261.Chapter 260 Red and Black Sea

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  Chapter 260
  There are naturally resuscitator guards guarding the palace near the Red and Black Sea.

  However, Lindsay has no idea of ​​playing the game Warriors Entering the Magic City.

  He paid no attention to the situation on the ground, but dug a tunnel to the palace from underground in the most efficient and safe way.

  After digging to the bottom of the palace, the map begins to lose its effectiveness.

  He stopped holding the meteorite pickaxe in his hand and turned to look at Omar behind him.

  "Omar, my ability doesn't work very well here. Can you see what's in front of you?" The

  professional sensory personnel use it very easily, and Lindsay likes this feeling very much.

  Of course Omar would not refuse.

  He nodded slightly and walked to Lindsay.

  The mud blocks almost all human perception, but for a perceiver, this is not a problem.

  Omar closed her eyes, blocking her hearing and ending her sense of smell.

  Then place your palms against the wall surface in front of you, focusing all your sensory abilities on touch.

  Immediately, the Perceiver's abilities began to take effect.

  The ability of empathy allows him to sense the subtle vibrations of earth and rocks, and continues to extend forward. Smells, graphics, and sounds are all directly fed back to the touch of the perceiver's palm in a tactile way.

  A magical skill, like an invisible hand groping forward.

  Ten seconds later, Omar opened his eyes again.


  "Mr. Lindsay, the front is actually empty!"

  He looked at Lindsay, his eyes becoming confused and nervous:
  "There was nothing wrong with your previous exploration. We are under a palace."

  "But the front is empty. It’s not a solid foundation, but a passage extending underneath the ground!”

  You’ve found the right place!
  Lindsay had a satisfied smile on her face.

  This hidden area indeed contains even greater secrets.

  However, he did not dig down rashly. Before heading to the bottom of the tunnel, Lindsay continued to ask Omar for confirmation:

  "Omar, are there any signs of resuscitators above us?"

  Omar nodded with certainty:
  "No! "

  Just like the previous room with the teleportation array, the resuscitators are only guarding the outside of the palace!"

  Lindsay then made a decision:

  "Okay, let's go down below and have a look!"

  After confirming the information, Lindsay waved Meteor pickaxe, immediately start digging downwards.

  But the excavation time this time was completely beyond his expectation.

  As she dug deeper, Lindsay asked Omar to sense the terrain from time to time. But every time I asked, I got the same answer from the perceiver:

  "There is no other space around the tunnel, and there is no sign of ending!" "


  Then we can only continue digging down.

  The constant feedback brought Lindsay more and more hope.

  The deeper it is buried, the more significant the secret becomes.

  The heavy workload only means that they are walking on the right path!

  After digging down to a depth of more than 100 meters.

  Omar, who once again turned on his perception ability, suddenly stopped Lindsay's actions:
  "Mr. Lindsay, wait a minute!"

  "I feel it's getting empty down there. We've dug somewhere!"

  Lindsay stopped what she was doing. Excavation action:
  "So this tunnel leads to an underground space. Can its shape and size be confirmed?"

  Omar nodded seriously:
  "The places near our feet are empty, and I can't feel the boundaries of this space. ."

  "It must be very large!"

  Such a long excavation also made other people in the team wary.

  Platinum Palace admonished at this moment:

  "Mr. Lindsay, we should act carefully."

  "If it is as you said, these resuscitators have prepared means to deal with dragon beasts. Then they can threaten the seven-stage powerhouses. For us, things are irresistible crises!"

  Hearing the reminder from Platinum Palace, Hong shook his head with a smile:


  "When facing opportunities, if you are blindly cautious, you will Missing out on everything that matters."

  Lindsay was not involved in the Red and Platinum Palace discussion.

  His energy now is entirely focused on the action in hand. Lindsay's digging pace was slower than before, and she was always checking with Omar about the situation below.

  When the depth of the tunnel is very close to this underground space, even if you step hard on the ground, there will be an empty echo.

  Lindsay stopped his extensive digging.

  Instead, the effect of survival props was used to open up a square window directly under their feet.


  Through this one-meter-diameter cave, everyone looked down.


  Silence instantly filled the deep underground.

  Just as Omar perceived, the tunnel under the palace leads to a huge underground cave.

  But this is not an empty underground space.

  Countless red and black liquids are quietly accumulating here, and there is an ominous power of death on them.

  The whole space seemed like a sea of ​​despair.

  Just looking at it felt like someone was holding it by the throat, making it difficult to breathe.

  Tick-tock -

  A piece of gravel fell below and was immediately submerged in red-black liquid.

  A ripple appears on the dead ocean, which is enough to make a weak-willed person faint on the spot.

  This red-black liquid must contain terrifying source matter.

  Everyone present was very sure of this, but they couldn't sense the existence of any source of matter.

  This is the result of extremely restrained strength!


  Lindsay swallowed.

  Before, facing the cold glacier, he dared to rely on the power of the ice pattern to detect information.

  But in front of me is this black-red underground sea.

  But it made him fundamentally give up the idea of ​​trying.

  Lindsay even had a feeling.

  The threat posed to him by this dead sea is even countless times more terrifying than when he faced the core of the ancestral spirit on the lighthouse!
  What kind of existence are ancestral spirits?
  At the top of the seventh stage, the loser who tries to advance to the eighth stage is also an absolute strong one!
  It belongs to the same level of existence as the dragon beast that currently controls the Black Mountain world.

  Such a power beyond this level...

  In the flickering light of the torch, Lindsay turned her head and glanced at Hong.

  Hong also happened to look over, and their eyes met at this moment.

  The source of this terrible power can only be the Extinction Crown, which is already in the soul state and has fallen into a deep sleep!

  There must be a backhand prepared by An Abyss below.

  That is the final means to help the original Crown of Extinction to seize the power of the dragon beast!

  Lindsay and Hong exchanged looks.

  The few human awakeners have been completely shocked by the red and black sea below, and no one can even speak.

  Brush -

  Suddenly, a dark figure appeared above the black and red sea.

  He stood there out of thin air, and without even moving his eyes, he sensed the cave and Lindsay and others inside.

  "Humans, you actually escaped here?"

  "But since you are here, don't leave. It will become nourishment for my Lord..."

  The figure who came here is naturally An Abyss.

  But when he was about to take action, he suddenly noticed Hong who was also in the cave.


  The black figure paused in the air, his tone became trembling, and he said with surprise and joy:
  "Sir, you, why are you here..."

  Just like the reaction of all resuscitators when they see red. , An Yuan was also extremely shocked at this moment.

  But the difference is that his strength is not on the same level as ordinary resuscitators.

  The words of allegiance are not finished yet.

  An Abyss has already felt the incongruity in Hong's body, and his tone has changed from trembling and awe to extremely angry:
  "No, the soul is wrong!"

  "Damn humans, what on earth have you done!"

  (End of this chapter)

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