245. Chapter 244 Soul intertwining

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  Chapter 244 Soul intertwining
  boom! ! !
  Flesh and blood mixed with impact, erupting in the limited underground space.

  At the critical moment, Lindsay instantly spread out the materials in her luggage to form two walls, sandwiching the sarcoma in the middle.

  Bang - boom!

  This action is quite timely.

  The two walls that were not completely sealed sandwiched the sarcoma, and the impact of the explosion was directed to a vertical plane.

  It's like a flattened cheese sandwich.

  Corrupted flesh and blood splashed out from the pinch between the two walls, directly drawing a disgusting straight line in the cave.

  The impact of the explosion was resisted by Lindsay's timely response.

  But the breath of death in the resuscitator's body is not included in this.

  This dark and treacherous power spread outward in the form of the source of life. The moment it came into contact with Lindsay, he was immediately excluded by the power of the source of life.

  However, on the other side, Hong had no such experience.

  The moment this power came into contact with her, it was like a wanderer who had been away from home for a long time, finding his destination, and immediately penetrated into Hong's body.


  Hong reacted almost instantly.

  The resuscitator believed she was being manipulated by Lindsay, so she resisted by self-destructing.

  At the same time, the power of the resuscitator was also introduced into her body.

  This is to let Hong awaken his true self and let Lindsay, the 'body thief', reap the consequences!
  "He wants me to recover..."


  Hong fell to his knees before he could continue his analysis.

  Severe pain emerged from his mind again.

  And this time, the memory was not awakened by Sanzhu Lake, nor was it awakened by the familiar things in Crystal Valley.

  This is the power of skills that comes from the same origin.

  In an instant, the consciousness that had been buried for a long time began to revive in a real sense.

  The girl covered her head with one hand and supported the wall that Lindsay had just raised with the other hand.

  Cold sweat broke out from her body, and her body began to tremble uncontrollably.

  If she were resuscitating from a dead body.

  Then this soul and will can naturally take over the body that belongs to her smoothly.

  But on Hong's body.

  There was something unexpected.

  After Lindsay rescued her from beneath the swamp, the girl did not follow the normal recovery process, but came back to life as a sefirot lost person.

  From her completely blank consciousness, a new soul was born.

  And with the help of Lindsay, he has his own source of energy!
  Under the rules of the Awakened.

  It's almost a whole new life.

  Although the past consciousness resurrected in the red body at this moment has an incomparably strong will, it lacks the support of the original source of energy.

  Two souls, the old and the new, are entangled together, and neither one is willing to lose himself in surrender.


  "Ah, get out of here - I am the master!"

  "Then try it, don't even think about defeating me!"

  "Kill! Ahhh!"

  "Damn it!"

  "You are a righteous person. Despicable person!"

  A chaotic roar sounded from the red mouth.

  The sparkling cave seemed to flicker and sway due to the battle between two souls.

  Snap -

  Lindsay walked around the wall and came to Hong.

  He stroked the girl's back with one hand and checked her status without hesitation.

  [Human: Seigen Lost/Crown of Extinction]

  [This body contains two souls. The souls of the lost with the skills of the sefirot and the souls of the strong who have lost their power are competing for the dominance of this body. ]

  [The specific value depends on who controls the body. ] "..."

  "New soul."

  Lindsay and Hong ventured all the way here.

  To say that he is not worried about whether he has unleashed a demon king is naturally impossible.

  Now, product information presents the facts before your eyes.

  What he rescued from the dungeon under the swamp was indeed not a princess, but a demon king.

  But it's just the other person's body.

  The soul that has gone through this journey with him is a new life born from a blank body, and is definitely not a villain carrying sin and infinite evil thoughts.

  Lindsay would not hesitate at all about what to do at this time.

  Ignoring Hong's pain, he straightened the girl's body so that their eyes met.

  Lindsay saw it clearly.

  In the familiar pair of ruby-red eyes, two chaotic consciousnesses were fighting.

  One of them is ancient and vicissitudes of life, full of indifference and anger towards life.

  The other side is young and impulsive, but full of unyielding and decisive will to win!

  At this time, Hong spoke:


  The girl suddenly interrupted herself:
  "Shut up! Lindsay, I will never lose, just watch me here!"

  The next second, indifference. The consciousness gained the upper hand:
  "Stupid, this body belongs to me, it is just a floating body born between the ebb and flow of the tide."

  She then looked at Lindsay in front of her:
  "Human, I give you the qualification to witness this for yourself...

  " Buzz -

  the ancient and cold voice stopped suddenly.

  The sound of magnetic field constraining plasma sounded in the erratic cave at this moment.

  The ancient soul looked down at his belly.

  She saw a blue light beam piercing her body, and severe pain and burning sensation instantly occupied her nerves.

  The ancient souls had never seen such a weapon.

  But she didn't have time to think more. This physical blow had an instant impact on the process of soul dispute.

  Under the interference of pain, the ancient will fell into confusion.

  Immediately afterwards, those lustful eyes lit up again, and then he was about to curse:
  "Lindsay, what did you mean when you stabbed me? You..."

  Before Hong could finish her words, she was immediately interrupted by Lindsay. :
  "Hong, it might hurt a little."

  "But bear with it and focus on your body. This is the only thing I can do for you."

  "Huh?" Hong looked confused.

  But Lindsay wasn't about to miss the moment when Red's consciousness took over.


  At this moment, the light of the lightsaber disappeared.

  Lindsay took out the [Crazy Wisdom Wooden Core] from her bag and stuffed it directly into the wound that Hong had just been stabbed.

  The moment of contact with flesh and blood.

  [Crazy Wisdom Wood Core] stretches out endless roots and spreads around, and then merges with Hong's body. The cry in the item description seemed to ring out at this moment.

  "My instinct is to survive, my will is to fight!"

  Immediately afterwards, the effect of [Crazy Wisdom Wood Core] to enhance physical fitness and improve self-healing ability began to take effect. The newly punctured wound on the red belly was immediately covered by growing roots, and was healed in the blink of an eye.

  Lindsay felt the body she was holding suddenly light.

  The girl fell into his arms and murmured softly like a whisper:
  "Lin... Sai..., you, messy... thing..."

  "This is not a mess!"

  Lindsay interrupted Hong.

  He gently stroked the other person's back as tall as a willow, with long silky hair at his fingertips. Lindsay's tone was extremely certain:

  "This is the treasure we get after killing the enemy together."

  "It is also the most worthy. Use it for times like this."

  (End of chapter)

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