262. Chapter 261 Defender

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  Chapter 261 The defender

  is broken—

  Lindsay does not recognize the identity of the man in front of him.

  But at this time, if he appears here instantly in human form, the opponent can only be a powerful existence in the resuscitator camp!
  In that instant, Lindsay didn't hesitate at all.

  He immediately took out the [Iron Horn Big Bow] from his luggage.

  There was no time to activate the enchantment effect of the Silent Edge, and the thunderous sound of bowstrings sounded across the Sea of ​​Death.

  Boom -

  The arrow is as fast as a black light, tearing the air apart in an instant.

  The arrow that Lindsay chose was the [Black Feather Arrow]. This shot can be said to be his fastest and most powerful arrow so far, and it is also the limit of his normal ability.

  Even around him, only Kurenai and Oma could react.

  The other two awakened people realized that Lindsay had taken action at the moment when the arrow hit the enemy.

  But the next second, a shocking scene happened in front of them.

  Facing Lindsay's fastest and most powerful arrow, the dark figure standing in the air just raised his right hand.

  Snap -

  a soft sound, he grabbed Lindsay's most powerful arrow out of thin air in his hand, and the arrow could no longer move forward.

  As for the many source of energy surrounding the arrow.

  Dark Abyss doesn't even need to use the elemental skills to fight against it.

  His dark eyes just glanced at the arrow, and all the effects on it disappeared sadly!


  Lindsay's eyes narrowed.

  The strongest blow was taken down so easily, the opponent's strength is definitely far beyond the fifth stage!
  Is it the guy named Dark Abyss among the resuscitators?

  While Lindsay was analyzing the situation, new arrows were taken out of the bag.

  Without thinking, he prepared to shoot the second arrow.

  But at this moment.

  An Yuan's body tilted slightly in the air, and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.


  "Where is the person!"

  The next second.

  A shadow appeared on the wall in front of Lindsay and others.

  An Abyss, who was still far away just now, walked straight out of the shadows and was already standing in the same space as them!
  "Kill him!"

  "Do it!"

  Everyone in the cave also knew that this trip would be dangerous, so they had already prepared for battle.

  At the same time the dark abyss appeared.

  Omar, the weaker Perceptor, retreated back.

  Ethan, who only had one arm, rushed forward and stabbed the opponent with a decisive sword.

  Platinum Palace stood in the middle of the team, and the strange power of language came into effect in his voice:

  "In the name of Star Point City, the fighting here must stop!"

  Through words, the mediator's power covered the tunnel.

  Even Lindsay was affected by it.

  Even though he was in the middle of a battle, he felt a desire for peace in his heart, and even wanted to put down his weapon!

  The power of the regulator can even directly affect people's hearts!

  Almost at the same time, Platinum Palace canceled the suppression of his companions by this ability, and only applied the power that weakened the heart of fighting to An Abyss alone.


  Ethan rushed out, holding a weapon and stabbing him with a sword.

  An Abyss showed no emotion, and with the same soft sound, he reached out and held Ethan's sword.

  The next second, An Abyss's dark eyes glanced at Ethan.

  Under the gaze of the enemy, defender Ethan's body swayed momentarily.

  A certain feeling of despair emerged from his heart, which even made people have the urge to cry!

  "Humans, I can forgive all your sins." At this time, An Abyss spoke.

  He controlled the weapons of the defenders in front of him, and his eyes were locked on Hong beside him:
  "As long as you honestly explain what happened to my lord, then..."

  "I am a strong city, don't even think about crossing it. This cage!"

  Ethan suddenly shouted.

  He struggled to break away from the influence of darkness and despair, squeezing his essence to the limit.

  Immediately, the surrounding earth and stone condensed under the mobilization of Ethan's skills, building a solid wall in the tunnel.

  The defenders in the fifth stage will master the power called Fortified City.

  This is a powerful ability to send the power of protection into reality and protect yourself and your companions in war.

  But now Ethan uses this power slightly differently.

  On one side of the wall connected to his life, he and An Abyss faced each other.

  Lindsay, Hong and others are on the other side of the wall!
  At this moment, Lindsay and the others felt a gentle force lingering around them. Then a force forcibly pulled their bodies upwards and flew them into the tunnel. The scene below also became distant in the blink of an eye.

  "Ah Hui!" Bo Gong shouted. Then he looked at the other people beside him and explained in an anxious and complicated tone: "This is his rescue ability. He thought, he wants to sacrifice himself to let us escape!"

  At this time.

  Ethan's last cry also sounded in their ears along the tunnel:

  "Mr. Lindsay, please bury Nanya, don't let her bones be buried here!"

  Boom -

  along with the roar, the defender's wall of life Completely sealed.

  Ethan let go of his sword, took off the shield that was supposed to be held in his left hand from his back, and held it in front of his chest.

  His eyes were fixed on the enemy in front of him:
  "Come on, living zombie, it's our turn now!"

  "Living zombie? Stupid." An Abyss walked forward calmly, "Human, you think you can stop me? How long?"

  "One minute? Half a minute? Or 10 seconds?" With

  every step the dark abyss takes, the surrounding darkness becomes deeper and deeper.

  The negative emotion called despair began to corrode everything around him in the form of Sefirah skills.

  Ethan held the shield in one hand and kept retreating.

  The huge pressure caused cold sweat to break out on his back, and the wound on his broken arm also ached faintly.

  Ethan's back lightly hit the wall connected to his life.

  The roughness of the wall could no longer be felt on his numb back, but the young defender still had a resolute smile on his face.

  "Then come and give it a try!"

  You must delay time for your companions!
  He thought so in his heart.

  The dark negative emotions were eroding Ethan's mind and body all the time, but his tall figure with a shield in front was as unwavering as the wall of the fortified city behind him.


  The dark figure continued to move forward, and he saw through all the power of the person in front of him.

  An Abyss spoke, and his voice was not even sarcastic. He only made a plain comment in the endless despair:
  "In the fifth stage, are you the defender of the war school?"

  "The rescue ability can save your companions, absolutely. Your immortal skills keep you alive, and you are stalling for time with me here." "

  Unfortunately, this is meaningless to me."

  The next moment, darkness and despair swarmed over him.

  Armor, clothing, skin, flesh and blood...the darkness completely swallowed up this defender.

  Under the silent darkness, the defender Ethan is dead.

  But the wall formed by his life still stood in front of the dark abyss, and his figure remained motionless.


  "Weak strength is meaningless."

  An Abyss looked at the dead body of the defender.

  He shook his head slightly and lowered his raised hand without destroying the wall in front of him.

  The next second.

  Darkness continued to emerge, and the figure of Dark Abyss disappeared again in the increasingly dense darkness.

  Only the figure holding the shield was left, still standing in place.

  (End of chapter)

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