247. Chapter 246 Contradictions in the Shadows

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  Chapter 246 Conflict in the Shadows
  Among the thousands of mountains and stone forests, the heavy snow continued.

  Lindsay and Hong continued to rush forward in the wind and snow, but their mentality was completely different from before.

  They already know the true situation in Montenegro.

  We even got a lot of very crucial information!
  The leader of chaos called Dark Abyss is plotting against the dragon beast, and both sides are at odds with each other.

  Take advantage of the seemingly inseparable relationship between these two guys.

  There are many different ways to reach the end of this trip.

  However, in the wind and snow, stepping on the snow under his feet, Lindsay still asked Hong:
  "Hong, are you sure you want to go to Montenegro?"

  "The power of that dragon beast is very likely to cause the... This soul has revived again. If she returns in full glory, it will not be suppressed by you and a [Crazy Wisdom Wood Core]."

  Hong's voice sounded extremely firm in the heavy snow:
  "Lindsay, I am. Now I know my origin."

  "But this does not mean that the malice of the dragon beast towards me has disappeared."

  "That guy's power comes from this body. In the past, due to various scruples, greed and cowardice, he could only take me Hidden on the far side of the world; but once it has the confidence to deal with these problems, how can it let me go?"

  Lindsay smiled and replied:

  "So it seems that we have the same goal now?"

  Hong looked Yi Lin said in a very serious tone:
  "Lindsay, when I woke up, or on the first day of my birth."

  "I can't forget the scene at that time."

  "You said that we are going to leave next It will be an exciting adventure!"

  "I still firmly believe in this, and I will never give up halfway!"

  Saying this reminded Lindsay.

  He thought of the corpse of the resuscitator in the cave just now.

  Except for the one who had no bones after the self-destruction, the bodies of the other two resuscitators were burned by Lindsay simply.

  After all, this thing is about life and death.

  It's definitely a destabilizing factor.

  Especially after the kill, the only material given was the simplest bone meal, which can be called Lindsay's most undesirable prey at the moment!

  He thought about his conversations with the resuscitators.

  A very possible hypothesis immediately came to mind:
  "Hong, our current situation may not be good."

  Hong turned his gaze slightly:
  "What else have you discovered?"

  Lindsay said:

  "What else? Do you remember why these resuscitators came here?"

  Of course Hong will not forget:
  "Because An Abyss noticed something strange in the Crystal Valley, so they sent them to check the situation."

  Lindsay continued to advance the topic:

  "So An Abyss is now Where?"

  Hong replied without thinking:

  "Black Mountain."

  Lindsay then expressed her real concerns:
  "Yes, Black Mountain. But from Black Mountain to Thousand Mountains Stone Forest, it is almost half the world's journey. In this case Under the premise of being far away, An Abyss not only noticed the changes in time, but also issued orders to the resuscitators in Qianshan Stone Forest!"

  Hong immediately reacted:
  "This shows that they have a long-distance communication method!"

  "No. Wrong." Lindsay nodded and affirmed, "If we take the worst guess, the fact that we took action against these resuscitators has even been known by the other party using this method!"

  Lindsay then brought up two opposing facts:

  "Dark Abyss hopes that you can swallow the power of the dragon beast and restore it to the original crown of extinction, so he must hope that you can reach Black Mountain smoothly." "

  But in contrast, the dragon beast never wants to see such a thing happen."

  "It must have the idea of ​​​​devouring this body completely. But that must be something it will do only after it confirms that it is safe."

  Hong nodded in agreement:

  "So we should find a way to deal with this bad situation. Turn it into an advantage. The conflict between the dragon beast and the dark abyss is the best condition to take advantage of right now!" "


  Lin Ma was about to express his thoughts.

  But at this moment, his steps stopped.

  Because of the map skill, Lindsay saw red dots appearing in front of her again, and this time there were 5 of them!
  In this huge snowstorm. What are the chances of meeting a monster running around?

  "Really, Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here." Lindsay sighed, and immediately informed the girl next to him of the news, "Hong, there are resuscitators approaching from the front."

  Hong showed a confident smile:

  "I Understand, this is our chance!"


  Just as Lindsay and Hong were rushing in the heavy snow, discussing how to take advantage of all these environmental factors.

  On top of the Black Mountain.

  The thin figure also came to the top of the mountain again and stood at the entrance of the dragon beast's lair.

  He bent forward and lowered his head, hiding his face in the shadow. His tone was also respectful:

  "Sir, I have sent people to Qianshan Stone Forest to investigate the situation."

  "But according to the news they sent, you caused a stir in that land. A terrible blizzard, which may greatly hinder the actions of your loyal men."

  The dragon beast did not even leave its lair.

  Its voice came from the dark cave, and the cold breath lingered among the mountain tops:

  "My past ethnic group chose to betray."

  "I give them the only freedom in this world, and there is no need to contribute the source material. Come out. But they disobeyed the order and set foot in the forbidden place."

  "I give them tolerance, or I can give them destruction!"

  The thin figure immediately gave the reason he had prepared long ago:

  "But, sir, your advancement It's plundering the world's essence, which is closely related to the state of the entire world!"

  "A minor weather change will certainly not cause any trouble." "

  But a blizzard that affects such a large area and lasts for a long time will definitely affect The state of the earth will have a great impact on your advancement!"

  The thin figure thought that the dragon beast would accept his advice.

  But the next second.

  The voice in the dragon beast's lair decisively refused:
  "They challenge my dignity. This is absolutely unacceptable rebellion!"

  The thin figure said quickly:
  "Sir, we should focus on the overall situation!"

  "As long as you can successfully advance to the eighth stage, no matter your ethnicity, Or..."

  "Enough!" The dragon beast suddenly interrupted the figure's advice. The next second, a deafening roar resounded throughout the world, "I will definitely succeed in advancing, and I will never fail in this matter!"


  the huge mountain peak began to tremble, and the dragon beast's voice, full of majesty and oppression, echoed on the glacier. and the lonely Black Mountain:
  "I am the Lord of Black Mountain, the ruler of the world."

  "This power is destined to belong to me, and no one can take it away!"

  "Dark Abyss, I am very grateful to you for your support over the past hundred years. Guidance, but in this world now, I am the destiny!"


  "My loyalty to you can be seen in the sun and the moon!"

  The figure was silent for a moment.

  He gave up his advice almost immediately, and replied firmly in the blink of an eye:

  "Sir, everything is as you wish!"

  "I also believe from the bottom of my heart that everything in the world of Montenegro will surrender to your will. Get off!"


  The dragon beast's lair was quiet for a few seconds, and then the cold voice sounded:

  "Now that you know, then go and do what you should do."


  "Your will, I Dear Sir."

  The thin figure bowed and saluted.

  A trace of gloom flashed across his hidden face, and then he hurried down the mountain.

  (End of chapter)

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