindsay's ability.

  With him taking the initiative to hold An Abyss back, this human being is the most likely candidate to rescue Hong!
  At this moment, everything happening in the frozen city is like a script.

  Dragon Beast and Dark Abyss began to fight.

  The terrifying roar kept ringing overhead, but it was also Lindsay's clarion call to move forward.

  There was no chance of victory in sight.

  Under the changes that are coming one after another in reality, figures are emerging from the horizon little by little!

  "Hong, the only possibility is to be there now."

  Lindsay's expression became more determined.

  He dug downwards quickly, aiming for the tunnel that previously led to the Sea of ​​Death.

  Lindsay is going to get back out there.

  Dark Abyss's arrangement for the dragon beast is here.

  Red Eyes is not currently occupied by the soul of the Extinction Crown.

  If you want the other party to regain their original strength and consciousness, then this must be an essential area!
  Click -

  the front of the meteorite pickaxe loosened.

  Under the dug hole, Lindsay saw the tunnel she had dug before.

  Everything in the frozen city happened too fast, and the Dark Abyss did not have time to completely destroy the place.

  After the dragon beast's air current raged, the tunnel became smoother.

  Lindsay jumped into it, and her feet immediately made footprints in the dust, and then the footprints quickly extended forward!
  The sound of the battle above became more and more terrifying, and Lindsay underground ran faster and faster.

  Passing through the parallel tunnel, he descended along the road. Except for a few buffers in the middle, the whole person landed almost vertically.

  After landing on the surface of an earth wall and destroying it.

  Lindsay then saw a body.

  Ethan was leaning against the edge of the wall.

  The defender still maintains the same posture as in his last moments of life. The figure holding the shield is motionless, like a dry sculpture.


  Lindsay stared at the companion who gave his life to buy them time to escape.

  He saluted with the death school ceremony, and then stuffed the other party's body into his pocket:

  "The last thing I can do."

  "I can only bury you and Nanya together."

  Leaving a farewell message, Lindsay said again Look at the sea of ​​death below.

  The originally calm water surface no longer existed, and the red-black liquid stirred up turbulent waves. The violent desire to kill and the power of death are surging back and forth in the sea water, evaporating a suffocating and terrifying will!
  "Are you kidding me?"

  Lindsay immediately raised her head and shook her head.

  Just by looking at it, he felt that his head was dizzy, and even the operation of the source material was affected to be unstable.

  In less than half a day, some kind of transformation had been made to the Sea of ​​Death below.

  "Red must be down there!" Lindsay took a deep breath to steady herself.

  He looked down again, but red and black waves were rising one after another, beating and bombarding each other. The color of death and carnage almost covered everything, and there was nothing that could be found with the naked eye!
  Lindsay's map skills are blocked here again.

  "Handheld radar..."

  Lindsay quickly took out the equipment.

  Fortunately, the function of [Handheld Radar] comes from sound waves, so the effect is not affected.

  Among the feedback information, Lindsay finally found Hong.

  The girl was lying in the wild red and black waves, with only half of her face exposed in the water.

  Lindsay adjusted the angle and finally saw the other person.

  Hong's eyes were closed now, as if she were asleep, just as peaceful as when Lindsay rescued her from the swamp prison.

  [Management Simulation] → [Puzzle Game]

  Lindsay opened her perspective. At this moment, Hong's whole body was exuding strong source of power, and the entire sea of ​​death was going crazy because of her.

  Endless power of death is pouring into his body crazily.

  If this continues...

  At this moment, a red and black wave crashed over.

  Although Lindsay successfully dodged the ejected body, the powerful force still affected him, even making Lindsay dizzy and almost falling from the cave!
  "Hey! Are you kidding me!"

  Lindsay gritted her teeth, exerted her strength, and dragged her dizzy head back into the cave.

  This feeling of dizziness was hard to resist, but he thought of the piece of equipment he had - [Mountains Crest].

  In addition to the earth escape skills that are usually used.

  There is also a fitting description in the item introduction: Improves the user's petrification/stun/physical resistance.

  "This attribute is very useful!"

  Lindsay switched to the magic pattern, and the enhanced resistance immediately brought him back to his senses.

  Leaping out of the cave again, Lindsay adjusted her position by digging into the terrain, and began to approach Hong's location.

  Wait until the two people overlap vertically.

  "Come up here..."

  Lindsay swung out the vine whip, but a red and black wave came over and immediately corroded the piece of equipment.

  Lindsay tried to shape the terrain and approach downward.

  But just a few meters away from Hong, the power in the Sea of ​​Death became more and more violent. He tried to reach down, and his fingertips began to turn gray, and the power of life passed through them rapidly.

  Hong is already close, but Lindsay can't get any closer!


  "Red, can you hear me?"

  Lindsay tried to shout to wake the other party up, but the girl lying in the black and red wave showed no response.

  "At this time, don't sleep like a dead pig like you did in the camp!"

  Lindsay couldn't help but cursed.

  But time waits for no one.

  The dragon beasts above are still fighting in the dark abyss. When the latter senses the situation here, all opportunities may disappear!

  Lindsay's eyes finally locked on the magic pattern on the back of his hand.

  "Otherwise, we will drown together down there, or you can come up here today!"

  In an instant, the [Mountains Coat of Arms] that resisted dizziness was replaced by [Ancient Tree Coat of Arms].

  A feeling of dizziness invaded Lindsay's mind.

  But he immediately activated the power of [Ancient Tree Crest], and his body transformed into the tree man's thick roots, which plunged into the surrounding soil.

  Then, Lindsay's palms hanging downward turned into slender branches.

  It spread and grew bit by bit, reaching towards the quiet sleeping face of the girl in the waves.


  The Sea of ​​Death becomes even more violent.

  This unconscious sea seemed to sense something, and an even stronger force of death began to impact Lindsay, shaking his mind and almost losing his perception of the outside world. Even his tree-human body showed signs of going back.


  "Don't give up at this time!"

  A strong vision violently broke out in the painful body.

  The source of will responds to the holder's will, and a strong glow immediately appears from Lindsay's heart.

  Although not as dazzling as those who do justice.

  But this outburst finally allowed Lindsay to calm down.

  Brush -

  this moment.

  The branches grown by Lindsay reached down and were firmly tied to the sleeping girl's body.

  (End of chapter)

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