266.Chapter 265 Different Positions

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  Chapter 265 Different Positions

  "Mr. Lindsay, I was also involved in that dark world just now, and then I was swept by the strong wind, and ran here inexplicably." "

  As you know, I am not very good at fighting, so I have been hiding in Inside."

  Perceptor explained as he hurried to Lindsay.

  The awakened person's physique prevented him from panting, but after seeing his companion, the excitement in Omar's eyes did not seem to be fake.

  "No, that's not what I asked."

  After hearing Omar's explanation, Lindsay shook her head slightly and pointed to the glacier behind her.

  Where this perceiver comes out.

  It is a natural fissure in the glacier, wide enough for people to move inside.

  Lindsay opened the map and discovered that the crack extended to an extremely deep location.

  The depth even exceeds his map detection range!
  This doesn't make sense.

  When I tried to leave before, the glacier was already horribly frozen just by digging on the surface.

  But now Omar can actually come out of it!

  "You were hiding in the glacier, weren't you attacked by that terrible cold air?"

  Omar's expression was subtle.

  He spread his hands and wanted to make some explanations, but gave up on expressing his guesses and simply described his experience:

  "Mr. Lindsay, I was indeed not attacked."

  "It's still cold in the glacier, but they... It seems that he is no longer as aggressive as before."


  Lindsay raised her eyebrows, but was not immediately convinced.

  He personally walked to the edge of the glacier, replaced the magic pattern with [Ice Pattern], and lightly touched the glacier in front of him with the outside of his fingertips.

  [Material: Ice]

  [Ancient ice containing freezing air is not naturally formed.

  【Adding drinks can make ice drinks, but except in summer, the value is better than nothing.

  The situation is exactly what Omar said.

  This time, the glacier's product information did not indicate the influence of the dragon beast's essence. The result was obvious:
  "Dragon beast removed the ability it exerted on the glacier?"

  At the same time, Platinum Palace also stepped forward and said His speculation:
  "When fighting an enemy of the same level, it has no energy left to maintain this restraint and can only release the blockade!" "


  Platinum Palace sounded excited at this moment, but Lindsay frowned.

  The mediator's speculation and the perceiver's actual encounter were indeed consistent with what happened before him, but Lindsay always felt that something was wrong.

  Lindsay's frowning look was noticed by Bo Gong.

  He read the troubles in the other person's heart and his worries about the girl who had not yet been found.

  But the mediator couldn't wait:
  "Mr. Lindsay! This is the best opportunity at the moment!"

  "As you said before - if these two seven-stage existence, end their battle."

  "It will be difficult for us to have security. It's possible to leave!"

  Thinking from the perspective of Platinum Palace, there is absolutely no problem in having this idea.

  From absolutely no way out to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to escape.

  Then consider its own responsibility - to bring the news back to the forest courtyard.

  This mediator certainly has no reason to fight to the death with these dangerous resuscitators.

  Lindsay, however, takes a different stance.

  Facing Bo Gong's almost longing eyes, he just shook his head slightly and refused firmly:
  "Mr. Bo Gong, Hong is still here. I must find her."

  Lindsay said the most powerful reason at the moment.

  But what came to his mind was another unswerving thought - I must kill the dragon beast too!


  Bo Gong saw all this and didn't know how to persuade him.

  As the mediator, he almost immediately dismissed Lindsay's decision as whimsical.

  But facing a madman who wants to kill the seven-stage dragon beast, Lindsay is also his savior.

  He could only grit his teeth and say:
  "My duty is to bring the news back here." Lindsay smiled slightly:
  "Of course, everyone has a place they want to go to."

  "You will be on your way home, I will also walk on the path I should go."

  The words fell to the ground.

  Lindsay directly synthesized two iron pickaxes on the workbench, and then mobilized the source material to turn them into resources. He handed the freshly made tools to his companions:
  "I can't help you with anything in the future."

  "These two Bring the pickaxe, it has the kind of digging ability you have seen, it should come in handy."

  "Mr. Lindsay..."

  Bo Gong did not take the pickaxe.

  His movements and expressions were a bit confusing.

  Although the time the two parties acted together was not too long, they did experience life and death together.

  At this moment, Lindsay planned to go deep alone, but he wanted to leave this battlefield.

  Even though he had his own reasons, the feeling of betrayal still emerged in his heart, making Platinum Palace unable to feel at ease.

  Under the entanglement in my heart.

  The mediator even had the urge to stay here and face the crisis with Lindsay!

  At this time, it was Lindsay who took the initiative to put the pickaxe into the opponent's hand:
  "Okay, take it."

  "I hope we can both fulfill our responsibilities."

  Platinum Palace could see Lindsay's thoughts. This was the opponent's hand. A blessing from the heart is not a farewell with resentment.

  The mediator took the pickaxe and nodded vigorously:

  "Mr. Lindsay, I am not a messenger or a poet who tells stories. But I promise you in the name of Star Point City that I will tell everyone about your deeds. The world I will step into in the future!"

  Lindsay responded with a smile:
  "Then I thank you in advance."

  This place is already in a crisis situation.

  The two of them also knew that they should not delay further.

  After saying goodbye, Bo Gong clenched the brand new pickaxe in his hand and turned to leave.

  But at this time, he discovered a very subtle thing - Omar did not leave with him!

  Although the perceiver took the pickaxe, he stood with Lindsay!

  The mediator sounded surprised.

  Looking at the platinum palace looking back, Omar said:

  "Mr. Platinum Palace, you alone are enough to deliver the message."

  "Mr. Lindsay also needs to rescue his companions. This matter must require my help."

  Platinum Palace never expected that things would turn out like this:

  " Omar, you..."

  He used his mind-reading skills to observe Omar's thoughts.

  The Perceptor agrees that he really wants to help Lindsay and find Hong, who is currently missing.

  Bo Gong was at a loss for words. He used to be quick-witted and didn't even know how to speak.

  At this time, Omar continued to speak:

  "Platinum Palace, our companions cannot die here in vain."

  "Even if there is only the slimmest possibility, I must give it a try with Mr. Lindsay!" "

  ... "

  Platinum Palace looked at Lindsay, and then at Omar with a firm expression.

  He opened his mouth.

  Nothing could be said.

  Due to their position, Platinum Palace could see the frozen city behind them.

  The life-and-death crisis that had just been threatened by the resuscitators, as well as the previous life-and-death moments, emerged in his mind again.

  The mediator said nothing.

  He turned around and rushed directly into the glacier fissure behind him, and his figure quickly disappeared without a trace.

  (End of chapter)

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