255. Chapter 254 The Besieged Resurrectionist

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  Chapter 254: The Besieged Resurrectionist


  "Let's go over and take a look right away!"

  Lindsay originally planned to investigate these things.

  Now that something new has happened, he certainly has no reason to let it go.

  They casually created two bats to provide them with warning, and the two of them rushed towards the direction of the sound.

  The explosion site was quite close to the noble district of the Frozen City.

  Lindsay and Hong passed through three manors, and the one ahead rounded a corner, which was the target.

  But when they arrived.

  There were only four yellow dots left at the moment.

  And around them, seven red dots representing resuscitators have surrounded them!

  "They are fighting."

  before entering the square to join the battle.

  Lindsay was cautious and planned to arrange a task for Hong.

  As a result, before he could say anything more, there were only four yellow dots left just now, but now there were only three.

  ——Someone died again!

  Realize the urgency of the situation.

  Without saying a word, Lindsay took out a bow and arrow, and the enchantment of the Silent Edge was also wiped off at the same time.

  "Hong, kill all the resuscitators you can see."

  "The guys they are watching may still be useful, so don't kill them all together."


  Hong didn't say anything, only responded with an arrogant smile. .

  The next second, she stepped hard on her foot and flew out like a sharp arrow, even faster than Lindsay!
  On the square.

  A two-story building made of wood and stone bricks was now in ruins.

  Not far ahead, seven resuscitators surrounded the remaining three enemies.

  Five of the seven resuscitators are in human form, and the other two are beast forms transformed from monsters.

  Surrounded by them were three humans.

  These three humans were injured, and their condition had been completely suppressed by the resuscitators. Their condition was in critical condition.

  The resuscitators who continue to attack throw out weapons with the power of death from time to time, and do not forget to use words to persuade:

  "Humans, don't you want to die as miserable as your companions?"

  "You can transform into With the same posture as ours, it is the most suitable time to keep the whole body."

  Hearing this.

  One of the three humans under siege immediately turned red.

  Thinking of the tragic death of his companion, he immediately gritted his teeth, held the long sword and rushed towards the resuscitator who spoke.

  "Don't even think about filthy things!"

  Click -

  the sword went straight into the body, but the resuscitator did not dodge.

  Although the angry human being is also very powerful, his Sephiroth skills are not life or death.

  You can't chop off the head or pierce the heart with one blow.

  To a resuscitator, this is a completely negligible minor injury.

  After blocking the opponent's weapon with his chest, the resuscitator quickly stabbed forward.


  The human's left hand was hit by a blow.

  The deathly gray-white color of the power of apoptosis immediately extended upward along the palm of the hand.

  He quickly stepped back and chopped off his entire arm with a knife without hesitation, thus blocking the spread of the power of apoptosis.

  "Ah Hui!"

  "Damn it!"

  Upon seeing this, the other two human companions tried their best to repel the enemy in front of them, and protected the companion who had lost an arm.

  "Ah Hui, calm down!"

  "We still have to get the news out of here. We must not die here!"

  Looking at the struggling three people.

  The resuscitator, whose chest was pierced, had a cruel smile on his face:

  "Bring the news out here?"

  "No matter how long it takes, there are always people who hope that the impossible will happen..."

  Whoosh -!
  Before the resuscitator could finish speaking, a wooden spear instantly appeared on his face.

  The attack speed is beyond imagination. At the same time as the sound appeared, the threat was already in front of him.

  The next second, the resuscitator's head was instantly pierced, and his remaining energy even flew him backwards with his body. He was nailed to the cobblestones of the square with a bang, and then there was no movement.


  For a moment, the square was so quiet that one could hear it drop.

  Then other resuscitators shouted:

  "There are still enemies!"

  "Find them and kill them all."

  Other resuscitators realized that new enemies had appeared.

  They were rich in combat experience and immediately set up corresponding formations, but at that moment, they discovered a shocking situation.

  There were originally seven of them, but now there are only five left!
  Except for the guy who was instantly killed by a spear.

  In the absence of any movement at all, a pitch-black arrow was inserted into the head of a resuscitator in the form of a monster.

  The resuscitator who was hit by an arrow fell to the ground, motionless.

  It's also a one-hit kill!
  "Who among you... heard the noise?"

  "Guest in the forest?"

  The resuscitators had not had time to finish exchanging opinions.

  The next second, Hong rushed out from the street, his hot eyes locked on these resuscitators.

  These guys at the base camp are all outstanding resuscitators.

  Therefore, Hong did not differentiate into too many weapon afterimages, but only gathered a powerful enough force in one attack.


  "Go to hell!"

  Amidst the girl's wild laughter, another spear was thrown.

  This time the Resurrectionist saw the enemy attack with his own eyes.

  The spear was too fast and there was no time to dodge. Of course, someone was ready to resist.

  One of them took a step forward and held his weapon across his chest, trying to block the spear.

  There was a clang of spears and metal.

  But the next second, in the stunned expression of the resuscitator, the spear immediately broke his weapon, then pierced through the chest and abdomen, and pinned him to the cobblestones of the square.

  Immediately, the power of apoptotic killing began to take effect.

  Even if he failed to hit the fatal part, the powerful technique made his deformed life instantly lose its vitality, and there was no movement in the blink of an eye.


  "Is this... killing creatures?"

  Of course the other resuscitators recognized Hong's ability.

  After all, they are also using the power of this approach.

  And one of them happened to be a resuscitator who died in ancient times and resurrected again today. He saw Hong's appearance.


  The Extinction Crown was right in front of him, and the resuscitator couldn't help himself for a moment.

  "Recognize it? Then die obediently!"

  What greeted him was the spear thrown by Hong.

  The fear and coercion made this resuscitator not even have the consciousness to resist, so he just stood there and was forcibly wiped out!

  At this moment, there were only three resuscitators left in the square.

  They had the upper hand a second ago, but now their number was even the same as that of the humans surrounded by them.

  If you count Lindsay and Red.

  They were originally besieging humans, but now they have become the one being besieged!
  "If the fighting drags on for too long, we will evacuate on our own and focus on protecting ourselves."

  Lindsay on the edge of the square.

  I originally planned to say this during the battle.

  But seeing Hong's exaggerated killing gesture, he swallowed all the prepared instructions.

  Just use shooting as support to kill all three remaining resuscitators.

  The battle ended and Lindsay looked at the map.

  Just in the blink of an eye.

  Another red mark of the resuscitators appeared in the distance, and they were obviously ready to rush to the aid of their companions here.

  Lindsay gestured toward Hong to retreat.

  As for the three humans with astonished expressions on their faces, they had just realized their situation and had risen from hell to heaven in an instant.

  Lindsay shouted concisely:
  "Quick, come with us!"

  "These living corpses have other support, let's get out of here first!"

  (End of Chapter)

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