254.Chapter 253 Brutal Rule

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  Chapter 253 Brutal Dominance
  Click -

  The box placed in the secret room made a crisp sound.

  The metal that stabilized the box was still strong, but the wood that made up the main body of the box had long since dehydrated and hardened. Its size has even shrunk inward, completely unable to match the size of the metal reinforcement above.

  Lindsay was just using her hands.

  He pinched out a piece of the wood that had become hard and brittle, revealing the items stored inside.

  A broken sword.

  This sword is made of blue-white alloy, with some dark red wavy lines on the surface. A small crown is engraved on the hilt, which is its only decorative pattern.

  Staring at the harvest in front of her, Hong's eyes were a little strange:
  "Lindsay, is this the treasure you are looking for? A... damaged weapon?"

  Lindsay stretched out her hand to touch the broken sword:
  "Hong, don't just take everything at face value. . The things that can be stored here must be... ah!"

  Lindsay immediately retracted her palm and leaned back.

  The moment he touched the broken sword, he felt like he was struck by lightning.

  Although the existence of any source of essence could not be felt on the surface of this dagger, at the moment of contact, an unparalleled aura of fear enveloped Lindsay.

  It’s incredible to say.

  The source of will, after reaching the second stage of the Stairway to Heaven.

  Even if she is in some special scenes, such as under the pressure of the will of the corpse of the eight-stage righteous person, Lindsay can still do some small actions, such as turning on the [Drama Performance] skill.

  But this broken sword doesn't give people such a chance at all.

  The powerful power of fear is instantly poured into the person's brain, as if everything in the contact's mind is driven out of the mind, and the power of complete violence and fear is used to force others to surrender!
  "Lindsay, what's wrong with you?"

  Seeing that the situation was not good, Hong subconsciously pulled Lindsay back.

  She herself stood between Lindsay and Broken Sword, and the power of death and killing in her body surged:

  "Is there something wrong with this thing? Have you been tricked?"

  "No." Lindsay immediately shook her head, "This one The sword... is not normal."

  "When I came into contact with it, I felt a very powerful force inside, which made people unable to help but feel fear and surrender from the bottom of their hearts." "


  "Fear? Surrender?"

  Red wasn't afraid of this at all.

  She turned to Lindsay and smiled mockingly, then stepped forward, ready to pick up the broken sword.

  Bang -

  the broken sword fell to the ground again, Hong Ye held his wrist and jumped back.

  The expression on the girl's face was as stunned as Lindsay's.

  She may have had an extra moment of exposure compared to Lindsay, but the end result was no different.

  He just threw the broken sword on the ground.

  "Are you kidding me?"

  "This feeling... this feeling... is just like the one who stabbed me with the sword, when he was alive!" "

  Is this the power left by its owner?"

  Hong What I didn't expect was a broken sword that looked ordinary.

  It actually contains a terrifying will that even I can't resist!
  Although she is no longer the extermination crown she once was.

  But this body and the personality remaining in the body also make her an existence on a different level from ordinary awakened people!

  "Do you think I will be scared by something random?"

  Seeing Hong's look, Lindsay sarcastically replied.

  Then he made full preparations, opened the product information skill in advance, and then touched the Broken Sword.

  Once again, he immediately withdrew his hand after contact.

  But this time, Lindsay also saw the properties of this broken sword.

  [Weapon/Accessory: Cruel Dominance (Broken)]

  [——Weapon Function——]

  [Holding this sword will activate the broken [Commander Aura], [Fear Claim Domain], and [Legion Order] status; extremely Amplify strength, physique, and will attributes.

  Command Halo (disabled): Enhance the attributes of yourself and your subordinates in all aspects.

  Fear Claim Domain (Disabled): Causes fear and oppression during combat, making it difficult for the enemy to move.

  Legion Order (disabled): Instantly convey your orders to your subordinates within a certain range. ]

  [Equipment requirements: Obtain the approval of Brutal Dominance/Will attribute reaches 230 or above. ]

  [——Accessory Function——] [Acquire the status of a noble of the Divine Court, and the number of summoning columns will be doubled. ]

  [The only item, the remains of the sword of the invader Fanda, the monarch of the raging road]

  ["Kneel down and surrender!"

  "Legion, attack!"

  "My rule will rule all realms!"]


  "The monarch of the raging road?"

  Lindsay knows many types of awakeners in this world.

  The so-called wreaking havoc on the road even happens to have something to do with him - the school of war.

  Lindsay's martial arts teacher, An Rui, who is also the lord of the Hidden Frontier, once told him about the War School.

  There are three main approaches to this school of thought.

  The Defender, the Essence of Fighting, the Wrecker.

  Isn’t this kind of awakened person who uses brutal means to fight against legions as a skill, not just a ravager?

  Thinking of this, Lindsay turned around and looked at Hong beside her.

  According to the information he learned.

  Hong's predecessor, the Extinction Crown, was at least an existence at the peak of the eighth stage, and the Righteous One who perished with it was also an existence of the same level.

  So according to Hong’s subjective feelings.

  That is to say, this so-called invader Fanda is most likely an eighth-stage ravager.

  "Are you kidding..."

  Lindsay's expression had mixed emotions.

  In Narkobondek, the headquarters of the War School, this is something unheard of!
  At the same time, Hong on the side noticed Lindsay's reaction, so he quickly asked:

  "How is it? What did you find?"

  Lindsay sorted out his words:

  "To put it simply, this broken sword requires equipment, at least The will attribute must reach more than 230 points."

  There is no attribute panel on Hong's body, so of course he is confused about this requirement:
  "230 points? What the hell is that?"

  Lindsay shrugged:

  "In short, it is a level that we cannot reach now."

  "If the will attribute is not strong enough, there is no way to pick up this broken sword."

  Even so.

  But Lindsay jabbed another finger.

  The moment he made contact, he put the broken sword into his carry-on bag, and then transferred it directly to the equipment panel.

  Lindsay's current will attribute certainly makes it impossible to use Brutal Dominance as a weapon, but fortunately there are no attribute requirements for using it as an accessory, so it can be placed in the corresponding column.

  Except for the so-called noble status of the Divine Court.

  The effect of doubling the summoning bar took effect immediately, allowing Lindsay to maintain only one summoned creature instead of two.

  "It's not much from one to two."

  "But as long as the number of summoning columns continues to be expanded in the future, this thing is also a great thing if it is simply used as an accessory."

  In most cases.

  This simple and crude doubling effect is a very powerful late-stage buff.

  Lindsay tried using the workbench again.

  This thing cannot be synthesized.

  But it can be repaired on the anvil, which requires other fragments of [Cruel Dominance].


  the two of them were in the manor.

  But at this moment, the building and the ground outside began to shake violently, accompanied by a violent explosion in the distance.


  "What's going on?"

  Hong's face was still blank, but Lindsay reacted.

  That direction was exactly where he saw those yellow neutral marks on the map just now!
  (End of chapter)

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