263.Chapter 262 You can’t survive

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  Chapter 262:
  The ability to support and support is a skill that is awakened in the fourth stage of the defender.

  This skill is designed to rescue companions from crisis situations.

  Lindsay and others were pulled to a very high position by this force. When they stabilized their bodies, violent fluctuations of source material came from below!
  Lindsay and his party stopped in the middle of the tunnel.

  Ethan's strength was not enough to completely send them out of this dangerous area, but it had also put some distance between them and the war zone below.

  Several people looked at each other.

  "Damn it!"

  The one who reacted the fastest and most violently was Hong.

  The girl thrust the wood poisonous javelin in her hand into the ground, and her ruby-like eyes flashed with endless anger:

  "Lindsay, let's go back!"

  "How can we let him face the battle alone!"

  Lindsay was very worried. Simply take out your weapon.

  The enemy is indeed very strong, and it would definitely be unreasonable to turn around and fight now.

  But the source of will that was emerging strongly in his heart was also telling Lindsay that he absolutely did not want his companions to sacrifice and then escape by himself!

  The two of them rushed back to support Ethan.

  But at this time, it was Platinum Palace that rushed over. The mediator couldn't hold Hong at the far end, so he stopped in front of Lindsay:

  "Mr. Lindsay, we can't waste the opportunity Ah Hui has won!"

  Lindsay kept walking:

  "Isn't his name Ethan? "

  Ethan is his surname, and Hui is his first name!" Bo Gong replied quickly, with an even more urgent expression on his face, "Mr. Lindsay, we must stay calm now!" "

  That guy just now is obviously Sixth-stage powerhouse."

  "How can we defeat such an enemy?"

  Lindsay shook his head:

  "Stay here and continue to hide like an ostrich. Will we be able to see the future?"

  Platinum Palace continued to dissuade: "But..."

  At this moment, the mediator stopped his persuasion.

  Lindsay and Hong, who were rushing through the tunnel, also stopped together at this moment.

  Because right in the tunnel, a shadow suddenly emerged from the wall. An Abyss, who had been dragged down by Ethan just now, walked out calmly, his black eyes looking at everyone calmly:

  "Weak people can't run away."

  "Humph - it's not certain who wants to run away. !"

  The next second, Hong's voice sounded in the tunnel.

  Following her intimidation, the powerful power of death was immediately locked on An Abyss, and the spear condensed in the girl's hand was also projected out at the same time.


  An Yuan's expression changed instantly.

  Just now, no matter Lindsay or Ethan, he dared to reach out and directly touch the opponent's weapon, and then use his own skills to consume the opponent's power.

  But facing the Crown of Extinction...

  An Abyss is so familiar with the other party that he doesn't dare to be too confident in this situation.

  While throwing the spear.

  An Yuan's figure instantly escaped into the darkness and disappeared in place. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared in another dark shadow in the tunnel. His eyes were full of emotion and admiration:

  "A puppet born from a corpse can actually master this..." Wait for the skills."

  "As expected of my lord's body... Hmm!"

  Suddenly, An Yuan's body paused.

  There was severe pain in his chest, and the power of death was eroding his body!

  An Yuan turned his head and looked into the distance. Where he was standing just now, the spear thrown by Hong had already blasted a depression and cracks into the wall.

  He had completely avoided this attack.

  But contrary to common sense, the gray-white power of apoptosis was also wrapping around his chest and eroding his body!

  Even if the mortal body has been abandoned conceptually.

  But this power still poses a threat to Dark Abyss and continues to erode his body!

  "Is this...a death sentence?!" An Yuan thought of Hong's shout before attacking.

  He immediately realized that this was a technique once used by the Extinction Crown, a sure-hit attack that modified cause and effect!
  "How is it possible?"

  "Even this kind of skill that is rooted in the soul can be reproduced...ah!"

  Another arrow was shot from behind An Abyss.

  Lindsay and Hong's tacit understanding has meant that they don't need to communicate at all during the battle.

  As the dark abyss moved to the other side through the shadows, it showed an expression of astonishment. Lindsay also mounted his bow and arrow again and launched an attack on the enemy.

  Sure enough, An Abyss, who was in a state of shock and sudden change of environment, could not deal with it as leisurely as before.

  Lindsay's arrow finally broke through the opponent's defense and inserted directly into his back and heart.


  Hit twice in a row.

  Along with the erosion of power, heartbreaking pain immediately appeared on An Abyss' body.

  He immediately activated his skills and used the pure power of the Chaos Realm to swallow up all the sources that were eroding him:
  "Since it is stubborn."

  "Then I will let you see what is the power of a truly strong man!"

  Hong said. laugh.

  She condensed the essence without hesitation, her graceful body curved into an arc, and all her strength was concentrated on the projection of a brand new javelin.


  the ground under your feet was even cracked by the power of red, and the fully condensed projection was also haunted by the gray-white power of apoptosis this time, and red-black lightning faintly flashed on its surface!
  On the other side, Lindsay said nothing.

  He set up his bow and shot an arrow again, quietly changed the items on the equipment slot, and aimed the flashing black arrow at the enemy in front.

  "Go to hell and talk to your master about this!"

  A gun and an arrow flew towards the dark abyss in an instant, and the powerful source of matter even caused the roar of the air!

  as an enemy.

  This awakened person from the ancient abyss faction was not afraid at all.

  Thick darkness flashed in An Abyss's eyes, and the power of Lindsay and Hong's attacks began to weaken in the air.

  at the same time.

  Endless black mist began to emerge from the dark abyss, immediately spreading wildly in the tunnel.

  Not even touching.

  Negative emotions are gradually growing in the air.

  The negative energy erosion of the Chaos Leader will engulf Lindsay and others in the darkness of despair in the blink of an eye!

  Boom -

  a strong hurricane suddenly appeared.

  The two sides in the battle were originally prepared, but no one expected that a storm suddenly appeared in the sealed underground!
  This force is so powerful that it is irresistible.

  All the people's bodies were immediately lifted up by the strong wind, flying in disorder in the air, and even controlling their own position was a luxury.


  Lindsay happens to be somewhat familiar with this power.

  Because it is not the dark abyss in front of us or the power of the resuscitator.

  Instead, it evolved from the air flow control talent of the lizard dragon family, and it is the powerful power of the dragon beast!
  "Dragon beast?"

  Lindsay looked stunned and immediately prepared to lay stones around to stabilize his position first.

  But he had just taken out the materials from his bag.

  An Abyss's angry voice sounded in the strong and messy wind:

  "Reptile, you can't even think of succeeding!"


  The next second, the second unparalleled source of power began to erupt.

  Darkness instantly enveloped the entire space.

  Everyone lost their bearings, and the surrounding soil, rocks, and tunnels all disappeared.

  They seemed to have come to a realm independent of the real world!
  There was little feasible action other than scurrying around in the still-violent air currents!
  (End of chapter)

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