248. Chapter 247 After the Snowstorm

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  Chapter 247 After the Snowstorm
  Two weeks later, the heavy snow almost turned the ground into a purgatory on earth.

  The bitter cold wind mixed with ice and snow raged in the mountains, blowing on the face like a knife. Even awakened ones like Lindsay and Red must stop and rest their posture from time to time.

  It's a cold world with almost no life in sight.

  However, after this hellish situation lasted for three days.

  The snow stopped without warning.

  The sun's rays broke through the thick dark clouds, and the temperature gradually warmed up.

  Hong was in disbelief, or rather confused:

  "Lindsay, the snow is going to stop?"

  "It has stopped." Lindsay corrected the girl's statement, and then speculated, "The dragon beast's original intention should be to prevent you from being there. Arrive at Montenegro at the critical moment instead of killing us here."

  Hong also reacted:

  "Since it can't be stopped, it can only be allowed to go?"

  Lindsay nodded and affirmed:
  "And I think, even if it is a plundering world It is impossible for a seven-stage powerhouse of the essence to maintain this kind of thing endlessly."

  After reaching the conclusion, Lindsay changed the subject:
  "But I think the dragon beast will definitely not succumb to reality. The cessation of the wind and snow, It also means that there are other things ahead that hinder our progress."

  Hong shrugged indifferently:

  "Then let's give it a try."

  Leaving the snow-covered weather, Lindsay and Hong stepped up their journey.

  Another sunset a week later.

  There were no traces left by the wind and snow around, and Lindsay and Hong started preparing the camp to rest as usual.

  this journey.

  They intercepted several more waves of resuscitators, and then used Hong's body to extract a lot of information.

  This time they were prepared and things went more smoothly.

  That guy called Dark Abyss.

  Instruct the resuscitators that if they find Hong, they will take her to the bottom of the Black Mountain and enter a secret passage under the glacier.

  An Abyss also doesn’t want Dragon Beast to meet Hong.

  This tunnel points directly to the bottom of Black Mountain. The position is so that Hong can approach secretly and use the means prepared in advance to counterattack the dragon beast.

  "Chirp Chirp——"

  At dusk.

  The songs of birds echoed in the bushes nearby.

  Lindsay turned around and saw several nightingales.

  These birds are solitary creatures and only travel together when they migrate. The previous snowstorm changed the temperature changes in Qianshan Stone Forest, so they fled here to continue to survive.

  "Does this count as singing to me?"

  Lindsay was tidying up the camp in front of the campfire while listening to the nightingale's song.

  At this time, the sky was no longer as strong as the galloping cold wind, but he still reclaimed farmland on the spot and started a new batch of material reserves.

  Not long after, Hong also came back.

  After the temperature returned to normal, the presence of wild beasts and monsters around him returned to normal.

  The girl easily caught the prey and came back with an antelope:
  "Lindsay, since we can hunt again, why do we have to cultivate food so frequently?"

  Lindsay immediately replied:

  "I am in the same predicament. I hope it will happen a second time."

  "Be more prepared now. If there is a dragon beast or something else next time, causing a predicament that prevents us from growing food, these reserves will come in handy."

  Hong He shrugged, somewhat disapprovingly:
  "Okay, anyway, you are much more careful than me."

  Seeing Lindsay plowing the farmland, Hong did not continue to bother her, and began to skin and process the antelope's meat.

  Hong's technique is a bit rusty, but he can handle such a job.

  But when it comes to cooking, she will definitely leave it to Lindsay to prepare the ingredients. After all, the temptation of perfect food is there.

  Wait until the dead antelope is roughly decomposed.

  Hongcai asked Lindsay on the other side:

  "Lindsay, we have killed more than a dozen resuscitators, and we have almost obtained the information." "

  According to what they said, Dark Abyss has full confidence in dealing with the dragon beast. This is true even if the opponent has advanced to the eighth stage. This means that his preparation must be very effective, and it can target the dragon beast so that it cannot resist."

  Lindsay nodded:

  "Yes, and this is for What you prepared must be closely related to it."

  Hong tried to ask: "Then let me disguise my identity, break into their influence, and then use the results of all this?"

  Lindsay's movements on the ground paused, and her tone changed. He had to become serious:

  "This is very dangerous for you."

  "Look at what you said." Hong smiled and asked, "Isn't our behavior of killing the dragon beast dangerous?"

  Lindsay also wanted to persuade, However, Hong Qiang said:

  "Lindsay, you explained to me the meaning of risk-taking risks to engage in certain activities." The

  girl's eyes were extremely firm, and there was no trace of fear in her pupils:

  "Since I have chosen this , then you should meet the challenge!"

  "Are you right?"


  The sun rises and sets, and the years fly by.

  Relying on the dual protection of maps and radar, Lindsay and Hong shuttled through the stone forest of thousands of mountains, almost completely hiding their traces.

  They bumped into other resuscitators on the road.

  But after obtaining enough intelligence, the two had no intention of continuing to expose their whereabouts. So he avoided these enemies and continued on his way in silence.

  This long and hidden journey took longer than imagined.

  It even needs to be measured in years!

  Although the temperature of Montenegro is almost unaffected by seasonal changes in the world.

  But a few months later, they left the Thousand Mountains Stone Forest and spent an entire cycle from spring to winter before finally seeing their destination in the distance.


  A cold wind blows from the east.

  The surrounding glaciers seemed to be in a deep sleep, and a dark solitary peak stood among them, like an island protruding from the undercurrent of the deep sea.

  The rising sun casts an orange halo on the snow beneath the Black Mountains.

  The black figure breaking through the clouds at a high altitude is extremely deep, as if an old man who has been sleeping for countless years is overlooking the cold world around him.

  "It's so beautiful..."

  Lindsay sighed subconsciously.

  Hong beside him nodded in agreement, but his tone was very dangerous:

  "Yes, it's quite beautiful."

  "It would be better if the dragon beast could be eliminated from this picture!"

  Lindsay glanced sideways:
  "Speak as if you can see the dragon beast."

  Hong smiled and said,
  "At least I feel it in my heart."

  Both of them have the ability to sense the essence.

  But at such a long distance, it is impossible to sense the dragon beast on the Black Mountain.

  The world is big enough to accommodate everything.

  At this moment, Hong suddenly pointed to the ground in front of him:

  "Lindsay, look over there!"

  Lindsay looked in the direction.

  The water flow from the melted glaciers converges into a wide river in the surrounding area. It blocks directly in front of the entire glacier area, and its surging momentum seems to be able to block all travelers who want to reach the other side.

  Hong continued to ask:
  "Didn't you read those notes to me before?"

  "The glaciers around Black Mountain shouldn't have gathered such a large river, right?"

  "You remember it correctly." Lindsay nodded first, then shook his head. , "This river at least did not appear until after the expedition team passed by, in the past hundred years!"

  Hong shook his head disdainfully:
  "In this year, I thought it would come up with some winning way to stop it. As for me, I didn't expect to come here?"

  The girl turned to look at Lindsay:

  "Lindsay, do you think there will be anything weird in the water? We'll be done with it after we jump in!" "

  Haha! ——"

  Lindsay sneered and took out the meteorite pickaxe from his bag:
  "Only a fool would go into this river if he knew there was a problem."

  "Red, take out your guy too, let's dig a tunnel there!"

  ( End of this chapter)

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