257. Chapter 256 Mediator and Perceiver

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  Chapter 256 Mediator and Perceiver


  Lindsay was talking to Platinum Palace.

  But at this moment, Ethan from the War School next to him finally couldn't bear it anymore.

  When Lindsay was observing the situation above, he had already clenched his fists, and now he rushed forward and grabbed the corner of Lindsay's clothes, begging with trembling lips:

  "Nanya, let Nanya out."


  "Ah Hui?!"

  Bo Gong and Oma were both confused.

  Among them, the mediator Bo Gong even wanted to reprimand Ethan for his attitude. After all, Lindsay was their savior, and such an action was too much for Meng Lang.

  Lindsay shook her head slightly at Platinum Palace.

  He looked back with a slightly regretful expression, and then released the corpses he had collected.

  Several corpses were placed in front of them.

  When Ethan saw the body of the girl named Nanya, he immediately rushed towards her and hugged her tightly with one arm.

  See this scene.

  Platinum Palace also understood what the two Lindsays who came after them had done.

  He solemnly bent his knees, put his right hand on his heart on his chest, and lowered his face slightly:
  "Mr. Lindsay, thank you very much."

  Lindsay waved her hand indifferently:

  "If you leave these corpses there, , they are likely to be revived by living corpses. Even the teachings of the Death School do not allow me to do such a thing."

  After expressing his attitude, Lindsay asked about something he cared about very much:
  "By the way, Platinum Mr. Gong. Since you came from the forest courtyard, you have at least found a passage to reach this location, right?"

  This question is crucial. Lindsay's eyes were as calm as water, obviously showing his attitude to the other party.

  However, Bo Gong smiled bitterly and shook his head:

  "There was indeed a way when we came in, but now... I'm afraid there is no more."

  Lindsay guessed:

  "That passage is controlled by living corpses?"

  Bo Gong's tone Even more bitter:
  "These living corpses didn't seem to want their secrets to be leaked, so they blew up the entire passage. We tried our best to escape here and hide in this ancient city, but we didn't expect that there would be another one soon." They found him."

  Having said this, Bo Gong looked up.

  His eyes seemed to be looking through the cave walls.

  This city sealed in the glacier was indeed an eye-opener for Platinum Palace, but it was a pity that the environment was not ideal:

  "Who would have thought that in a world near the border of the world, there is an ancient ancient city buried under a black mountain? City. And the residents of this city, in this dark and closed underground, happened to be transformed into living corpses and formed such a force?"

  Platinum Palace sighed with emotion.

  Lindsay glanced at Hong next to her without trace.

  Lindsay knew the origin of Hong and the reason for the appearance of these resuscitators, of course there was no problem.

  But when it comes to telling others...

  Lindsay's eyes were fixed, and she made a decision in an instant.

  But before he could really answer it, there was one thing he hadn't done yet.

  Lindsay quietly conducted a product appraisal on the platinum palace in front of her. After making sure that the other party is purely human and that the identity of the mediator is no problem.

  He hid part of the truth.

  But he told the other party the true intention of his action:

  "During the journey to Montenegro, I also collected some clues. These living corpses deliberately exist under the dragon beast's base, actually because the two sides are hostile."

  " I think starting from this point, we might be able to find a way to trigger a fight between the two sides."

  Platinum Palace obviously did not believe that Lindsay's plan could succeed.

  But he did not deny it outright, but expressed his opinion sideways: "The dragon beast has reached the seventh stage. If these living corpses do not have corresponding combat power, they cannot be his opponents at all." At

  this point, Platinum Palace The conversation suddenly changed:
  "By the way, Mr. Lindsay. How did you transport these corpses just now? Are you a merchant? That is your private warehouse!" "

  If we can use the merchant's trading network, we may be able to Find a way to get the information..."

  Lindsay shook his head and interrupted the other party:
  "I'm sorry, that's my special ability and has nothing to do with the skills of a businessman."

  "I don't have any special means to contact the outside world."


  Lindsay's answer made Platinum Palace look a little gloomy.

  But just as the atmosphere gradually cooled down, the perceiver Omar, who had been silent at the back, suddenly joined the conversation.

  He persuaded the mediator in front of him:

  "Platinum Palace, we have no retreat now."

  "Perhaps believing in Mr. Lindsay's plan is also an option. Even if we can't solve the dragon beast, we can Create certain conditions and try to escape from here."

  Bo Gong was a little shocked by his companion's statement.

  But he thought about the other party's ability and finally nodded.

  Lindsay saw the clues from the exchange between the two.

  Platinum Palace is undoubtedly the leader of this team, but on some key issues, he trusts Omar's judgment.

  What kind of power does this Mr. Perceptor, whom I have never heard of, possess?

  Hong and Lindsay on the side have a great understanding.

  The girl also felt this, so she spoke on her behalf:

  "Lindsay, you have never told me what kind of profession a perceiver is?"

  Omar took the initiative to introduce himself:
  "It's normal that you two have never heard of it. There are only a small number of us perceivers, and we don’t have any particularly outstanding abilities.”

  Seeing his companion’s humble attitude, Platinum Palace explained carefully:
  “Omar is an excellent investigator!”

  “The skills of the perceivers. , in the first four stages, you will exercise your hearing, vision, smell and touch, and in the fifth stage, you will integrate your abilities to achieve a special state of empathy." "

  A perceiver who has reached the level of an ascender, in many ways - Especially the reconnaissance ability has extremely powerful advantages!"

  Lindsay saw what Platinum Palace was thinking.

  After realizing that his ideas were different from those of the others, the mediator immediately unified his position with his companions, and also took the initiative to explain the powerful investigative capabilities of the perceiver.

  If both parties act together later.

  This kind of statement is trying to win their right to speak as much as possible.

  A candid attitude will not cause resentment in negotiations.

  Lindsay was noncommittal about this, and his choice was to directly turn the topic into concrete actions.

  Lindsay walked up to Ethan who was holding the body and said a few words of comfort to him.

  The bodies of these people must not be left in place, otherwise being reawakened by the resuscitators is almost their only ending.

  Once again the bodies of these dead people were collected.

  Lindsay took out the meteorite pickaxe again and took the lead to walk deeper into the cave:
  "We have some clues here."

  "These living corpses seem to be preparing some kind of method that can target the dragon beasts, and they are near the city."

  " We'd better find it out now..."

  Lindsay's figure disappeared into the darkness, and Hong Ziran followed without hesitation.


  The three human awakeners from the forest courtyard stayed where they were.

  They looked at each other, and after briefly communicating with their eyes, they still acquiesced in Lindsay's actions and leadership, and followed him into the depths of the cave.

  (End of chapter)

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