251.Chapter 250 Artificial Glacier

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  Chapter 250: Artificial

  Glacier Lindsay’s exploration was not a sudden thought.

  It's not like he has any inexplicable hobby of cave exploration.

  It's because while falling into this huge ice cave, the taskbar on Lindsay's attribute panel was also updated!

  [Frozen City]

  [Under the glacier are hidden secrets belonging to the long past. Find and witness this ancient city that has been sleeping for a long time!

  【Mission reward: Hidden map of the frozen city, ancient gold coins. ]


  "Lindsay, is there something wrong with your brain?"

  Hong Ke didn't know about Lindsay's new discovery.

  The girl also analyzed along the lines of thinking that it was impossible to detect the terrain on a large scale.

  So on the vertical cliff, she reached out and patted Lindsay on the head:
  "We have to go to the bottom of the Black Mountain now."

  "It's a bit irrational to suddenly turn in a place like this, isn't it?"

  Lindsay only replied A knowing look from the past:

  "Hong, you know I have a lot of messy abilities."

  Hong immediately reacted:
  "Is there something down there?"

  Lindsay replied:

  "Yes, and it should be a city."

  " A city? It's the place where humans gather to live as you mentioned." Hong's tone was a little unbelievable, "Can people live in this damn place? You're not kidding like this, are you?"

  Lindsay looked at what was written on the taskbar. The word 'frozen':
  "I'm not kidding at all. There may or may not be people there, but there must be something there!"

  The red general was doubtful:
  "Then let's go down and have a look."

  Now that he knows there are secrets hidden under the glacier .

  Lindsay certainly wouldn't miss it.

  He crafted several daggers on his workbench to serve as ice picks.

  The two of them headed down the vertical ice surface. For Lindsay, it even felt like going back to climbing the Babel Vine.

  During the long and boring descent, Lindsay had another idea.

  When he first entered the glacier, he confirmed the state of the ice here.

  But there is a frozen city hidden beneath this location, so will there be any problems with the glacier that blocks it?
  Thinking of this, when Lindsay was descending, he took a look at the ice wall in front of him.

  [Material: Ice]

  [Ancient ice containing freezing air is not naturally formed.

  【Adding drinks can make ice drinks, but except in summer, the value is better than nothing.

  ——Ancient ice.

  ——Not naturally formed.

  Of these two descriptions, one rules out that it is something made by the dragon beast; the other confirms that the glaciers here are not naturally formed.

  Lindsay's mind flashed to what she saw on the ground.

  How big is the actual area of ​​the glacier that surrounds Montenegro?


  Lindsay curled her lips.

  This is definitely not something that can be guessed by visual inspection.

  And he also had some guesses about this frozen city.

  The hidden frontier next door, the original elemental realm, was completely shattered in an ancient war.

  Today, tens of thousands of years later, such an area has been restored.

  And the world of Montenegro.

  As the burial place of the Extermination Crown and the Righteous One, it must have been part of the battlefield at that time.

  This city is buried under the glacier.

  I'm afraid it was also a place that was affected by the war at that time!
  Lindsay couldn't help but think of the name of those who had awakened to the fifth stage or above - upgraded ones.

  Obviously, the awakened people before the fifth stage were just making small fuss.

  But once this limit is crossed, subsequent ability progress becomes extremely exaggerated.

  This world has specially formulated a watershed title for this stage of existence.

  "Now it seems that it is really appropriate."

  I sighed with emotion at this discovery.

  Lindsay did not deliberately conceal information like a character in a horror movie. She immediately informed the girl next to her:
  "Hong, the glaciers here should be man-made."

  Hong's expression was stunned:
  she was thinking of her own experience. Those six-stage monsters that have passed through:
  "I think the sixth-stage monsters definitely don't have this ability, right?"

  Lindsay pointed to the girl's chest:
  "But in that battle in the ancient past, the two of you who were at the peak of the eighth stage That guy has all died together. There are still some traces left in this world, which is reasonable..."

  "Huh?" During the chat.

  From the corner of her eye, Lindsay noticed a change below.

  The originally bottomless pitch black cave now had a hazy light!


  Lindsay immediately put away the torch.

  Hong realized something:
  "Are we almost there?"

  Lindsay nodded in the darkness:

  "Yes, be careful when you go down."

  Seeing that they were about to reach the bottom of the cave, both Lindsay and Hong couldn't help but slow down. action.

  As the two people's positions continued to decrease.

  The hazy light below gradually became clear.

  What appeared in their field of vision was not a complete city, but a complete ice surface like the glacier above.

  But here's the difference.

  There are some fluorescent fungi growing on the ice here. Their crowns are shaped like half-open umbrellas. On the blue umbrella caps, there are wavy stripes mixed with granular protrusions.

  It is these special fungi that provide light for this dark area.


  Lindsay didn't react immediately.

  But then, he realized that there was an unseen crisis below.

  Cave buried deep under the glacier, fungi that reproduce by spores, fluorescent blue shapes.

  When these factors come together, it is impossible to be a place where you can rest assured.

  "Hong, wait!"

  Lindsay grabbed Hong beside him.

  Under the girl's puzzled eyes, he made a mask out of brocade cloth and a fully enclosed helmet out of iron ingots.

  "The air below may not be right, bring these with you."

  Lindsay protected the two of them before continuing to land.

  When he reached the surface here, he took out his torch and shook it, and indeed he could see some tiny particles in the air.

  "Sucking this thing in, I'm afraid it's quite exciting."

  Lindsay sighed in a low voice, and at the same time walked over to these fungi to investigate.

  [Fungi: Phantom Ice Mushroom]

  [A highly toxic fungus that lives in extremely cold conditions. After being eaten, it will cause strong hallucinations, and then die in the hallucinations. ]

  [A rare and delicious mushroom with moderate value. ]

  "It's really fresh?"

  Lindsay picked one off and looked at the synthesis list.

  [1 Magic Ice Mushroom + 1 Acid Corrosion + 1 Lime Powder + 1 Water + 1 Glass Bottle = Ice Corrosive Poison]

  [1 Magic Ice Mushroom + 1 Ice Crystal + 1 Water + 1 Glass Bottle = Frozen Water]

  [1 Magic Ice Mushroom + 1 Fire Flower + 1 Water + 1 Glass Bottle = Adaptive Temperature Potion]

  "I think I can synthesize frozen water now?"

  People are here, so of course there is no reason to let go of the materials.

  Lindsay immediately started collecting these mushrooms, and also obtained some [Mushroom Spores] during the collection process.

  Lindsay has the airflow protection of a helmet, mask, and cloak, so of course she is not afraid of the environment here.

  But just to be on the safe side, he pushed Hong aside and let the girl take charge of guarding and vigilance.

  A few minutes passed, and Lindsay had collected quite a few magic ice mushrooms.

  Just when he was about to synthesize [Frozen Water], Hong beside him suddenly shouted to Lindsay:

  "Lindsay, look here!"

  The girl said she was on guard, but in fact she was in a daze out of boredom.

  With the help of the light of the torch, her eyes wandered wildly out of boredom, and she discovered an interesting fact.

  Under the ice.

  There seems to be a dark mass.

  Just because the distance was too deep, Lindsay and Hong couldn't find it before.

  "There is something frozen under the ice."

  "Lindsay, is this the frozen city you mentioned?"

  (End of Chapter)

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