246. Chapter 245 Crown of Extinction

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  Chapter 245: The Crown of Extinction
  "Potatoes, cabbage, and the wheat here..."

  In the underground cave, Lindsay was handling resourced farmland alone.

  The area of ​​land he cultivated was not too large.

  But since it only needs to supply the needs of two people and can be repeated on the road later, these amounts of food are considered sufficient.

  After finishing harvesting the food, Lindsay returned to the campfire.

  Hong was lying quietly on the ground.

  After the [Crazy Wisdom Wooden Core] was inserted into the body, the battle between the two souls fell into a special state due to the newly added influence.

  As the master who controlled the body at that time, Hong didn't hesitate at all.

  She immediately launched a full-scale attack on the ancient soul in her body, and then fell into a coma due to the excessive impact.

  At this moment, the sleeping girl frowned.

  In her hand, she held the [Large Purple Crystal Cluster] that Lindsay had stuffed in. The crystals that enhance her psychic resistance were also helping her fight.

  Lindsay watched quietly for a while.

  Gu -

  the regular schedule of the source of life, reminds Lindsay that it is time to eat.

  He rubbed his stomach and said,

  "Anyway, let's cook first."

  "This guy will inevitably need to eat when he wakes up later. It's time to take care of it all."

  Taking out the newly cultivated grain, Lindsay began to prepare for the day. dinner.

  While waiting for the skill to progress, his mind began to drift away.

  [Crazy Wisdom Wood Core] is a trophy obtained after defeating the Tree Mother. It has the function of stabilizing the soul and self-awareness. It can be said that it is the most suitable for Hong's state.

  Lindsay didn't feel too sorry for this precious material.

  "But if there are enough materials, you can also make a soul-soothing potion."

  "Suppose it were in this situation, would the effect be better?"

  Ding -

  at this moment, the cooking pointer reached the perfect range.

  Lindsay immediately controlled his skills, and a perfect stew was caught in his hand in a wooden bowl.


  "What does this smell like?"

  The wonderful smell of perfect food appeared in the cave.

  Hong, who had been unconscious for a while, finally opened his eyes again, and then saw Lindsay looking at him.

  "Uh...good morning?"

  With this greeting, Lindsay had already determined the outcome of the battle for the soul.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart, which was ready to take out a weapon at any time, also relaxed.

  However, Lindsay still had a serious face on the surface:
  "Prove your identity first."

  "I'm not sure who the person in this body is right now."


  Hong blinked:
  "Then you ask me some questions. Questions, such as things that only the two of us know?"

  Lindsay immediately refused:
  "If that guy swallows your soul, these memories won't be able to escape."

  The girl opened her mouth slightly, obviously not knowing what to do now:

  "Then how should I prove myself?"

  "If our common experiences can't prove it, then I...then I...Lindsay, what do you want?"

  Lindsay said:

  "Then take that guy's memory first Tell me, at least this is sincerity."

  Upon hearing such a request, Hong's expression became even more embarrassing:

  "That guy's memory..."

  "Lindsay, my current state is just suppressing her soul, there is no way. ..."


  Suddenly, Hong reacted:
  "Don't you have some kind of identification ability? Just grab my hand and try it and you will know!"

  "You react very quickly." Lindsay didn't either. Keep teasing Red.

  He grabbed the girl's hand and helped her up. At the same time, the product information also underwent a round of appraisal. [Humans: Lost in Essence/Awakened]

  [Awakened ones who regained possession of Essence from a lost state are still in the process of recovery.

  【Slave with special status. The slave contains an ancient soul. Once awakened, it will be dangerous. ]

  "Lindsay, I'm hungry."

  Hong's voice sounded, and Lindsay directly handed over the stew in her hand.

  "It's ready for you, come and eat."

  Hong took the dinner and took a sip of the soup first, then looked up at Lindsay:
  "Lindsay, have you eaten?"

  Lindsay shook her head:

  "Waiting. You, not yet."

  Hong's eyes were a little dazed, and then he handed the stew back:

  "Then you eat first."


  "Let's not be polite, let's eat together."

  Lindsay and Hong finished eating together. This bowl of stew.

  The two of them sat on the ground around the campfire, as they had done every night during their journey.

  In an inexplicably reassuring atmosphere, Lindsay spoke again:
  "Hong, since you won the battle for the soul, you should also have received some benefits, right?"

  Hong nodded immediately:
  "Yes, I am very sure of mine now. Skill is the way to slaughter."

  "If you continue to advance, this power will have extremely powerful destructive power. Even the tree mother of the Starry Forest will never be my opponent!"

  Lindsay What she is more concerned about is the acquisition of information:
  "What about the memories of the past?"

  At this point, Hong's expression became dissatisfied:

  "At the last moment of the soul's struggle, she realized her failure, so she tried her best to save the memories. Since it was blocked, I only got a small part of the information."

  Hong sneered:
  "Haha - a guy who can't afford to lose."

  Lindsay continued to ask:

  "Tell me what you know?"

  Hong nodded lightly, Then he continued:

  "She was once the leader of an army, known as the Crown of Extinction, and fought a decisive battle with the enemy in a place called the Elemental Realm. That war even tore the entire world apart, and finally she came here, Died together with the enemy's commander."

  Lindsay confirmed:
  "Is it the righteous man in the Crystal Valley?"

  Hong affirmed:

  "Yes, that's right there."

  "These two guys are both awakened at the peak of the eighth stage, so everything we encountered happened now."

  Lindsay changed the question and continued to ask:
  " Regarding Dark Abyss, what about the guy who is bewitching the Chaosdramon?"

  Hong stretched out his hand and pointed at himself:

  "He is this guy's subordinate, a seven-stage chaos leader." "

  But after recovery, his strength should be weakened. , but at least it is at the sixth stage."

  Lindsay continued to obtain information.

  The memory that Hong snatched happened to be the period before the other party's death.

  To summarize briefly, this guy called the Crown of Extinction led the army to fight against the righteous man named 'Sword of Righteousness', and finally died together.

  However, because of the power of the Extinction Crown, it has a deep connection with the Resurrectionists.

  Therefore, her death is not absolute, but she has the opportunity to be resurrected in the distant future.

  All this is the cause of the series of events in Montenegro.

  Learned the whole story from Hong's mouth.

  Lindsay sorted out her thoughts from this new information, and her concerned eyes fell on the girl in front of her:

  "Hong, does that soul still have a chance to resist?"

  Hong was very sure of this.

  She nodded vigorously, with a smile symbolizing victory on her face:

  "Don't worry about this."

  "If she can't obtain the essence of her past, then she will never be able to get ahead!"

  (End of this chapter)

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