259. Chapter 258 Blockade with no way out

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  Chapter 258 Blockade with no way out
  "What the hell?"

  Seeing the ice extending forward, Lindsay certainly would not remain indifferent.

  He stabilized his body, broke away from Hong's hand, and immediately moved the soil in his backpack towards the tunnel behind.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!
  A series of sounds sounded in front of Lindsay.

  With the ability of [Hand of Construction], he sealed the entire tunnel in the blink of an eye.


  the next second, the newly blocked soil was covered with white frost.

  The power in the glacier continued to erode the surroundings. A layer of soil could not stop it, and the surrounding temperature also began to drop!
  "It's endless, isn't it?"

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows and patted down a few layers of soil again.

  When the earth wall was sealed to a thickness of more than one meter, the phenomenon of directly turning the soil into frozen soil finally stopped in front of the group of people.

  "What's going on?"

  Lindsay breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his attention to the human awakener next to him.

  This is the glacier leading to the forest garden.

  When Lindsay and others dug the glacier from the other side, they did not face such exaggerated dangers!

  It's a pity that he couldn't get the answer this time.

  Faced with Lindsay's inquiry, Platinum Palace also looked at a loss:
  "We...Mr. Lindsay, we don't know what's going on."

  "On the way into here, we also looked for a road in the glacier. There has definitely never been such a change!"


  Lindsay quietly replaced the [Sapphire Glasses] in the equipment column.

  He couldn't tell whether the other person was lying.

  However, the emotional spectrum of Platinum Palace was quite intense, and he was obviously shocked by the phenomenon in front of him, and there was no sign of prior knowledge.


  "You guys wait here, I'll go over and take a look myself."

  Lindsay stuck the torch in her hand on the ground to illuminate Hong and several human awakeners.

  He himself turned around and changed his position, digging towards the glacier again.

  Click, click, click, click

  , click, click,

  click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click! ! !
  A few minutes later, Lindsay rushed out again.

  Being prepared, he immediately sealed the passage behind him, and the expression on his face became quite ugly.

  He gritted his teeth and shook his cold right middle finger.

  Then he explained to the people who were watching him:
  "These glaciers are affected by the dragon beasts and are emitting extremely powerful cold air, freezing any object that touches them rashly."

  Lindsay was able to get such information, of course, because he did Product identification.

  With the protection of [Ice Pattern], he can briefly touch the ice.

  It turned out just like Lindsay said.

  The dragon beast sitting on the Black Mountain seemed to have noticed something, so it changed the nature of the surrounding glaciers.

  The glacier is at the feet of the dragon beast, and it has almost no scruples in exerting its power.

  The impact of this change is that whether entering or exiting Montenegro, the difficulty is now different from that in the past.

  It is almost impossible for an awakened person in the fifth stage to escape!


  "Dragon beast, why would it do such a thing?"

  "Dig a little deeper?"

  "This guy wants to block us here! I'm afraid this area has been completely destroyed, both in the sky and on the earth. Sealed!"

  The three human awakeners looked at each other.

  There was a hint of anger that was not there before in his panicked look.

  From their point of view, of course, such a conclusion would be drawn.

  But Lindsay and Hong are different.

  The two of them quietly looked at each other and realized that the dragon beast's real target was actually them!
  After all, the three human awakeners have been in the Black Mountain world for some time.

  If the dragon beast had discovered them, they would have taken action long ago.

  The real time when these glaciers changed was actually after Lindsay and Hong entered.

  The seventh-stage dragon beast has already sensed the approaching danger. It may not know the details of the matter, but in this way, it begins to build defenses and an environment suitable for itself.

  Lindsay thought about how to confess the truth.

  Explain these three human awakeners.

  But without him taking the initiative to speak, Bo Gong's attitude suddenly became decisive.

  He discussed the decision with his two companions, and there was no chance in his eyes anymore, and his attitude was completely lowered:

  "Mr. Lindsay, I'm sorry for wasting your time."

  "But in this situation, you can only do it before The proposed plan is the real feasible choice!"


  I have to admit it.

  The way the mediator spoke was really comforting.

  He first admitted his mistake and then praised Lindsay for the soundness of her previous plan, an attitude that was almost impossible to fault.

  In addition, Lindsay herself also knew the reason for this change.

  He immediately accepted the decision of the three people in Platinum Palace.


  Now the situation is no longer possible.

  The group of people turned back to the location of the Frozen City, with a hint of determination in their eyes under such circumstances.

  Lindsay did not forget to tell everyone on the road:
  "Everyone, we must be as careful as possible this time!"

  "Investigating the method of hiding the living corpses, we must get close to the city, and the danger is not the same as before!"

  Perceiver Omar Approaching Lindsay, Mao Sui introduced himself:

  "Mr. Lindsay, my perception ability should be of some use."

  Lindsay nodded slightly, indicating that the other party should follow him and walk side by side with Hong.


  Hong's dissatisfied eyes immediately drifted away.

  The girl didn't seem to like the perceiver.

  She glanced at the other party with a rather disgusted expression, but considering that this was the arrangement after Lindsay agreed, she did not directly chase Omar behind her.

  The group of people searched for caves and tunnels underground, carefully raising the altitude without directly breaking through the surface of the city.

  Half a day passed.

  They arrived directly below the frozen city.

  Lindsay's method is very simple. The place where these resuscitators gather and are heavily guarded must also be a location where secrets are hidden.

  He just digs where there are more people.

  The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to be discovered by the dark abyss.

  This enemy from ancient times does not know what methods he has. In the worst case scenario, the opponent can even be placed in the same danger level as the dragon beast!
  Click, click, click—

  a subtle digging sound sounded underground.

  Lindsay led everyone to dig in the direction of the dense red dots. But this time it wasn't Lindsay or Hong's turn to play a role. When they came to the southwest of the city, Omar, who had been following Lindsay, suddenly spoke:

  "Mr. Lindsay, please wait a moment! "

  The perceiver's nose twitched slightly, and then he pointed to the city above his head:
  "I heard the breath of fluctuations in the essence above."

  "And the smell here is different from other places in the city. It seems we can go there and have a look. ?"

  Lindsay followed the other party's guidance and looked at the map.

  In the huge map, the location pointed out by Omar is not very eye-catching.

  But after careful study, this is an area where the resuscitators gathered but were left vacant.

  Lindsay could also discover this clue if she slowly researched it herself.

  But it can never be as fast as Omar.

  This awakened person with synesthesia ability seemed to see the situation directly above through the ground!
  As expected, the Perceiver's abilities also have some means.

  Lindsay nodded slightly towards Omar, then looked at the other companions behind:

  "Everyone, hold on to your weapons and be ready to fight at any time."

  "I'm going to dig up!"

  (End of Chapter)

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