265. Chapter 264 The wavering mediator

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  Chapter 264 The wavering mediator

  "Damn it!"

  "If I had known I would encounter such trouble, I might as well be a messenger!"

  In a corner of the frozen city, the Platinum Palace was retreating rapidly.

  Awakened people born in Star Point City, their abilities come from the core concept of 'communication'. Such as the messenger's communication with the outside world; the mediator's communication with intelligent life; or the thinker's self-communication.

  They all have something in common in essence, but their subdivision tendencies are different.

  The mediator's ability lies in negotiation and assistance.

  In a team, they can communicate well with their partners, or deal with some intelligent creatures through abilities such as observing words, limited mind reading, and guiding emotions.

  But fighting alone is not something they are good at.

  After the darkness was torn by the strong wind and sent all the way to the edge of the frozen city, the Platinum Palace was very unlucky and was directly surrounded by three resuscitators.

  The weakest of these resuscitators are those in the fourth stage.

  Platinum Palace tried its best to control a resuscitator with stage five strength and let it hold back other enemies.

  He himself staggered back and ran away with his source material that was almost bottomed out.

  A few minutes passed.

  In front of the Platinum Palace is a glacier exuding chill.

  He knew the danger of this thing, so of course he didn't dare to get close. But he looked back. The twisted figure of the Resurrectionist has emerged on the streets of the city!
  "You're chasing me so fast!"

  Bo Gong's pupils shrank.

  The adjuster's ability allows him to see through people's hearts. Even if the opponent is a resuscitator, he cannot escape this ability.

  "They want to tease me and then kill me."

  "The resuscitator who was controlled just now... has had his neck broken and thrown aside!"

  Platinum Palace kept moving and clenched his fists.

  He didn't even complain about Lindsay and Hong's actions, which put him in danger.

  After all, without the support of these two people, Platinum Palace and his companions would have lost their lives in the siege of the resuscitators.

  However, the current situation.

  And the helplessness coming from strength really enveloped the mediator's heart.

  He frowned and ran along the glacier wall towards the other end of the city.

  He subconsciously murmured:

  "Damn it, if I were in the sixth stage..."

  Bo Gong's voice suddenly stopped.

  If his skills advance to the sixth stage, the mediator's powerful control ability can indeed control these resuscitators.

  But this power.

  It will also be noticed by the dark abyss underground and the dragon beast on the black mountain above.

  In front of two seven-stage enemies -

  "Didn't the astrologer say when we set out that I would live for many more years?"

  "This prediction is too inaccurate!"

  During the escape from Platinum Palace Make a complaint.

  Suddenly, a figure emerged from the nearby city.

  He stopped directly in front of the mediator, with a twisted smile on his face covered with rotten flesh:

  "Human, where do you want to go?"

  "Living corpse..."

  Bo Gong's expression changed and he stopped quickly.

  He tightened his grip on the weapon and at the same time rubbed the ring on the middle finger of his right hand imperceptibly.

  Therein lies the glorious fire of believers in ancestral spirits.

  This thing can definitely bring great damage to the enemies in the fifth stage, but it is also his last trump card.

  Now... do you want to use it here?

  "Human, are you a mediator?"

  At this moment, the resuscitator who stopped the Platinum Palace spoke.

  He did not attack immediately, but instead looked at the humans in front of him with interest:
  "I remember your abilities, mind reading and thinking interference."

  "We welcome outstanding talents like you!"

  "If you are willing to surrender, then the ending Then he won't become a mindless corpse, lying in the cold darkness forever."

  "..." Platinum Palace's heart was inevitably shaken.

  The first is that he does not want to die. This is the common instinct of all life and no one can avoid it.

  The second one comes from the resuscitator in front of him.

  Through the mediator's psychological observation, he can confirm that the other party is different from the resuscitator just now. He is not deceiving or teasing himself, but really wants him to join the other party's force!
  If it can be guaranteed...

  Suddenly, the resuscitator who was intercepting the Platinum Palace fell to the ground.

  Bo Gong, who was extremely troubled in his heart, turned around and saw a familiar figure quietly walking out of the city next to him.

  "Mr. Lindsay?!"

  The entanglement in Bo Gong's heart was swept away.

  If he had a choice, he certainly wouldn't want to betray humanity!
  The mediator immediately rushed towards Lindsay, as if grasping the last straw, his tone was even more excited and trembling:

  "It's great that you are also nearby!"

  "This is not the place to talk." Lindsay said nothing. He said that he had knocked a hole from the ground, "Let's go down first and then talk about other things."

  Bo Gong jumped into the tunnel without hesitation.

  Before leaving the ground, his last glance saw Lindsay drawing the bowstring again.

  The flaming arrows ignited the corpses of the resuscitators on the ground.

  Several other arrows were shot at the living corpses that were chasing in the distance, and then there was a roar of pain.


  A few minutes later.

  Lindsay also jumped into the tunnel and raised his hand to fill the hole above his head.

  The surroundings fell into complete darkness for an instant, and Bo Gong felt inexplicably relieved. He actually felt that this darkness was also reassuring!
  Phew -

  torches lit in the dark underground.

  Platinum Palace saw Lindsay's figure. The expression of this young man with an unknown profession was unwavering, and his movements were digging the road firmly.

  Platinum Palace stared at Lindsay's meticulous expression.

  The mediator's essence is almost exhausted and he is unable to read the other party's thoughts, but he can understand the other party's choice from this expression.

  He couldn't help but confirm:

  "Mr. Lindsay, I think we should reconsider our strategy!"

  "We are definitely not in a battle between two strong men at the seventh stage. It would be just asking for death."

  While digging the tunnel, Lindsay replied firmly:
  "If we stay here and do nothing, we will have no way to survive after they decide the winner."

  "Let's talk about Mr. Platinum Palace, what do you want us to do? How to escape?"

  The mediator was speechless for a moment:

  The instinct to pursue safety made him want to escape danger.

  But as Lindsay said, this method of delaying time will ultimately lead to being hunted down by the seven-stage powerhouses.

  "Mr. Platinum Palace, have you read the biographies of those legendary heroes?"

  Lindsay suddenly asked.

  Platinum Palace thought about it for a while, but he didn't expect that in any biography of the Star Calendar, there was an awakened person of the fifth stage who could kill a person of the seventh stage.

  That is the myth of ancient times.

  "Mr. Lindsay, are you telling me a fairy tale?"

  Lindsay did not answer directly:

  "On the way forward."

  "The courage to challenge despair is sometimes the most critical element."

  Platinum Palace Low Looking at him, he shook his head slightly:
  "How can we, weak ordinary people, be compared with those mythical heroes?"


  Lindsay did not answer.

  He continued to wield the meteorite pickaxe while observing his surroundings on the map.

  Changes are coming faster than imagined!
  Just a few minutes later, a green dot appeared from the glacier and approached their position!

  "In the glacier?"

  Lindsay was doubtful, but she immediately dug an upward slope.

  When the earth and rocks on the ground of the frozen city were lifted, he saw the figure of the other party, and his tone was extremely surprised:

  "Why did you come here!"

  (End of this chapter)

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