256.Chapter 255 Rescuers

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  Chapter 255: Rescue worker
  Lindsay turned around and was about to leave.

  He took two steps and heard Hong's voice coming up, but something was missing.

  Lindsay turned around and looked...


  The human awakener who had just broken off an arm shouted the name of his companion, and rushed into the collapsed two-story building with red eyes.

  As for the other two, they were able to maintain their senses, but they also looked unbearable.

  Some of these people's companions died inside.


  Lindsay sighed.

  Emotionally he can understand the other person's impulses.

  But from a rational perspective, now is not the time to act emotionally.

  Lindsay directly threw the meteorite pickaxe to Hong beside him:

  "Take them farther away and dig a downward tunnel. I will come right away."


  Hong didn't care at all.

  She curled her lips, took the meteorite pickaxe, and rushed directly into the noble area behind her.

  Lindsay immediately broke into the ruins of the collapsed building.

  In the ruins piled with rubble, he saw a human with only one arm left, holding the body of a girl in his arms.

  Silent tears fell from his face and dripped on the chest of the blood-stained corpse.


  Lindsay glanced around.

  With the help of [Puzzle Game], all the details in the ruins are clearly highlighted.

  The main reason for the collapse of the building was that two columns on the southeast side were blown out. According to the traces of blood in the ruins, several other human corpses can be found scattered and buried in the ruins.

  The smell of dust masked the scent of blood.

  But all the signs at the scene indicate what was buried here.

  Lindsay shook his head slightly and stepped forward:
  "Sir, we must leave immediately, the living corpses are still coming here in a steady stream!"

  He reminded the human being who had lost his arm.

  The other party raised his gaze, and his remaining arm had no time to wipe away the tears. Instead, he wanted to drag the body of the girl in his arms on his shoulder:

  "I'm sorry."

  "But I have to take Nanya away, and I can't leave her alone. Here!"

  Lindsay sighed secretly.

  The most basic human empathy allows him to understand the pain of the other person.

  But now was not the time to waste time, so Lindsay stepped forward, took the girl's body from the man's hand, stuffed it into the bag, and also packed other corpses around it.


  The one-armed man looked confused.

  But the next second, Lindsay grabbed him up and rushed out in the direction where the others left.


  half an hour later.

  In a dark underground cave, Lindsay, holding a torch, breathed a sigh of relief.

  Red's mobility is as crisp and clear as ever.

  After Lindsay brought the one-armed man here, he immediately saw the tunnel dug by the other party and jumped in. Lindsay blocked the entrance with the soil in his hands.

  They made it to a natural cave.

  Only then did he stop temporarily.

  At this moment, Lindsay was scouting the situation above.

  The subsequent group of resuscitators rushed to the fighting site and immediately started searching the surrounding area. It's a pity that most of these resuscitators are in the fifth stage.

  They didn't have any more powerful individuals coming, so naturally they couldn't search for Lindsay and others who had hidden underground nearby.

  And after confirming this scene on the map.

  Lindsay turned around and waved to the other people around him:

  "No problem, they have given up the pursuit for the time being."

  "We are safe for the time being."

  The other three humans immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

  A middle-aged man who was in relatively good condition came out and nodded to Lindsay:

  "Sir, thank you and this lady for your rescue."

  "If it hadn't been for your timely help, we might have had no chance..."

  Lindsay was not going to be polite to the other party.

  He immediately interrupted the other party's thanks and asked straight to the point:
  "There is no need to say thank you."

  "We are all human beings, so we must help each other in this situation."

  "What I want to know now is your origins. .As far as I know, there are no human settlements in the Black Mountain world?"

  While asking the question, Lindsay already had a rough judgment in his mind.

  These people looked to be between young and middle-aged, but Lindsay was familiar with the history of the Hidden Frontier. After the teleportation array was destroyed, no such awakened person left the town; and although the weapons and equipment on these three people were Shows signs of wear but has been well maintained.

  All kinds of clues point to the special origin of the other party.

  Faced with the inquiry from his savior Lindsay, the middle-aged man certainly had no reason to refuse to answer. He said frankly:
  "We came from the courtyard in the forest and were ordered to investigate the situation in the Black Mountain world."

  "The courtyard in the forest..."

  Lindsay React immediately.

  According to the records of the expedition team, the world that can be reached by the waterfall at the edge of the Black Mountain world was named [Forest Garden] by them!
  Lindsay's tone was inevitably a little excited:
  "Forest Courtyard! Are you from the opposite world?"

  The middle-aged man also reacted:
  "Are you from that outpost?"

  Lindsay nodded and pointed to himself. Introduction:

  "School of Death - Lindsay."

  "Mediator - Platinum Palace." The middle-aged man also introduced himself, and then pointed to the other two companions, "This is the Perceiver - Omar. This is the defender of the War School—Ethan."

  Lindsay had never heard of the profession of Perceiver.

  However, he did know that mediators were the most widely distributed professions in the world today and were one of the more than a dozen professions in the main cities of the world. Most mediators came from the same world as messengers and

  had excellent communication skills.

  And use this as a skill to develop their own unique abilities.

  Lindsay suppressed her curiosity and still communicated the information between the two worlds:
  "For more than ten years, the Hidden Frontier has lost contact with the outside world."

  "Some people on our side also tried to break through Montenegro, but most of them were never heard from again after leaving..." "

  I'm sorry, we didn't receive any escapees from our side." Platinum Palace shook his head regretfully, and then continued. Explained, "We also tried to rescue your stronghold, but the dragon beast was entrenched on the Black Mountain. After the stress reaction, it even extracted the source of the entire world to try to advance." "In this

  case, we only Can carry out rescue in a relatively slow way."

  Lindsay immediately understood the meaning of Bo Gong's words:
  "So this is the reason why you appeared in Montenegro?"

  Bo Gong nodded:

  "We are not planning to contact the seventh-order The dragon beast."

  "But prepare to open a new road from the bottom of the mountain in order to sneak around the dragon beast."

  At this point.

  The mediator also thought about their encounters along the way.

  It was originally thought that the secret passage found in the glacier would be the key to reconnecting the two worlds. But who would have known that they would run into a group of zombies' base camp, which would even lead to their entire team being on the verge of death!
  There was a hint of bitterness on Bo Gong's face:
  "But after entering here, we were attacked by these living corpses."

  "In the end, it was the two of us who took action, and we were able to survive."

  (End of this chapter)

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