264. Chapter 263 Negative Phase

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  Chapter 263 Negative Phase
  "It's really all coming at once!"

  Deep in the complete darkness of nothingness, Lindsay immediately opened the map, hoping to confirm the situation around him.

  But the situation made his heart sink.

  The feedback screen on the map skill is a thick fog.

  Just like when he and Hong first entered the glacier, the map skill was obscured by some force from exploring the effect!
  And it's even worse than before.

  Lindsay is now in darkness, blown through the air by the strong wind, and the fog on the map shows no sign of being unlocked.

  This skill is almost completely sealed!

  "Sure enough, this power to shield detection comes from the dark abyss."

  "And now that it is directly affected by its ability, there is no chance of uncovering the fog..."

  Lindsay's eyes were downcast, and he immediately took out the [Handheld Radar] from his bag. .

  The effect of this piece of equipment is still functioning normally.

  But when the surrounding terrain came into his mind, Lindsay was stunned.


  No matter up or down, left or right, or both front and back.

  The information fed back by [Handheld Radar] is just empty.

  Except for space itself, there seemed to be no matter in the darkness. Lindsay and the hurricane surrounding him were the only ones here!

  Lindsay switched out the [Puzzle Game] module in disbelief.

  The skill was successfully activated, but in the pitch-black vision, there were still no clues.

  The endless dark void seems to be all here!
  Boom - Huh -...


  Lindsay tried, the hurricane from the dragon beast also weakened from strong to weak, and the tracking disappeared without a trace.

  Lindsay's body was freed from the influence of the air current.

  Steady in the darkness.

  But his feet didn't feel like they were touching the ground.

  The whole person seemed to be floating in the deep sea, like a suspended jellyfish drifting with the current.


  In the darkness, Lindsay took out a torch.

  He could feel the warmth from the torch in his hand, but the light that used to illuminate the surroundings did not appear.

  The dark environment swallows everything, even light!

  Are there any skills or items that can solve the current dilemma?

  Lindsay thought hard about how to solve the problem at hand.

  This space has no top or bottom, no front or back, no left or right, darkness and nothingness seem to be everything here.

  "Wait, you can try this!"

  Lindsay suddenly thought.

  The appearance of this darkness must come from the dark abyss, and it is also this guy's method of fighting against the dragon beast.

  Can I get some information about the extremely wide-ranging appraisal effect of product skills?
  With this idea in mind, Lindsay immediately took action.

  As a result, the product information actually came back to him!
  [Special Space: Negative Phase]

  [Under the operation of special skills, another phase of the world is extracted to replace the current real environment. ]

  [Some buyers seek a special world environment. Find the right buyer, and this special aspect can fetch a very high price! ]


  "Extract a phase to replace the current real environment..."

  Lindsay didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

  We really know the environmental information now.

  But from this description, he also knew how exaggerated the power was.

  Replacements and changes to the world itself!
  In that ancient war, Dark Abyss should be the leader of chaos in the seventh stage.

  Lindsay didn't know much about this kind of profession.

  But the current situation.

  For ordinary awakened people, let alone dealing with it, just protecting themselves here or escaping are goals that are as difficult as reaching the sky!
  "Huh -"

  Lindsay took a deep breath, calmed down her somewhat excited state of mind, and began to analyze calmly:
  "What we should think about now is how to escape." "Since Dark Abyss did not attack me in this environment, then He must have been held back by the power of the dragon beast, and he can't move now..."

  Brush -

  Lindsay is still thinking about how to escape from the negative phase.

  But before he could try again, the surrounding darkness suddenly dissipated.

  As the endless source of darkness recedes, the oppression of the real world also comes.

  "Huh? Ah! Mountain crest!"

  Lindsay instantly realized what she was about to face.

  Without thinking, he immediately replaced the magic pattern on his hand with the mountain emblem, and then activated the power of earth escape.


  Sure enough, he felt himself falling into a soft liquid the next second.

  This is the power of the mountain heraldry at work.

  Although the negative phase invades reality.

  But the positions of the people inside it that move in the phase correspond to the real world simultaneously.

  When this ability ends.

  Lindsay was blown far away by the air current, now deep underground, and was buried in the solid soil!

  If it weren't for his quick response, the trouble now might be beyond imagination.


  "Where are the others?"

  Lindsay took out a meteorite pickaxe and first dug out an underground shelter for herself.

  At this time, take out the torch, and the warm light from the flame illuminates the surroundings, and a feeling of peace of mind grows in your mind.

  Lindsay opened the map thoughtfully.

  The dark space accompanying the negative phase completely fades away.

  As expected, the map detection ability returned, and Lindsay even discovered some moving red dots.

  That was the movement of the resuscitators in the frozen city above his head.

  As the information was reacquired, under the firelight, Lindsay's tone was a little subtle:
  "Thrown so far?"

  The negative phase took away his accurate perception of time and distance.

  Returning to reality at this moment, Lindsay realized that she had been blown extremely far away by the power of the dragon beast!

  The frozen city above us is already on the edge.

  Even if Lindsay turns around and digs out now, after a hundred meters, she will encounter the road-blocking glacier again!
  "No, now is not the time to complain!"

  Lindsay adjusted the output of the source material and re-expanded the map's detection range.

  Although the battle between Dark Abyss and the dragon beast caused great trouble, it also saved them in a sense.

  The first thing to do at this moment is to gather the companions together.

  "The first one...is to my north."

  Lindsay quickly found the first green mark on the map.

  I don't know whether to call it lucky or unlucky.

  This guy blew further than Lindsay, but not underground, but to the edge of the city on the surface.

  There is no need to worry about being buried alive by earth and rocks.

  But this companion with his back against the glacier had several red marks around him, and they were approaching him!

  The moment when you escape from the negative phase.

  Because there was no cover from the environment, the resuscitators of the Frozen City also discovered this guy who suddenly appeared.

  These malicious dead are certainly not indifferent.

  Immediately surrounded the opponent!
  "We must go over immediately for support!"

  Lindsay's eyes darkened.

  For Hong, there is no need to worry, but if it were the other two human awakeners, the situation would be terrible!

  The fiery red meteorite pickaxe danced rapidly underground.

  Lindsay's position began to move upward amidst the intensive knocking sounds.

  (End of chapter)

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