258. Chapter 257 The person who helped

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  Chapter 257 The person who came to help
  clicked - clicked -

  accompanied by the dripping sound of melted glacier water.

  A few scattered footsteps extended forward from the ground, and the light of the torch gradually followed the sound.

  Lindsay and her team are exploring this dark underground world.

  Although there are many resuscitators, the frozen city above is a giant city that far exceeds this size.

  The Resurrecters don't even have control over the entire city right now.

  It is naturally impossible to explore the surrounding caves and tunnels hidden in the ground.

  Lindsay and the others walked in the lonely and gloomy underground.

  There is absolutely no sign of human interference here.

  As time went by out of danger, the mediator Bo Gong, the leader of the three awakened ones, also had more room to think.

  He stared at Lindsay, who was stepping over a stubborn rock in front of him.

  The young man held a torch in his left hand and a meteorite pickaxe in his right hand.

  An hour ago, Hong led them to dig a downward escape tunnel, using this kind of pickaxe.

  Platinum Palace naturally thought of the role that this tool can play now.

  He immediately called out to Lindsay:
  "Mr. Lindsay, the tools you and Miss Hong use seem to be able to dig tunnels with high efficiency?"

  The moment he heard Platinum Palace's question, Lindsay also realized what the other party was thinking.

  He originally thought that he would get some new help on the way to killing the dragon beast, but now it seems there is no hope.

  Lindsay felt a little regretful, but she still corrected her attitude and confirmed to Bo Gong:

  "Are you going to use this power to leave here?"

  "Our access here has indeed been blocked." Bo Gong nodded seriously, " But with the abilities of the two of you, we should be able to reopen a way to escape."

  After saying that, Platinum Palace seemed to sense something from Lindsay's expression.

  He immediately proposed another idea:
  "Mr. Lindsay, if you have a heavy responsibility and cannot leave, can you rent one of these two iron pickaxes to me? As long as you agree, we will try our best to repay you. The reward I hope to get!"

  Platinum Palace took a step forward, put his right hand on his chest, and said in a serious tone:

  "Please understand that it is our responsibility to inform the Senzhong Courtyard of the news here!"

  Looking at the other party. Lindsay also understands the attitude.

  These three human awakeners came from the courtyard in the forest. They were ordered to explore the environment, try to bypass the dragon beast, and restore communication with the hidden border.

  Under this premise.

  They had no reason to kill the drake like Lindsay did.

  Lindsay did not refuse or use the opportunity to extort money. On [Harvest Day] a few years ago, when she first came to the desperate situation in the hidden frontier, Lindsay got help from others, and only then did she gain hope from despair.

  At this moment, there are also desperate people begging for help from him, and he can't refuse even if he favors others.

  So Lindsay just stopped and smiled.

  Platinum Palace replied in a calm and reliable tone:
  "Mr. Platinum Palace, there is no need to speak so seriously." "

  Since you plan to leave, I will definitely provide help."

  Platinum Palace immediately saluted again:

  "Mr. Lindsay, I Thank you very much..."

  Lindsay directly stretched out her hand to support the mediator, with a hint of relief in her eyes:
  "Of course, I also have some things I want to get answers from you."

  "In the hidden border, I have been isolated from the world for a long time. For a long time, there has been a lot of demand for information about the outside world."

  Platinum Palace patted his chest and vowed:
  "Ask me, I will tell you everything you know!"


  Since it has been decided to send out the three awakened human beings, .

  Lindsay and the others naturally made corresponding changes in their route.

  They moved underground toward the east, searching for tunnels and caves that were convenient for movement, and more rarely, they used the pickaxes in their hands to forcefully open the way.

  Because the location always remains deeper underground. The resuscitators of the Frozen City failed to find them, so it seemed that the journey was quite smooth.

  On the way, Lindsay also began to inquire about the forest courtyard.

  Platinum Palace kept its promise and made the introduction:
  "Since the expedition team started to develop, many towns have begun to be built in the world along the way." "

  It's just that the hidden border has lost contact, and the courtyard in the forest is close to the Black Mountain world." "

  So to be on the safe side, for more than ten years, There are only three cities established in the Forest Garden. They are Cape Lookout City, which is closest to the Black Mountain World; Yaoyue City, which is located on the other side of the world; and Jiuwan City, which is located in the center of the world."

  After introducing the three major cities, Platinum Palace After a few seconds, he added:
  "Of course, there are some small villages and towns established between the three cities, but there are no examples of successful expansion to the city."

  Lindsay carefully wrote down the information given by Platinum Palace.

  However, thinking of the information he had obtained in the Black Mountain world, he couldn't help but ask:

  "Mr. Bo Gong, the courtyard in the forest has also tried to break through the dragon beast before. Does that mean someone has fought against the dragon beast?"

  Bo Gong immediately replied. :

  "Yes, Master Lefenner has tried it before."

  "He is a seventh-stage organizer, but Black Mountain is too far away from the city he rules, and the organizer's superior strength cannot be used at all, so he was attacked by the dragon beast. Retreat."

  Lindsay asked in a low voice:

  "Then Master Levena is now...?"

  Platinum Palace replied bluntly:

  "He returned to Jiuwan City and is recuperating from his injuries."

  Lindsay continued to ask:

  "There are also those in the other two buildings. A strong person is in charge?"

  Platinum Palace shook his head:

  "Yaoyue City is managed by several businessmen through negotiation, and there is no seventh-stage strong person." "

  There is a seventh-stage wizard in Lookout Point City."

  "Don't alert Long rashly. Beast, but to find other ways to cross the Black Mountain world, was also his idea."

  There are only two seventh-stage human awakeners in the entire world.

  Although there is a special environment in the pioneer land, it is enough for Lindsay to realize that there are few strong people in the seventh stage.

  Platinum Palace was still talking:
  "If I knew that there was a hero like you who traveled across the world to ask for help from the Forest Garden. I think the adults would be moved and even take action for this!"

  Platinum Palace The following sentence is obviously a polite remark.

  If these two strong men were willing or able to kill the dragon beast, they would definitely not wait until today.

  Putting your hope on the unknown strong person...

  Lindsay shook his head slightly, his eyes flashing among the bags.

  ——Brilliant bomb.

  This is what belongs to him, the way to control his destiny in his own hands.

  Just at this moment.

  The soil in front of Lindsay was dug up, revealing the cold and smooth ice surface. He immediately turned to look at the Platinum Palace:

  "Not bad, our speed is not slow."

  "This is the glacier. Just dig a channel from here, you guys Just..."

  "Lindsay, be careful!"

  At this moment, Hong issued a reminder.

  The girl grabbed Lindsay and jumped back, and the other awakened people also retreated back.

  Lindsay was caught in the air and felt a cold air coming from behind her.

  He tried hard to turn his head and look over, and then he discovered a surprising fact!

  The moment the junction of the soil and the glacier was dug through, the ice began to spread directly inward and began to freeze the entire tunnel!
  (End of chapter)

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