250.Chapter 249 Glacier Adventure

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  Chapter 249 Glacier Adventure
  Tick-Tick -

  The melted glacier water fell on the ice and water of the tunnel, making a crisp sound.

  In the dim ice world, the faint light of torches is refracted by the surrounding environment, showing the wonderful and dreamy blue color of the glacier.

  Accompanied by crystal clear roads and winding underground structures.

  It's like a dream here, like a fairyland in a fairy tale.

  It's just that Lindsay and Hong have no intention of admiring the beautiful scenery here. They are walking here cautiously, one behind the other.

  Lindsay, who was walking in front, was holding a [Handheld Radar], not daring to let go of any changes in perception.

  During this period, he also checked the map from time to time.

  Where the two of them have not yet set foot, the world under the Black Mountain is still pitch black, and no terrain has been explored.

  But there is good news.

  Wherever they walked, the map resumed its normal recording function.

  This feeling is like the fog of war or map unlocking function in the game. Players must arrive in person before the map can play its intended role.


  Amidst the sound of melted water falling, Hong followed closely behind Lindsay.

  She held the [Wood Poison Javelin] in her hand, and while providing warning to the two of them, she couldn't help but asked curiously:

  "Lindsay, your detection ability is severely restricted?"

  Lindsay nodded and replied:

  "That one is called Guys from the Dark Abyss who dare to get these things under the feet of dragon beasts must have taken corresponding concealment measures. Even though my skills have many abilities, they cannot escape the limitations of their skills." "If you

  encounter such a situation, you will also It makes sense."

  Hong accepted this statement and continued to ask:
  "What if we suddenly bump into the enemy?"

  Lindsay replied:

  "Then I will tell you in advance."

  "Large-scale reconnaissance on the map is ineffective. But I still have small-scale investigation methods."

  At this point, Lindsay added another word:
  "By the way, I just want to remind you that you will take action immediately without waiting for other orders."

  "You don't plan to. Did you deceive the information?" Hong's tone was a bit teasing, "The resuscitators here definitely know much more information than the guys outside!"

  Lindsay answered without any hesitation:
  "Then you'd better not give him time to speak. None!"

  It is definitely a good thing to get more information.

  But Lindsay knew in her heart that the situation they were in was too dangerous. Compared with obtaining intelligence, he felt that ensuring covert operations was the top priority.


  The topography inside the glacier is very complex.

  Although melt water has a fairly stable flow trend. But the winding tunnels and caves don't make sense. In addition, Lindsay and Hong were extremely cautious in their progress, so the speed of the trip was greatly slowed down.

  Almost a day passed.

  They had only traveled about one-third of the way through the glacier in the horizontal direction.

  It would take at least two days to reach right below Montenegro.

  And in order to reduce the noise as much as possible, they even stopped digging tunnels.

  Unless you hit an unavoidable dead end.

  They all tried their best to rely on the existing natural terrain to move forward.


  This situation is not entirely a drag.

  As the day passed, Lindsay's map had recorded a considerable area. At least within the known range, they don't have to worry about being directly hit by enemies that appear suddenly.

  That night, Lindsay took Hong back to the open area that had been explored on the map and picked a low-lying ice cave.

  There are three tunnels here, leading to different directions in the glacier.

  Even if something unexpected happens, they can sneak away quietly and quietly.

  Sitting in the cold ice cave, Hong immediately began to urge:
  "Lindsay, light a fire!"

  "I need a bonfire to warm myself now."

  Lindsay had no intention of taking action.

  He just laid two layers of wood on the ground to ensure that he would not sleep directly on the ice tonight. As for Hong who urged him, Lindsay just asked in a calm tone:

  "Didn't I give you accessories that can resist the cold?"

  Hong stretched out his hand and knocked on the glacier beside him:
  "It feels different!"

  "With you Sleeping in a place with fire and sleeping in a place without fire is a completely different experience!"

  Lindsay refused decisively:

  "Torch lighting is already quite dangerous, let alone lighting a fire for cooking."

  Hong's expression immediately became ugly.

  But soon, she realized something else, and her expression became even more ugly.

  "Wait! No fire?"

  "Then what are we going to eat tonight!"

  Lindsay's tone remained unchanged:
  "How about eating the meat biscuits I prepared? Are you happy?" "..."

  The girl stared, He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

  Even if there are ten thousand reluctances in my heart.

  But Hong also understood that Lindsay was right.

  After bitterly eating meat biscuits that tasted very bad, the two of them fell asleep on the wooden board.

  Nor does night's rest bring about restful sleep.

  The glacier itself makes some eerie creaking noises.

  This could be caused by ice blocks rubbing against each other and breaking, new cracks forming, or the sound of meltwater flowing.

  And after some of the ice cubes melt.

  The air bubbles sealed in the glacier will also be released or even burst, which will also make a sound!

  It may not be obvious to ordinary people.

  But for two awakened people who are already sensitive.

  This sound would sound every once in a while, as if the glacier itself was reminding them of the danger here.



  "Lindsay, is the sound getting louder and louder?"


  "I think you heard it right."

  "But unless you evaporate the entire glacier, there's nothing we can do." "

  Your mess ability……"

  "I suggest you save those thoughts and go to sleep quickly."

  "But you can't sleep either?"


  The next morning.

  The two woke up almost at the same time.

  This is not because their schedules have been exactly the same during the long journey, but resting in the glacier is really not a good experience.

  After taking a short rest, the two continued moving forward.

  Continue forward in the ice tunnel explored yesterday.

  Half a day passed, and the two once again stepped into a larger cave in the ice.

  They were quite skilled after having been exploring for more than a day.

  Lindsay took the lead and jumped down with the radar in hand to reconnoiter the environment; Hong from behind also jumped down soon after.

  Click -

  Immediately, the ice beneath the two people made a crisp sound.

  Lindsay instantly turned to look at Hong and found that the girl was already a head shorter than him and her body was falling rapidly downwards.

  ——The ice here is so thin and brittle that the red is falling off!

  The next second, Lindsay realized something again.

  ——I fell too? !

  This ice cave looks extremely normal, but the structure of the ground is not.

  The fragile ice played fair to the two, and they plummeted downward through the air, one behind the other.

  Since it is far away from the wall, there is no way to use the buffer force here!

  In desperation, Lindsay immediately pulled out the vine whip from her bag and threw it around.


  If it were an ordinary whip, it would definitely not be able to wrap around the smooth ice wall.

  But Lindsay has the help of [Gamer] abilities.

  He equipped the bow and arrow on the attribute panel, and then threw out the vine whip. The tip of the whip had the penetrating ability of the bow and arrow.

  With a pop, the vine whip plunged firmly into the ice.

  Lindsay then exerted her strength and took Hong into her arms, and the two of them leaned against the ice wall.

  "There are caves here, what the hell!"

  The two cursed and stuck their weapons on the ice, finally stopping their fall.

  Lindsay looked down.

  The broken ice that the two of them stepped on continued to fall, and there was no end to the dark cave!
  "Lindsay, let's climb up quickly."

  Hong immediately planned to leave, but Lindsay interrupted the girl's movements:

  "No, wait first!"

  "Maybe we can try going down."

  (This chapter over)

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