253. Chapter 252 On how to open the secret door

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  Chapter 252: How to open the secret door
  "Is this the lair of the resuscitators? Wait, did they build this city?" "

  No, this place should have been occupied by them later."

  "It's a shame they can find it. Get it!"

  "I guess this city was frozen in the war a long time ago. Among these resuscitators, there are old people like An Abyss who lead them, and they must also know about the existence of this place."

  Lindsay and Hong Exchange opinions.

  At the same time, he also opened his luggage and organized his belongings.

  The hidden map given in the [Ice City] mission has been marked and is located in the northwest corner of the city. The way to enter is as simple as one description - [Open the Wardrobe].

  And another reward is [ancient gold coins].

  More than ten gold coins were packed in a cloth bag.

  This gold coin is made of gold alloy, with a seven-pointed star on the front and a crown on the back.

  [Collection: Ancient Gold Coins]

  [A gold coin from the Seven-Pointed Star Federation, minted to commemorate the restoration of peace with the Fifth Divine Court.

  【Collectors will love something like this! ]


  There is nothing special about this collection, so Lindsay stuffed it directly into her pocket.

  Immediately, he took out a piece of equipment.

  [Firearm: Bone Launcher]

  [A weapon that can fire bones as ammunition. The exact power depends on the location of the bone and its owner. ]

  [Achievement item, a firearm with peculiar functions? ]

  Lindsay curled her lips.

  He got this thing a year ago.

  When deceiving the news, he and Hongkeng killed several resuscitators, so the first-level achievements in the hunting notes were also completed, and these were the corresponding reward items.

  And after possessing the title of Resuscitator Killer.

  When Lindsay deals with these resuscitators, her combat ability is definitely stronger than ordinary awakeners.

  But then.

  Seeing Lindsay preparing weapons, Hong on the side unexpectedly tried to persuade her:
  "Lindsay, are we going to fight together?"

  "You'd better use your brains. This is their base camp. Let's take action." Be careful!"


  Lindsay glanced at the girl next to her in surprise.

  After two years, this guy's bad character in some aspects has not changed, but his drive has really been successfully transformed.

  "Why do I feel that our relationship is reversed?"

  Lindsay complained first, then shook his head and said:

  "I don't plan to rush in directly, but I just need to sort out my belongings before taking action. After all, it's been so long since I last fought against these guys. , but it’s been more than a year.”

  For more than a year, Lindsay and Lindsay traveled across the world.

  During this period, they always focused on hiding their traces, and the frequency of battles was greatly reduced.

  Due to the unfamiliarity caused by this situation, you must not be careless in battle. Preparation in advance is necessary.

  Hearing this, a contemptuous smile appeared on Hong's face:

  "Yes, it's been more than a year." "

  I will definitely give them a big surprise this time!"


  Two people People continue to touch down the black tower.

  The door of the Black Tower has been covered with dust for a long time. If it is opened forcefully, it will definitely cause a lot of noise.

  The two simply jumped out of the stone window on the second floor.

  Then the figure flashed and disappeared into the streets of this frozen city.

  Although there are hundreds or even thousands of resuscitators, this city is also a truly big city. This number of resuscitators cannot fill it up at all, and many places are empty.

  Then borrow the map unlocked by Lindsay.

  It is not difficult for the two of them to move unobtrusively in this city.

  The streets in the city are neatly paved with cobblestones.

  The shops and houses on both sides of the road are mostly built of wood and stone bricks, and even have drainage channels, giving the area a very neat layout.

  This frozen city remains as it was many years ago.

  If it weren't for the eerie green lighting of the glaciers above our heads, walking here would even have the experience of wandering through a fantasy city at night.

  Lindsay took the lead and opened the map at the same time, detecting the changes in the surrounding resuscitators and summarizing the patterns of these guys' activities.

  There is a simple truth.

  In such a secret lair, the more resuscitators there are, the more likely they will focus their operations.

  Whether it is for sabotage or other purposes later, it is definitely right to choose these locations. Continue to the northwest for several hundred meters.

  Hong whispered to Lindsay:

  "Lindsay, where are we going?"

  Lindsay focused on what was in front of her, without even looking back:

  "Go to the northwest."

  Hong continued to ask:
  "Is there anything there? "

  Lindsay shook his head slightly:

  "I don't know yet, but it shouldn't be a bad thing."

  "Okay, okay, I understand." Hong immediately reacted, "It's your messy abilities that are working again."

  Going forward Go northwest.

  The buildings that appeared around him became more and more luxurious.

  Some vast estates even began to appear, and the remains of frozen trees stood tall again.

  This should be the area where nobles once lived.

  But now, the resuscitators don't care about such a prime location at all, and only a few people are wandering here.

  Lindsay walked towards the location marked on the hidden map.

  At the same time, he also conveniently expanded the exploration range of the map in the direction where the resuscitators appeared.

  Just this one action.

  Lindsay's eyes became strange.

  Because there were originally only red marks moving around on the map, but now several yellow marks have appeared!
  "Yellow...neutral unit?"

  Lindsay sounded a little stunned.

  He never thought that there would be such existence in the headquarters of the resuscitators.

  This is really confusing!

  "But the hidden map is just ahead, so let's go take a look first."

  After writing down the location, Lindsay led Hong into a large luxury manor in the northwest.

  In what is presumably the master's bedroom of the manor.

  He opened the closet door marked on the map.

  Creaking -

  the wooden cabinet door made a decaying sound, and Hong poked Lindsay's back:

  "Lindsay, you still want to rummage through dead people's clothes?"

  Lindsay rolled her eyes at Hong:

  "What do you mean dead people's clothes?" ? There must be a problem here!"

  He reached forward and knocked, and sure enough, there was a hollow "bang bang" sound coming from the back of the closet.

  [Puzzle Game]

  Lindsay switched modules, and a shape that looked like a natural wood texture immediately appeared on the side of the wardrobe.

  He pressed it without saying a word.


  The sound of some machine breaking came from the wall.

  Over time, the mechanism between the wall and the wardrobe has failed, and the force transmitted by this press is enough to destroy it.


  "Is it so completely broken?"

  Hong immediately answered from the side:

  "I think it might have been broken by you."

  Lindsay's expression darkened. He ignored Hong completely and pressed the inside of the closet with one hand. Pushing, with more than 30 points of force, the damaged secret door was pushed open.

  There is a downward passage hidden behind the wardrobe, and there are runes and other things painted on the wall. But just like the Black Tower before it, all the anti-theft measures here have disappeared over time.

  "Let's go in and take a look."

  Lindsay took the lead into the secret passage holding a torch.

  Hong followed closely behind him, and the two of them filed in.

  Under the light of the torch, this downward staircase leads to a small secret room.

  A few meters away, the secret passage has reached its end.

  But it's like the world's secret realm of [Purple Leaf Vine Branches] was once stored.

  The box used by the lord of this manor to store treasures is also placed in this small secret room.

  (End of chapter)

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