260.Chapter 259 Projection Base Array

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  Chapter 259: The projection matrix
  creaked -

  the square black stone slab was suddenly lifted up from the ground by a finger.

  Immediately afterwards, it disappeared out of thin air, revealing the newly excavated tunnel below.

  "There...are there really no guards here?"

  Lindsay jumped out of the tunnel.

  There are no resuscitators inside the building, but are on guard duty outside.

  This is a fact that Lindsay confirmed with a map.

  But before coming up, Perceptor Omar also provided him with a new piece of news - there was not even any defense in the room!

  As a trailblazer, Lindsay had her reservations.

  But after arriving in the space above, the scene in front of him was completely consistent with Omar's investigation results.

  "I have to admit, this perception is really powerful."

  Lindsay carefully continued the inspection.

  This building was locked from the outside. There was nothing breathing inside, and there were no defenses or traps related to the source of matter.

  "Because we are deep in our base camp, we can feel so at ease?"

  Lindsay didn't know how to comment on this.

  While he was checking the environment, other people in the tunnel behind him also climbed into the house one after another.

  Everyone's eyes swept around.

  This looks like a meeting hall.

  But the tables and chairs that were originally neatly arranged were cleared around the room, revealing a rather large open space.

  The stone floor in the middle of the clearing.

  Complex geometric figures are stacked into a complex circular array, and the textures of various figures are mysterious and unpredictable.


  The first time Lindsay saw this thing, she felt it looked familiar.

  There was no need to think hard, he quickly realized:

  "This is... a teleportation array?"

  The magic circle in front of him had many similarities with the broken teleportation array at the hidden border!

  Lindsay stepped forward immediately.

  He touched his hand on the edge of the magic circle, and the corresponding product information emerged.

  [Teleportation Array: Unstable Entity·Projection Array]

  [Investing the source of the nature of space and time, an array that can transport objects across the world. However, since the specific location cannot be specified, its use is full of uncertainty and danger. ]

  [The teleportation array built with one-time drawings is of moderate value.

  "Unstable entity? Projection matrix?"

  Lindsay recognized the origin of this thing, but others did not know.

  They gathered around and looked at the magic circle in front of them, and Bo Gong and Omar even started discussing in a low voice. But with their knowledge, they can only confirm that this thing is not simple from the complexity of the magic circle.

  On the contrary, Hong has developed a habit.

  The girl came closer, put her arm around Lindsay's shoulder, and gently placed her lips on Lindsay's ear:

  "Lindsay, what is the use of this thing?"

  Lindsay explained:
  "This is a teleportation array. If you can provide the corresponding The source of the essence can open a random teleportation ability across the world."

  "Teleportation array? Space skills!" Platinum Palace on the side heard the conversation, and his expression suddenly turned cold, "These resuscitators have also mastered the skills of space warlocks? "

  No, absolutely not!"

  "If they are allowed to escape from this world, they can completely establish teleportation circles in other worlds. By then, this group of resuscitators will definitely cause very troublesome problems... no, large-scale resuscitators, even It may bring crisis to the entire universe!"

  Platinum Palace's mood was almost extremely nervous.

  Lindsay comforted him and said,

  "Platinum Palace, don't be too nervous."

  "I can see that this array was made with a one-time array. They probably don't have professional space warlocks."

  Lindsay continued to speculate:
  "This The meaning of the existence of the magic circle should be to prepare a retreat for the opponent, for escaping in critical moments. The unstable teleportation effect can also ensure that they are not overtaken."

  Lindsay talked about his own views.

  At the same time, the three human awakeners looked at him with even more surprise.

  Platinum Palace hesitated for a few seconds, and then asked cautiously:
  "Mr. Lindsay, you actually know the skills of a space warlock?"

  There are very few space warlocks, and it is even more difficult to learn to advance.

  Except for giant cities, the teleportation arrays in some places don't even have awakened people who can meet the standards to maintain them. Count on previously demonstrated abilities.

  The young man in front of him named Lindsay, his ability is really exaggerated.

  Lindsay waved his hand:
  "It's just like an appraiser's ability, not as exaggerated as you think."

  While speaking, Lindsay pried open the floor and buried a few fire bombs under the teleportation array.

  He was sure that destroying this thing now would definitely cause trouble.

  So just set a trap.

  Wait until someone is really desperate and wants to teleport here to escape.

  The fire bombs planted in advance will definitely bring unexpected joy to the other party!
  Soon, Lindsay was done.

  And Omar, who had been providing warning to everyone, suddenly said:

  "Mr. Lindsay, the resuscitators outside seem to be conducting a large-scale operation!"


  After being reminded by Omar, Lindsay immediately opened the map.

  Just as the Perceptor said, in the west of the Frozen City, the resuscitators in the city are gathering in large numbers!

  Lindsay took a deep look at Omar.

  No wonder these people accidentally broke into the underground world and escaped from the pursuit of the resuscitators.

  But with such powerful investigators, these people were still caught.

  When facing the resuscitators of the Frozen City, one must still be cautious.

  Lindsay immediately asked Omar:
  "Can you hear anything else?"

  "For example, the reason for their sudden transfer of personnel?"

  Omar immediately walked to the wall.

  The perceiver's eyes widened and he was almost pressed against the wall.

  After waiting quietly for a few seconds, he shook his head at Lindsay with a guilty look:

  "Sorry. The language they speak is quite ancient and I can't understand it well."

  Lindsay continued to argue:
  "Then can you give me a rough summary of their pronunciation when they spoke?"

  Omar did not refuse this time:

  "Of course, I will try to retell what I can hear..."


  Perception with the ability to empathize He is extremely talented in languages.

  He repeated an unfamiliar language.

  Lindsay happened to be able to find some traces of animal language in it, and distinguish some words, such as "go quickly", "escape", "intruder" and "gather".

  Then, Hong suddenly spoke:

  "They are mobilizing to deal with the invaders in the city."


  Although Hong did not have the memory to inherit the crown of extinction perfectly.

  But she can understand the language now.

  This change is exactly in line with Lindsay's current needs. He looked at the other people in the room and immediately made a decision:

  "Since these guys have transferred people to leave, it's just the right time..."

  Hong answered from the side:
  "It's just convenient. Shall we take action?"

  Lindsay shrugged:

  "The probability of encountering such a good thing is not high, it's time for us to take action."

  Lindsay gathered everyone and went back to the tunnel.

  After restoring the floor, they dug towards the street next to it.

  As the number of resuscitators around them decreased, the group dug underground more boldly and at a faster speed.

  Not long after, Lindsay set a new goal.

  Not that he found any treasure in the city.

  But because of the normal map skills, he happened to be near a palace in front of him, and it was once again shrouded in fog.

  "You are the only one in the whole city who can't investigate."

  "Isn't this a clear reminder to me that there is something hidden here?"

  (End of Chapter)

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