249.Chapter 248 Underground Fog

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  Chapter 248: Underground Fog

  Under the ground, two pickaxes, one white and one red, are operating alternately.

  Lindsay and Hong dug the tunnel. While working repeatedly, Hong did not forget to complain about the current situation:

  "Lindsay, I thought we could have a better way to deal with this problem!"

  Lindsay was not polite. Di replied:
  "Unless we can fly over

  from the sky!" "Otherwise, other than walking underground, we have no choice but to swim in the river." "


  Of course there is no reason to jump into an obvious trap.

  However, Hong still raised another question:
  "What if water leaks above our heads while we are digging?"

  Lindsay replied decisively:

  "Then I will turn around and run. I hope you can too before I block the tunnel. Run out."

  "Hey, can't you wait for me at that time!" Hong wanted to kick Lindsay because of what didn't happen. But at this moment, she felt a little soft under her feet.

  "Wait! Lindsay, the soil here is a little wet."

  "Back off, I'll block it!" Lindsay dragged Hong and pushed him back a few meters. At the same time, a few pieces of soil were stuck in front of him, blocking the possible The leaking area was completely blocked, and then he continued to point downward, "The depth here is still not enough, let's dig deeper!" In the

  dark and cold underground, Lindsay and Hong continued to dig downward.

  Solve the problem.

  Sometimes this simple yet troublesome method is needed.

  The melted snow water from the glaciers gathers into wide rivers. There is no doubt that it is the trick of the dragon beasts. They must avoid contact with these water bodies!

  Under the river bed, a tunnel extends forward silently.

  Two powerful awakeners worked tirelessly, and the progress of this task was pretty good.

  After half a day, the two of them had arrived at the other end of the river.

  Lindsay also opened the map from time to time to confirm the distance between them and the water body above their heads, so as to be alert to possible troubles at any time.

  between repeated labors.

  Hong also began to think about other things, and then raised a question:
  "Lindsay, do you think the river above is the only way for the dragon beast to stop us?"

  Lindsay thought carefully before replying:

  "I think there is such a possibility Maybe."

  Hong's eyes raised, with a surprised tone mixed with a hint of dissatisfaction:
  "You said it really accepted its fate? It didn't even want to stop me from passing by?"

  Lindsay shook his head in denial:

  "Instead of giving up, I prefer to focus on the dragon beast. It has been spent on other aspects."

  "We have been away from Qianshanshiling for a long time."

  "With its ability, it can definitely create some more difficult obstacles. But now there is no movement, which means that It must have other plans."

  At this point, Lindsay pointed to the girl in front of him:
  "For example, how to devour you, or to get rid of the dark abyss that is plotting against it."

  Hong was not frightened at all; He rolled his eyes angrily and said,

  "Okay, let's start fighting with something you can't see again, right?"

  Click -

  suddenly, a different sound came from in front of the waving pickaxe.

  Lindsay and Hong stopped moving almost at the same time, and their heads followed a torch and moved closer.

  A crystal cold plane appeared before their eyes.

  The chill emanating from it immediately caused the surrounding temperature to drop a bit.

  "It's ice!"

  "Have we dug under the glacier?"

  Lindsay immediately opened the map to check.

  Above the surface, there is actually still some distance from the glacier.

  But the glaciers near Montenegro have a larger volume beneath the surface. He and Hong dug too deep and hit the underground part of the glacier early.

  Next to Lindsay, Hong Ze has already begun to analyze the next move:

  "Lindsay, let's dig all the way there?"

  "Didn't those resuscitators say there are some tricks hidden under the Black Mountain? We just happened to sneak away without anyone noticing. Go in!"

  Lindsay nodded in agreement:
  "Okay, let's continue." Returning to the surface now is really not a good idea.

  This place is too close to Black Mountain, and there is a risk of being discovered immediately by the dragon beast when it appears on the ground.

  And judging from the fact that Dark Abyss has set up some means underground, the dragon beast's surveillance here should be greatly reduced.

  Digging tunnels is definitely the best choice right now!
  The two pickaxes continued to swing, and digging in the soil turned into advancing in the glacier.

  This is a completely different experience than digging a tunnel.

  Not only the surrounding environment became bone-chillingly cold.

  While digging, they would also inexplicably dig through some crevices in the glaciers, and sometimes they could see frozen bodies in the ice.

  Wait until they advance about 500 meters.

  Something bad happened.

  Lindsay dug into the ice wall in front with a pickaxe, and the corresponding ice cubes naturally fell down.

  Peng——! ! !
  In an instant, violent water gushes out.

  What appears behind the ice wall is not the glacier itself, but a stream of cold water!

  Hong subconsciously rushed forward, trying to block this place with his body:
  "Ah? Lindsay, did we dig in the wrong place?"

  "Gudong - burp!"

  The girl accidentally took a sip of ice water and couldn't help it. Hiccups.

  "Get out of my way!"

  Lindsay pulled away Hong's hand, and the ice cubes that turned into resources rushed towards the gap.

  Sizzle -

  there were some subtle sounds coming from the glacier, but the water flow was finally blocked.

  At this time, Lindsay and Hong looked at each other, both of them became wet, as if they had just taken a shower with their clothes on.



  Under each other's gazes, Lindsay and Hong breathed a sigh of relief in perfect harmony, and each leaned on the glacier beside them.

  Because the worst didn't happen.

  This water flow is different from the raging river on the surface.

  It is melted water in a real glacier environment and is not affected by any dragon beast skills.

  The moment the water flowed out, the two of them really had their hearts in their throats.

  Once these currents are related to dragon beasts.

  Their previous concealment was in vain, and they would even face a huge threat from above in the next second!

  The two of them paused for a few seconds, and Lindsay also analyzed the current situation:
  "This is probably the meltwater flow system inside the glacier, Hong, let's dig up."

  After saying that, Lindsay waved the meteorite pickaxe again and started to move upward. Digging.

  Hong also helped, and tentatively said:
  "You seem to have an idea again?"

  Lindsay nodded and replied:

  "There are indeed such water systems inside glaciers, and their existence often means larger ice caves and ice caves. Tunnel."

  Hong immediately understood what Lindsay was thinking:

  "So if we find a place like this, we can follow the tunnel instead of continuing to dig holes here!"

  Lindsay was noncommittal about this:

  "If you can save a little effort, just save it. One o'clock."

  A few minutes later.

  Lindsay and Red were forced to shower several more times with their clothes on.

  But they also managed to find a tunnel in the ice flowing with meltwater and found a place to stay inside.

  The two of them groped forward on ice mixed with melted water.

  When he came to a new place, Lindsay naturally had to open the map to scout the environment.

  As soon as the skill panel was opened.

  Lindsay's face darkened.

  The map that has always been very easy to use has become blurry in the front, as if it has been shrouded in a layer of fog!
  Something is preventing map exploration!
  (End of chapter)

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