267. Chapter 266 Help me stop them!

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  Chapter 266 Help me stop them!

  Watch Platinum Palace leave.

  Lindsay and Omar were back on the road, continuing to dig tunnels in the dark underground.

  However, in order to be able to react in time this time, Lindsay maintained the location of the tunnel at a depth quite close to the surface.

  Ruo Hong is also in danger.

  So at the speed of a meteorite pickaxe digging into the soil.

  In just a second or two, Lindsay can break through the soil above her head and enter the city to help.

  Behind Lindsay, Omar struggled to maintain his scrying abilities.

  The two men had a clear division of labor and advanced the investigation in an orderly manner.

  The only thing Lindsay was worried about was that Hong had been taken away from the frozen city by the dragon beast, but thinking of An Abyss's attitude, he stabilized his mentality.


  Time passes minute by minute.

  Wait until the two of them have reached one-third of the city.

  Lindsay's map still didn't show Hong's location. He turned to ask, but Omar just shook his head with dark eyes:

  "Mr. Lindsay, I can't feel Miss Hong's location."

  Omar's tone was tense and urgent.

  The person responsible for comforting now became Lindsay:
  "Don't worry, Hong must still be alive!"

  Omar analyzed:
  "Mr. Lindsay, all of us were affected by the strong wind, and we appeared at roughly the same location. The direction is just different from the distance. If Miss Hong is really okay, then she should be discovered by us soon!"

  Omar was probably worried that Hong was dead.

  Lindsay could only explain a few words in a deep voice:

  "Whether it's the dragon beast or An Abyss... An Abyss is the person who attacked us underground just now. They all covet Hong deeply, and there is absolutely no way they can kill her. !"

  Hearing this answer, Omar asked curiously:
  "Is there anything special about Miss Hong?"


  Lindsay planned to explain to the perceiver behind her.

  Given the chance to escape, Omar is willing to risk his life and return to the frozen city with him.

  This is definitely a companion you can trust!
  But at this moment, when Lindsay had just separated from Platinum Palace, the feeling of déjà vu resurfaced in her heart.

  The experience of the frozen city and the adventures of several companions also flashed through Lindsay's mind.

  Finally, Lindsay remembered Dark Abyss's reaction when he appeared in the Sea of ​​Death.

  The leader of chaos looked very surprised, and when he confirmed the identities of these intruders, his tone was also full of doubts.

  It wasn't until I discovered Hong that my doubts were washed away by surprise.

  In other words.

  He came to the underground abyss with the intention of blocking the enemy, but he was surprised by the existence of these intruders!
  This means that in An Abyss's original understanding.

  What he found underground shouldn't be humans like Lindsay!

  Lindsay's heart tightened.

  With this as a starting point for thinking, more encounters emerged.

  What follows next is what happened to these human awakeners.

  Platinum Palace's psychological manipulation and mind-reading abilities, Omar's powerful reconnaissance abilities, and the rest of the combatants.

  Such a combination can escape the encirclement and suppression of the resuscitators and hide in the city.

  As long as there are no accidents.

  With their combined abilities, it is almost impossible for the resuscitators to easily detect them.

  But the reconnaissance result of Lindsay's map was that they were immediately besieged.

  How do resuscitators do this?
  In other words, there must be some unexpected factors interfering with the normal development of things in the team of human awakeners!
  Finally, there is the air current set off by the dragon beast underground.

  That air flow appeared at the most critical moment, almost as if the dragon beast was in the battlefield and saw everything with his own eyes before taking action!

  Taking into account the concerns about Kurenai, the air flow of the dragon beast would not kill the girl.

  But for several other human awakeners, it has no such reason at all.

  The dragon beast can just take away Red and ignore the others, or ravage them wantonly.

  Instead of like just now.

  Only the unlucky Lindsay emerged underground alone, struggling to return to the surface.

  "All this cannot be a coincidence."

  The messy clues gradually became clear and then came together. Clear conclusions emerge.

  An Abyss felt that humans like them should not be the ones appearing on the Sea of ​​Death.

  Dragonmon understands everything and still cares about the people in the team except Hong.

  Especially at this moment, there are only two of these awakened humans left alive in the world.

  One of them is the Platinum Palace that escaped from the gap in the glacier.

  The other is Omar, who follows Lindsay back to the frozen city with endless courage!


  Lindsay quietly locked the module to [Simulation Management].

  During the excavation process, he twisted his body seemingly naturally, and his eyes fell on the perceiver behind him.

  Omar is using his skills to detect his surroundings.

  He didn't seem to care much about Lindsay's silence, and it seemed that he respected the other person's secrets very much.

  Lindsay didn't want to wrong any of her companions, so she began to test:
  "By the way, Mr. Omar, can you continue to tell me about the abilities of the perceiver?"

  "The perceiver exercises various senses at the beginning, and then integrates everything. And it extends greatly to the surroundings." Omar explained in a natural tone, "In addition to being stronger than ordinary people's physique and the enhancement brought by the source quality, I can only fight with the body consciousness integrated with the senses."

  Lin Sai asked again:
  "Are there any dangers with this kind of perception ability?"

  "It can perceive more information than ordinary people. If you fight with a powerful enemy, you will probably face corresponding risks, right?"

  Omar's expression Somewhat surprised:
  "Ah... that's it. Mr. Lindsay, you are really smart!" "

  But although there will be a lot of dangers, people like us are already used to this kind of change."

  Lindsay walked in front. , handed over the torch in his hand:

  "Help me get the torch."

  "Cracking the rock in front may cause a lot of noise, I'd better dig it out with my hands."

  Omar naturally reached out and took the torch.

  At this moment, their bodies came into contact.

  [Human: Awakened]

  [The perceiver who has just reached the fifth stage has strong reconnaissance capabilities; but this individual is being invaded by foreign consciousness and is in a state of losing control of his body. ]

  [Sales advice: Please confirm the slave's sovereignty before proceeding with the sale. ]

  Click -

  the next second, Lindsay dug directly through the tunnel above her head.

  At the same time, a long-awaited prop was held in his hand and then placed on his lips.


  a clear and long sound came from the wind whistle.

  This sound, the cry of the ancient forest, began to vibrate in the frozen city. Then Lindsay strengthened his strength, and the sound of power that drove away the beasts resounded throughout the city, roaring throughout the space under the cover of the glacier.

  The sound of the wind whistle was overwhelming.

  This loud and long cry could be heard everywhere, both in the sky and on the earth, and those resuscitators who were not beasts also turned their attention to the location of Lindsay and Omar.

  Almost under the detection of all enemies.

  Lindsay stepped on the cave exit.

  He came to the ground, turned his head and looked at the shocked Omar in the tunnel behind him with contempt:

  "Mr. Dragon Beast, I am going to rescue Hong now."

  "If you still plan to get the soul of the Extinction Crown, Then help me stop the next person."



  In other words, the perceiver whose body was occupied by the dragon beast did not make much excuse.

  His human eyes instantly changed from normal to yellow snake eyes. The aura on his body also expanded rapidly, showing a heaven-shaking source aura.

  That is the power that belongs to the seven-stage strong!

  The dragon beast whose identity was exposed asked calmly:

  "Human, when did you find out?"


  Lindsay ignored it.

  His figure rushed directly to the side street and disappeared without a trace!
  (End of chapter)

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